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Tri NovelojTri NovelojA. S. Pukin naskiis en Moskvo 26. V. 1799. Li devenis el antikva nobela familio, kies anoj estas plurfoje menciataj en la historio de Ruslando. uinte brilan instruadon, li jam en sia junao, estinte ankora lernanto de la imperiestra Aleksander-liceo, komencis verki versaojn,...
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HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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Amid the High HillsAmid the High HillsFor many years past from time to time I have contributed articles on sport and natural history to various journals. It was recently suggested to me that I should publish these articles in book form, and I was fortunate enough to...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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Saara: RomaaniSaara: RomaaniAvioliitto vanhempain vlill solmittiin kahdentenakymmenenten sunnuntaina pyhst kolminaisuudesta, vahvistettiin sek papin ett lukkarin allekirjoituksella, ja vietettiin lopen ikvill pidoilla; vieraat koristivat jykkin seinuksia milloin eivt veisanneet pitki, surunsekaisia virsi, tai eivt kertoneet juorujuttuja naapureista, eli puhuneet synnin kauhistuksesta ja uudestasyntymisen autuudesta. Morsian oli...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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Two years in the French West IndiesTwo years in the French West IndiesA Midsummer Trip to the Tropics Martinique Sketches: I. Les Porteuses II. La Grande Anse III. Un Revenant IV. La Guiablesse V. La Vrette VI. Les Blanchisseuses VII. La Pele VIII. 'Ti Canoti IX. La Fille de Couleur...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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Nuevas cartas americanasNuevas cartas americanasLa unidad de civilizacin y de lengua, y en gran parte de raza tambin, persiste en Espaa y en esas Repblicas de Amrica, pesar de su emancipacin independencia de la metrpoli. Cuanto se escribe en espaol en ambos mundos es literatura espaola,...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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Die Engel mit dem SpleenDie Engel mit dem Spleen Ich warne unbefangene Leute, sich in diese Geschichte einzulassen, die sich aus Kriminalitten und Unwahrscheinlichkeiten zusammensetzt und vielleicht nicht einmal zeitgem scheint. Es werden in ihr die Menschen weder verdorben noch zu jenen dekorativen Luterungen aufgerufen, mit denen der...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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The Radio Boys in Darkest AfricaThe Radio Boys in Darkest AfricaNor is that to be wondered at. The predicament of their head man, Wimba, a Kikuyu of superior parts whose services they had been fortunate enough to obtain at Nairobi, administrative capital of British East Africa or Kenya Colony,...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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The Horse's FriendThe Horse's Friend - The Only Practical Method of Educating the Horse and Eradicating Vicious Habits; Followed by a Variety of Valuable Recipes, Instructions in Farriery, Horse-shoeing, the Latest Rules of Trotting, and the Record of Fast Horses Up to 1876To His Excellency, Ulysses...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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Warrior of Two WorldsWarrior of Two WorldsHe was the man of two planets, drawn through the blackness of space to save a nation from ruthless invaders. He was Yandro, the Stranger of the Prophecyand he found that he was destined to fight both sides. My senses came...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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Bouvard und Pécuchet: Roman aus dem NachlassBouvard und Pécuchet: Roman aus dem NachlassDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1922 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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Quartz from the UplandsQuartz from the UplandsThe all-prevailing, pervading, constant, ever changing. From Winters silence, breathing, sighing, sleeping, creeping on to Spring with sap, with shoot, with bud and flower, hour on hour playing, plying gentleness and power for Summers rest to temper strength for birth in...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 1227Sewage and sewerage of farm homes [1922]The main purpose of home-sewerage works is to get rid of sewage in such way as (1) to guard against the transmission of disease germs through drinking water, flies, or other means; (2) to avoid creating nuisance. What...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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Story of the Life of St. Paul, the ApostleStory of the Life of St. Paul, the Apostle Of all the Christians that have ever lived, there is, perhaps, not one whose life is invested with a greater interest than that of St. Paul the Apostle. A Jew of the tribe of Benjamin,...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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From India to the planet Mars: A study of a case of somnambulism with glossolaliaFrom India to the planet Mars: A study of a case of somnambulism with glossolaliaIn the month of December, 1894, I was invited by M. Aug. Lematre, Professor of the College of Geneva, to attend some seances of a non-professional medium, receiving no compensation...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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The Craft of Athenian PotteryThe Craft of Athenian Pottery - An Investigation of the Technique of Black-Figured and Red-Figured Athenian VasesFor our knowledge of the technique of Athenian vases we have various sources of information. There are a number of references to the craft in ancient literature; we...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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Everyday AmericansEveryday AmericansThis is emphatically not a war book; and yet the chapters that follow, in one sense, are the fruits of the war, inasmuch as they represent reflections upon his own people by one returning to a familiar environment after active contact with English,...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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The Body at Work: A Treatise on the Principles of PhysiologyThe Body at Work: A Treatise on the Principles of PhysiologyFew subjects are as well provided with text-books as physiology; yet it may be doubted whether the interests of the amateur of science have been adequately cared for. From his point of view there...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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The castles and abbeys of England; Vol. 1 of 2The castles and abbeys of England; Vol. 1 of 2 - from the national records, early chronicles, and other standard authors The Castle Of Arundel. List of Illustrations: The Castle Of Arundel. The Abbey Of St. Albans. List of Illustrations: The Abbey Of St....
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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Color Standards and Color NomenclatureColor Standards and Color Nomenclature - With fifty-three colored plates and eleven hundred and fifteen named colorsThe motive of this work is THE STANDARDIZATION OF COLORS AND COLOR NAMES. The terminology of Science, the Arts, and various Industries has been a most important factor...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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Ernst Koch's GedichteErnst Koch's Gedichte - Aus dessen Nachlasse gesammelt und herausgegeben von einem Freunde des Verstorbenen Der Name Ernst Koch, dessen poetischen Nachla wir in dieser Sammlung der Oeffentlichkeit bergeben, hat in der Tagesliteratur bereits einen zu guten Klang, als da wir hier sein Lob...
- HK$50.15
HK$100.35- HK$50.15
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