Public Domain
The Girl of the Golden WestThe Girl of the Golden WestIn those strange days, people coming from God knows where, joined forces in that far Western land, and, according to the rude custom of the camp, their very names were soon lost and unrecorded, and here they struggled, laughed,...
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HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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History of the Australian BushrangersHistory of the Australian BushrangersIn this story of the bushrangers I do not pretend to have included the names of all those who have at various times been called bushrangers in Australia. That, as will be seen from what I have said in the...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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The Gun RunnersThe Gun RunnersGeorge Dolan had four immediate problems: the time-translator, a beautiful, out-of-this-world girl named Moirta, the gun runners and his life. A situation in which he finally triumphed.... But what can you do with a victory that lies at the other end of...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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David Crockett, ScoutDavid Crockett, Scout - Small Boy, Pilgrim, Mountaineer, Soldier, Bear-Hunter and Congressman; Defender of the AlamoThe story of David Crockett stands apart from all others in our historya nebulous collection of traditions about a great array of facts. To the unnumbered thousands to whom...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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Through the WheatThrough the WheatDusk, like soft blue smoke, fell with the dying spring air and settled upon the northern French village. In the uncertain light one and two story buildings set along the crooked street showed crisply, bearing a resemblance to false teeth in an...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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Memoir of a BrotherMemoir of a BrotherThis Memoir was written for, and at the request of, the near relatives, and intimate friends, of the home-loving country gentleman, whose unlooked-for death had made them all mourners indeed. Had it been meant originally for publication, it would have taken...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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The Englishwoman in RussiaThe Englishwoman in Russia - Impressions of the Society and Manners of the Russians at HomeWithout troubling the reader with any account of a sea voyage from England to Archangel, as all travels on the vasty deep present pretty much the same features which...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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The Daughter of Virginia DareThe Daughter of Virginia Dare The sunbeams were playing hide and seek with the ripples around the prows of three small vessels lying at anchor in the harbor of Portsmouth. Their decks were crowded with the colonists going to seek a home on the...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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Anatole FranceAnatole FranceIrony is for the ironic. He has shown himself military at the last, but I believe Anatole France would have smiled, a little wistfully, if told that a young man had sentenced himself to read every one of his works and to write...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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Precepts in Practice or, Stories Illustrating the ProverbsPrecepts in Practice; or, Stories Illustrating the Proverbs Dear young friends (perhaps I may rather welcome some amongst you as old friends), I would once more gather you around me to listen to my simple stories. I have in each one endeavoured to exemplify...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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A Cold Night for CryingA Cold Night for CryingThe snow sifted silently down, clouds of white confetti in the glare of the street lamps, mantling the streets with white, spilling softly from laden, wind-stirred branches, drifting with the wind and embanking the scars and stumps of buildings that...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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Robin Hood;Robin Hood; - Being a Complete History of All the Notable and Merry Exploits Performed by Him and His Men on Many OccasionsTHE reign of King Richard the First was very different from the times we now live in. The roads were very bad,...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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Jean-Christophe IIIJean-Christophe III - NuorukainenChristophe oli heittytynyt itsepintaiseen tyhn. Mykll raivolla hn nytti rankaisevan itsen siit, ett oli tahtonut olla onnellinen. Surun valituksiin ja sliviin sanoihin ei hn vastannut koskaan, niin jykistynyt hn oli ylpeyteens. Virkkamatta mitn hn jatkoi sitkesti jokapivisi tehtvin ja antoi pianotuntinsa...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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The Elements of Child-protectionThe Elements of Child-protectionDuring the latter half of the nineteenth century, the importance of child-protection gained a far wider recognition. The nineteenth century has been well named The Century of the Child. But there are reasons no less cogent for describing this century as...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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The Queen's Reign and Its CommemorationThe Queen's Reign and Its Commemoration - A literary and pictorial review of the period; the story of the Victorian transformationWhen Sydney Smith, towards the close of his life, considered the changes which had passed over the country within his recollection, he said that...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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The Gray AngelsThe Gray AngelsThe younger generation of Birges Corners insisted that nothing exciting had happened since Abigail Clergys love affair in 1867, and the older generation retorted that Thurley Precore, who must have been born in Arcadia, was bound to create excitement. The older generation...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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And Gone TomorrowAnd Gone TomorrowHere is the best story submitted in answer to the theme question: "What Will Life in America Be Like 100 Years From Now?" ... Written by an undergraduate at the University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, it pictures the America of 2054 as...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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The Letters of S. Ambrose, Bishop of MilanThe Letters of S. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan The text frequently shows quotations within quotations, all set off by similar quote marks. The inner quotations have been changed to alternate quote marks for improved readability. This book was written in a period when many...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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Neues Spanisch-Deutsches WörterbuchNeues Spanisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch - Auf Grund des Wörterbuches der Königlich spanischen AkademieEl presente Diccionario ha sido escrito teniendo la vista el clsico y autorizado Diccionario de la Real Academia Espaola, utilizando los mejores diccionarios espaoles y consultando un buen nmero de obras especiales y...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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Lives of Famous Indian ChiefsLives of Famous Indian Chiefs - From Cofachiqui, the Indian Princess, and Powhatan; down to and including Chief Joseph and Geronimo. Also an answer, from the latest research, of the query, Whence came the Indian? Together with a number of thrillingly interesting Indian stories...
- HK$49.49
HK$99.03- HK$49.49
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