Public Domain
The little country theaterThe little country theaterOne day, about three weeks before the Christmas holidays, two young men came to see me. I shall never forget the incident because to me it marked one of the most fascinating episodes in the social life of country people. One...
- HK$49.13
HK$157.28- HK$49.13
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Beadle's pocket novels No. 100Old Bear-Paw, the trapper king; or, The love of a Blackfoot queen"I wonder what has become of that everlasting Yankee? He promised to meet me here at noon, yet I have stood here and seen the shadows of these old pines lengthen for the...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Der Musterknabe: Ein Roman aus den MasurenDer Musterknabe: Ein Roman aus den MasurenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der Buchausgabe von 1924 so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen, sowie mundartlich gefrbte Passagen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert. Das Original...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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JennyJennyProduced by: Jens Sadowski, Reiner Ruf, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This book was produced from scanned images of public domain material, provided by the German National Library.) Der vorliegende Text wurde anhand der Buchausgabe von 1921 so weit wie mglich...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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La vigne et la maison: romanLa vigne et la maison: romanIl y avait des mois que Mme Dupouy tait trs malade. Ses robes noires, rtrcies plusieurs fois par la couturire, flottaient autour delle. Quand elle descendait la rue du village, allant la gare pour prendre le train, des regards...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Harmaa linna: eli Kertomus Ristilän hovistaHarmaa linna: eli Kertomus Ristilän hovistaI. Suon laidassa. II. Stella. III. Pastori Ortman. IV. Kotiopettaja ja perhe. V. Luku, jossa muun muassa puhutaan ttyruohosta. VI. Trkehk luku. VII. Stella ja Rene. VIII. Rene Stellan sijalla. IX. Ern kvelyretken seuraukset. X. Odottamattoman onnen vaikutus. XI....
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Boy Scouts' badge of courageThe Boy Scouts' badge of courageI thought we would soon hear that cry for help from Tubby. His mind seems to run along the eating groove most of the time. A growing boy, eh? If he keeps on expanding much more, hell be as...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Beadle's Pocket Series No. 101Redlaw, the half-breed; or, The tangled trail. A tale of the settlements"Well, gentlemen, I propose we get to business. I for one have no time to waste, and there are plenty of us present for a beginning," and the speaker glanced approvingly around the...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Forest Pilot: A Story for Boy ScoutsThe Forest Pilot: A Story for Boy ScoutsThe November sun that had been red and threatening all day, slowly disappeared behind a cloud bank. The wind that had held steadily to the south for a week, now shifted suddenly to the northeast, coming as...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Rehti-JaakkoRehti-JaakkoRehti-Jaakko, tmn kertomuksen sankari, syntyi ihmisten ilmoille erss laivassa, sellaisessa tavarain kuljetuslaivassa, joita on lukemattomia Thames-joella ja joita sanotaan lastiveneiksi. Semmoista lastivenett Rehti-ukko kuljetti ollen vaimonsa kanssa sen ainoana laivavken, ja siin pieness uiskentelevassa maailmassa vietti Jaakko aikaisimman lapsuutensa. Valitettavasti kyll ei hnelle voinut...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Down the line with John HenryDown the line with John Henry Then I confided to her the fact that I doped a turtle named "Pink Toes" to win the next day, but he went over the fence after a loose bunch of grass and I lose $23,680. When we...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The end of the house of AlardThe end of the house of AlardThere are Alards buried in Winchelsea churchthey lie in the south aisle on their altar tombs, with lions at their feet. At least one of them went to the Crusades and lies there cross-leggedthe first Gervase Alard, Admiral...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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A note on the position and extent of the great temple enclosure of TenochtitlanA note on the position and extent of the great temple enclosure of Tenochtitlan, - and the position, structure and orientation of the Teocolli of Huitzilopochtli.Extracts from the works of the earliest authorities referring to the Great Temple Enclosure of Tenochtitlan and its surroundings...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The apiary; or, bees, bee-hives, and bee culture [1866]The apiary; or, bees, bee-hives, and bee culture [1866] - Being a familiar account of the habits of bees, and the most improved methods of management, with full directions, adapted for the cottager, farmer, or scientific apiarianUR apology for preparing a bee-book is a...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Nick Carter Stories No. 143, June 5, 1915: The sultan's pearls or, Nick Carter's Porto Rico trailNick Carter Stories No. 143, June 5, 1915: The sultan's pearls; or, Nick Carter's Porto Rico trailHow to Send MoneyBy post-office or express money order, registered letter, bank check or draft, at our risk. At your own risk if sent by currency, coin, or...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The sky sheriff: The pioneer spirit lives again in the Texas Airplane PatrolThe sky sheriff: The pioneer spirit lives again in the Texas Airplane PatrolThe blazing sun of a Texas afternoon turned air and drab brown earth to gold. Not a breath stirred the huge white stocking that served as a wind-indicator on the airdrome of...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Boy Scout pathfindersThe Boy Scout pathfindersIn the office above the chamber which had witnessed the stirring events narrated in The Boy Scout Firefighters, in which both Beany and Porky Potter had been actors, there had been great anxiety. When General Pershing received the report, he at...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Dwala: A romanceDwala: A romanceThe sun was sinking towards the Borneo mountains. The forest and the sea, inscrutable to the bullying noon, relented in this discreeter light, revealing secrets of green places. Birds began to rustle in the big trees; the shaking of broad leaves in...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Tea room businessTea room businessTea Room Business is the most attractive and profitable way for a woman to earn money in her own home. Though married you will find you can buy many things for yourself and family that you could not buy if you did...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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