Public Domain
Das grosse JagenDas große JagenAm zweiten Februar des Jahres 1733, am Lichtmeabend, peitschte der strmische Westwind ein dickwirbelndes Schneetreiben durch die Gassen von Berchtesgaden. An den Husern waren alle Flurtren versperrt, alle Fensterlden geschlossen. Obwohl die Polizeistunde noch nicht geschlagen hatte, war auf der Marktgasse kein...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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Old English MansionsOld English MansionsWHY do distant objects please? It is a question which has exercised many minds. William Hazlitt once had the inspiration to write an essay on the subject, saying, among other things, that the reason for our pleasure is that we clothe distant...
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HK$165.99- HK$50.28
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The Book of MonthsThe Book of MonthsThe publisher is informed by the Proprietors of Condys Fluid that their preparation contains no permanganate of potash. In making this correction he desires to express regret if the statement on page 83 has done them an injury. Thick yellow fog,...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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History of Atchison County, KansasHistory of Atchison County, KansasIn the preparation and compilation of this history, no effort has been made to interpret the logic or spirit of events that surrounded the birth and progress of Atchison county. The work was undertaken with the idea of compiling a...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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Der Mensch der ZukunftDer Mensch der ZukunftDie Gesellschaft Kosmos will die Kenntnis der Naturwissenschaften und damit die Freude an der Natur und das Verstndnis ihrer Erscheinungen in den weitesten Kreisen unseres Volkes verbreiten. Dieses Ziel glaubt die Gesellschaft durch Verbreitung guter naturwissenschaftlicher Literatur zu erreichen mittels des...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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Public and Private Life of AnimalsPublic and Private Life of Animals - Adapted from the French of Balzac, Droz, Jules Janin, E. Lemoine, A. De Musset, Georges Sand, &c.WEARY of insult, ignominy, and the constant oppression of man, we, the so-called Lower Animals, have at last resolved to cast...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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The RosaryThe RosaryHE name Rosary signifies a crown of roses; and well does this devotion deserve, by just right, a name so beautiful. The rose is the most beautiful of flowers and ravishes our senses with its beauty and perfume; and there is no delight...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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The Noble and Gentle Men of EnglandThe Noble and Gentle Men of England - or, notes touching the arms and descents of the ancient knightly and gentle houses of England, arranged in their respective counties."That noble families are continued in a long succession of wealth, honour, and reputation, is justly...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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Les trois mousquetaires, Volume 2 (of 2)Les trois mousquetaires, Volume 2 (of 2)Lheure venue, on se rendit, avec les quatre laquais, derrire le Luxembourg, dans un enclos abandonn aux chvres. Athos donna une pice de monnaie au chevrier pour quil scartt. Les laquais furent chargs de faire sentinelle. 2 Mais...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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The Canadian Entomologist, Vol. XII., No. 2, February 1880The Canadian Entomologist, Vol. XII., No. 2, February 18801. Nephele.Kirby, Faun. Bor. Amer., 1837, described this species as follows: Wings brown; primaries both above and below with a paler submarginal broad band including two eyelets; the upper ones surrounded by a paler atmosphere, with...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery Vol. 2History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery Vol. 2 - Compiled from the Original RecordsHaving in the Preface stated the plan of this volume, it is incumbent on the Author now to acknowledge, with gratitude, the assistance he has received during its execution. Acting...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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Hirvenhovissa: KertomusHirvenhovissa: KertomusNuori nainen, Elisa Spitzenholdt, tuli verjlle ja alkoi ripotella leivnmurusia varpusille, jotka heti lensivt parvihin hnen ymprilleen. Hnen ryhdissn samoin kuin kasvonpiirteissnkin ilmeni jotakin voimakasta, joka muistutti muinais-skandinavilaista naista, jotain joka hertti sek luottamusta ett kunnioitusta. Hnt katsellessa ei tullut panneeksi erityist huomiota...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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Behold this DreamerBehold this Dreamer Accent, American Weave, Approach, Arizona Quarterly, Beloit Poetry Journal, Canadian Forum, Catholic World, Chelsea Review, Coastlines, Commentary, Cresset, Epos, Fiddlehead, Folio, four quarters, Harper's, Harper's Bazaar, Literary Review, Mexican Life, Naked Ear, New Mexico Quarterly, New Poems 2, New Voices 2,...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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From Ocean to Ocean: Across a Continent on a BicycleFrom Ocean to Ocean: Across a Continent on a Bicycle - An Account of a Solitary Ride From Adelaide to Port DarwinA vague longing to do something first flattered, then irritated, then oppressed me. In vain I tried to argumentatively brush it aside, to...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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The Frontiers of Language and Nationality in EuropeThe Frontiers of Language and Nationality in EuropeBy Madison Grant Mr. Dominians book on The Frontiers of Language and Nationality is the logical outcome of the articles written by him in 1915 in the Bulletin of the American Geographical Society under the titles of...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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A History of Greek Economic ThoughtA History of Greek Economic ThoughtFor a complete list of scholars who have devoted more or less attention to the economic ideas of Greek thinkers, the reader is referred to the bibliography at the conclusion of this work. On the surface, the list appears...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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Elämän keväässä: Tyttökirja Barbro Bertingistä ja hänen tovereistaanElämän keväässä: Tyttökirja Barbro Bertingistä ja hänen tovereistaanJoskus tapahtuu, ett maailmannaiset keskittvt parhaimmat voimansa ja toimintahalunsa, joka ennen on harhaillut mink misskin, siihen ajankohtaan, jolloin he muuten unohtuisivat kuten muutkin kuihtuneet kukat. Tllainen henkil oli hyvin komea, paljon lukenut ja matkustellut sek koti- ja...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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A ReapingA ReapingOF all subjects under or over the sun, there is none perhaps, even including bimetallism, or the lengthy description of golf-links which one has never seen, so utterly below possible zones of interest as that of health. Health, of course, matters quite enormously...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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The Westminster AliceThe Westminster AliceHave you ever seen an Ineptitude? asked the Cheshire Cat suddenly; the Cat was nothing if not abrupt. Not in real life, said Alice. Have you any about here?{4} A few, answered the Cat comprehensively. Over there, for instance, it added, contracting...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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Lakeland WordsLakeland Words - A Collection of Dialect Words and Phrases as Used in Cumberland and Westmorland, with Illustrative Sentences in the North Westmorland DialectIt is not necessary to speak many words in praise of such an excellent book as Lakeland Words, it speaks for...
- HK$50.28
HK$100.61- HK$50.28
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