Public Domain
The Englishwoman in ItalyThe Englishwoman in Italy - Impressions of life in the Roman states and Sardinia, during a ten years' residence Three or four years ago I enjoyed an opportunity, such as very rarely falls to the lot of strangers, of becoming acquainted with the inner...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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ChristuslegendenChristuslegendenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1921 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; fremdsprachliche Zitate wurden nicht korrigiert. Wortvarianten, wie z.B. Knie (Plural) und Kniee, wurden nicht vereinheitlicht, sofern diese...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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MaiolicaMaiolicaContents: I., II., III., IV., V., VI., VII., VIII., IX., X., XI., XII., XIII., XIV., XV., XVI. These Handbooks are reprints of the dissertations prefixed to the large catalogues of the chief divisions of works of art in the Museum at South Kensington; arranged...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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Achtzehn Töchter: Eine Frauen-NovelleAchtzehn Töchter: Eine Frauen-NovelleDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1847 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert; altertmliche und ungewhnliche Wortformen wurden aber nicht an die heutige Schreibweise angepasst. Die Vewendung von Anfhrungszeichen der wrtlichen Rede erscheint teilweise...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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Red Dusk and the Morrow: Adventures and Investigations in Red RussiaRed Dusk and the Morrow: Adventures and Investigations in Red RussiaIf ever there was a period when people blindly hitched their wagons to shibboleths and slogans instead of stars it is the present. In the helter-skelter of events which constantly outrun mankind, the essential...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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Mediaeval London, Volume 1: Historical and SocialMediæval London, Volume 1: Historical & SocialFor the student, as well as for those desultory readers who are drawn by the rare fascination of London to peruse its pages, this book will have a value and a charm which are unsurpassed by any of...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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The Great Days of the Garden District, and the Old City of LafayetteThe Great Days of the Garden District, and the Old City of LafayetteThere has long been a need for the factual story of the old City of Lafayette and its fine residential area, the Garden District. What better opportunity to attempt to fill this...
- HK$50.04
HK$742.16- HK$50.04
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Early Days in Fort Worth, Much of Which I saw and Part of Which I WasEarly Days in Fort Worth, Much of Which I saw and Part of Which I WasThis 2010 facsimile of the rare first edition is limited to 300 copies. B.B. Paddock created this work just after 1900, perhaps 1905 or 1906. It provides early Fort...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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The Flow of Time in the Connecticut Valley: Geological ImprintsThe Flow of Time in the Connecticut Valley: Geological ImprintsIn every region there is an evening drive which lures the city dweller from the cramped vistas of the office, the home, and the dingy streets to the limitless expanse of hills and valleys, where...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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The House of Arden: A Story for ChildrenThe House of Arden: A Story for ChildrenIt had been a great house once, with farms and fields, money and jewelswith tenants and squires and men-at-arms. The head of the house had ridden out three days journey to meet King Henry at the boundary...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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'Midst Arctic Perils: A Thrilling Story of Adventure in the Polar Regions'Midst Arctic Perils: A Thrilling Story of Adventure in the Polar RegionsLeslie Ward, the fifteen-year-old son of a distinguished electrical engineer, and his chum, Guy Anderson, were spending a holiday at the small fishing village of Pilgrimswick, situated on a remote part of the...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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Harper's Round Table, May 12, 1896Harper's Round Table, May 12, 1896Thronged to the gates is the little town of Elis on this the night before the Olympic Games. Here are present not only men of every Grecian city and province, but strange wanderers from the uttermost corners of the...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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Harper's Young People, May 9, 1882Harper's Young People, May 9, 1882 - An Illustrated WeeklyToby watched anxiously as each wagon came up, but he failed to recognize any of the drivers. For the first time it occurred to him that perhaps those whom he knew were no longer with...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and CriticismThe Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and CriticismTo anyone who is at all capable of experiencing the pleasures of justice, it is gratifying to be able to make amends to a writer whom one has vaguely depreciated for some years. The faults and foibles...
- HK$50.04
HK$1,187.55- HK$50.04
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Scribner's Magazine, Volume 26, September 1899Scribner's Magazine, Volume 26, September 1899 The greatest glory of Canada is not its modern progress, but its vast and ancient wilderness. If you weary of the sameness and unprofitableness of every thing you know, go where I went last year, to the upper...
- HK$50.04
HK$1,187.55- HK$50.04
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The Military History of the 123d Regiment Ohio Volunteer InfantryThe Military History of the 123d Regiment Ohio Volunteer InfantryIn consenting to write the history of the organization, and the marches, skirmishes, battles and deeds of our brave old regiment, at this late date, is, I know, accepting an undertaking from which anyone might...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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The Way They Lived ThenThe Way They Lived Then - Serious Interviews, Strong Women, and Lessons for Life in the Novels of Anthony TrollopeSeveral pleasant hosts wearing the blue and orange scarves or bow ties of the Trollope Society were circulating through the crowd on a May evening...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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The Details of the Rocket SystemThe Details of the Rocket SystemHis Royal Highness the Prince Regent, to whose gracious patronage the Rocket System owes its existence, having been pleased to command the formation of a Rocket Corps, on the 1st of January, 1814, by augmentation to the Regiment of...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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Regles pour les officieres du monastere de l'Annonciade, fondé à Genes l'année de notre Salut 1604Regles pour les officieres du monastere de l'Annonciade, fondé à Genes l'année de notre Salut 1604Parce que la charit aprs Dieu commence par soi-mme, & ensuite s'tend envers le prochain. Il est ncessaire de voir premierement comment la Mere se doit comporter envers soi-mme,...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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Constitutions pour les religieuses de l'ordre de l'annonciade céleste, fondé à Genes en l'Année 1604Constitutions pour les religieuses de l'ordre de l'annonciade céleste, fondé à Genes en l'Année 1604.Comme l'Etat Religieux est un des plus grands biens que l'homme puisse recevoir de Dieu en ce monde, soit que l'on le considere en soi, ou que l'on le compare...
- HK$50.04
HK$449.80- HK$50.04
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