Public Domain
A régi jó táblabirák: RegényA régi jó táblabirák: RegényMikor ifjak voltunk, gy szgyenlettk fiatalsgunkat, gy hajtottuk, hogy br csak mr vnek volnnk, br megrnk a blcsesg veit, ne hnnak bennnket gyermekeknek tbb; s ime eljtt az regsg, szl hajval, keser tapasztalsaival, idjs bajokkal minden tagjaiban; itt is fj,...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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The Old-Time Spelling School In Three PartsThe Old-Time Spelling School; In Three PartsThis poem was not written to bring fame, nor to waft a fortune; for, fame and fortune are but small incidents when compared with the higher things in life. It was composed more for pleasurethe pleasure of meditating...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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Alleluja: dramma in tre attiAlleluja: dramma in tre atti In casa di Alessandro Fara. Una di quelle caratteristiche sale da pranzo di famiglie borghesi che servono anche un poco da salotto di ricevimento. Grande porta al fondo che mette in anticamera. Porte ai lati. A destra, sul lato...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX: No. 1019, July 8, 1899The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX: No. 1019, July 8, 1899Sheila hung back a moment; she had an instinct that her aunt would be vexed, but she never knew how to refuse Ronalds suggestions, made in a half masterful, half-pleading way. He took her...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 9, September, 1883The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 9, September, 1883John H. Washburn, Chairman; A.P. Foster, Secretary; Lyman Abbott, Alonzo S. Ball, A.S. Barnes, C.T. Christensen, Franklin Fairbanks, Clinton B. Fisk, S.B. Halliday, Samuel Holmes, Charles A. Hull, Samuel S. Marples, Charles L. Mead, Wm....
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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The Life and Times of Queen Victoria vol. 1 of 4The Life and Times of Queen Victoria; vol. 1 of 4The first Eleven Chapters of this Work are from the pen of the late Mr. Edmund Ollier, to whom the Publishers originally entrusted the commission to write ita commission which he was compelled to...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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On Being Negro in AmericaOn Being Negro in AmericaWhat a self-conscious people your Negroes are! a recent French visitor exclaimed. He was right. The Negro lives constantly on two planes of awareness. Watching the telecast of a boxing match between Ezzard Charles, the Negro who happened to be...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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The Rollo SeriesRollo Learning to ReadIn those intervals of rest which the serious cares and labors of life imperiously demand, a man may find the best amusement for himself in efforts for the amusement of children. This little work and its predecessor, Rollo Learning to Talk,...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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Oeuvres complètes, tome 2Oeuvres complètes, tome 2Ne vous fchez point, docteur, dit mon pre en souriant, avec un air d'embarras. Il faut que vous sachiez que vous n'tes ici qu'en qualit d'auxiliaire. Ce sont les termes d'un trait solennel qui s'est fait, bien contre mon gr, entre...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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Ulla ja MarkUlla ja Mark Kukaan ei saata kehua pitneens Jonatanista enemmn kuin min, jatkoi Sofia neiti mutta sin tiedt, sisar, ett Anna ei mielestni ole osoittanut minua kohtaan sit huomaavaisuutta ja osanottoa, jota hnen olisi pitnyt, kun hnen klyns oli onneton ja hyljtty. Turhaa puhetta....
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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Ristilukki: RakkauskertomusRistilukki: RakkauskertomusJumaluusopin ylioppilas Juho Kostia oli koko pivn etsinyt asuntoa. Hnen toverinsa, luonnontieteit lueskeleva Helge Hollander oli jo ruvennut kyllstymn. Mutta Juho oli itsepintaisesti vittnyt asunnon viel lytyvn. He istuivat Esplanaadin penkille kaasulyhdyn alle tarkastelemaan "Hufvudstadsbladetin" takasivua; se oli jo moneen kertaan lpikyty, mutta...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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From Midshipman to Field MarshalFrom Midshipman to Field MarshalAncestryParentageThe Grammar School and College at MarlboroughI become a Naval Cadet. The Woods, from whom I am descended, were for hundreds of years owners of Hareston Manor, Brixton, a small village near Plymouth. There is a record of a John...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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Quest on IoQuest on IoGravel grated on a rock ledge not five feet above him and a Ganymedian honey bear stepped daintily into view. It was about the size of a fox, had sleek, heavy brown wool interspersed with longer black hairs, and a round, intelligent...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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Revolt in the Ice KingdomRevolt in the Ice EmpireSo much has been written into the permanent chronologies of science concerning our pioneer voyage to the little asteroid of Zurafacts and figures and sociological deductions, most of which are, of actuality, erroneousthat even now after these many years, I...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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The Story of a Great Delusion in a Series of Matter-of-Fact ChaptersThe Story of a Great Delusion in a Series of Matter-of-Fact ChaptersThere are few matters among educated people upon which opinion is so absolute and so ill-informed as vaccination. They will tell you it has stopped smallpox and does no harm, and if you...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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Tales About Birds, Illustrative of Their Nature, Habits, and InstinctsTales About Birds, Illustrative of Their Nature, Habits, and InstinctsBirds are such universal favourites, and the Stories connected with their Habits and Instincts so varied and interesting, as to make me feel confident that the Volume now offered to my young readers will meet...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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Psychomancy: Spirit-Rappings and Table-Tippings ExposedPsychomancy: Spirit-Rappings and Table-Tippings ExposedThe wide-spread and alarming mania of Spirit-rappings and table-tippings of the present day, is only a modification, or new garb, of devilish instrumentalities, operating through human machinations, which have infested society from time immemorial. We start with this proposition, harsh...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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When the Word is Given..When the Word is Given... - A Report on Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and the Black Muslim WorldThis book comes at a time when the American race issue seems at a climax. Disturbing though it may be, it is encouraging that such a book...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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Goddess of the MoonGoddess of the MoonDeath hid behind a smile in the white-and-gold city of Gral-Thala. Gibson, Earth-spy off the derelict strathoship, well knew his captive-fate. But if he died, then the Good Green planet perished from the Gray Death.... If he died, then died Diana,...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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Sheer Off: A TaleSheer Off: A Tale"Why, there are the church-bells a-ringing! as if it wasn't enough to have all the school-boys going in procession with their garlands, and nosegays, and nonsense!" exclaimed Nancy Sands, the wife of the Clerk of Colme, as she stood in the...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.62- HK$49.78
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