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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Henry Wadsworth LongfellowIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Nathaniel HawthorneIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Alfred Lord TennysonIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you...
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Kalevalan laulumailta: Elias Lönnrotin poluilla Vienan KarjalassaKalevalan laulumailta: Elias Lönnrotin poluilla Vienan Karjalassa - Kuvaus Vienan Karjalan maasta, kansasta, siellä tapahtuneesta runonkeruusta ja runoista itsestään Oulussa. Matkan vastukset kelirikon uhatessa. Karjalaisia nlnht paossa. Runotar taipaleella. Puolangan vaarat. Rajan poikki. Metsin keskell pieni kyl, kyh, mutta maan kuulu. Vuokkiniemen kirkonkyl ei...
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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PoemsPoemsIn her Journal, on January 22, 1916, Katherine Mansfield told her plans as her writer to her dead brother. She wanted to pay a sacred debt to her country, New Zealand, because my brother and I were born there. Then, she continued, I want...
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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Gemälde und ihre MeisterGemälde und ihre MeisterPassagen in Antiquaschrift werden im vorliegenden Text kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber sowohl serifenlos als auch gesperrt erscheinen. Prof. Dr. Emil Benez *...
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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Campfire Tales of Jackson HoleCampfire Tales of Jackson HoleWhat is now Jackson Hole was a way of life to the Indians who summered here and wintered in the lower and warmer regions to the east of Togwotee Pass. A summer in this secluded valley meant plentiful fish and...
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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Discovering "Evelina": An Old-fashioned RomanceDiscovering "Evelina": An Old-fashioned Romance - A Companion Book to "The Jessamy Bride"Indeed, I am not quite assured in my mind that the influence of Mr. Garrick upon such a family as ours is healthy, said Mrs. Burney, when the breakfast cups had been...
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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The Use and Abuse of Church Bells With Practical Suggestions Concerning ThemThe Use and Abuse of Church Bells; With Practical Suggestions Concerning ThemIt has fallen to the writers lot, in the Divine dispensation, to be entrusted with the care, or joint care, of very many parishes in various parts of England: and he knows not...
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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Betsey Bobbett: A DramaBetsey Bobbett: A DramaWid. D. Oh how much these beans makes me think of Doodle. He died, Doodle did, and was a corpse just as quick as he died; but I never can forget that dear man, nor his linement never. And it haint...
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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Armenia and Her People or, The Story of Armenia by an ArmenianArmenia and Her People; or, The Story of Armenia by an ArmenianThe problem of Armenia and the Turkish atrocities there, is in the very forefront of the worlds burning questions at the present time. In every civilized land it is ranked alongside their own...
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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The Works of Thomas Hood; Vol. 01 (of 11)The Works of Thomas Hood; Vol. 01 (of 11) - Comic and Serious, in Prose and Verse, With All the Original IllustrationsCOURTEOUS READER! Presuming that you have known something of the Comic Annual from its Child-Hood, when it was first put into half binding...
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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Leonardo da Vinci als Ingenieur und PhilosophLeonardo da Vinci als Ingenieur und Philosoph - Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Technik und der induktiven WissenschaftenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1874 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche, altertmliche sowie inkonsistente Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber...
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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The LaboratoriansThe Laboratorians"Yeah, we drop in just three c.c. from this here tube," said Rocco as he expertly twirled the erlenmeyer flask and watched the color shoot past the methyl orange end-point. Whitemarsh was annoyed and said so. "Because the book don't say so! That's...
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Hiltu ja Ragnar: Kertomus kahdesta ihmislapsestaHiltu ja Ragnar: Kertomus kahdesta ihmislapsestaTmn pienen kertomuksen oli mr ilmesty syyskuun 11 pivn 1921 ja oli tlle lehdelle jo valmiiksi kirjoitettuna seuraava omistuslause: "Juhani Aholle, suomalaisen proosatyylin mestarille, suomalaisen tunnon ja tunteen tulkitsijalle ja kasvattajalle, aikakauden suurimmalle suomalaiselle kirjailijalle hnen 60-vuotispivnn omistaa tmn...
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Die Deutschen Volksbücher VII: Die Schildbürger - Doktor FaustusDie Deutschen Volksbücher VII: Die Schildbürger - Doktor FaustusDenn auch die Schildbrger waren in ihrer Voreltern Fustapfen getreten und darin verharrt, wenn sie nicht die Not, der kein Gesetz vorgeschrieben ist, oder die Frderung des lieben Vaterlandes ntigte, einen andern Weg zu treten. Der...
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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In Bird LandIn Bird LandThe articles comprising this volume having been previously published in various periodicals of the country, I would desire to tender my grateful acknowledgments to the several publishers and editors for their uniform courtesy in permitting me to reprint the papers. My observations...
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HK$98.48- HK$49.22
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88 Favourite Carols and Hymns for Christmas88 Favourite Carols and Hymns for ChristmasW. WALKER AND SONS, OF THE Wharfedale Steam-Printing Works, OTLEY, YORKSHIRE, ARE PUBLISHERS OF A VERY INTERESTING SERIES OF Reward Books and Recitations For Sabbath and other Schools; RURAL DIALOGUES, FOR CHILDREN; DIALOGUES ON THE MESSIAH; Temperance Dialogues...
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HK$157.55- HK$49.22
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The Underworld of Oregon Caves National MonumentThe Underworld of Oregon Caves National MonumentThree tired men unsaddled their horses where the mountain stream disappeared into the ground. They had fought their way 15 miles over wild, rugged mountains since leaving Williams Valley at dawn. Yet rest was far from their minds....
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