Public Domain
Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 5, May 1850Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 5, May 1850I am almost frighted at my own temerity; and when I estimate the fame and the strength of those that maintain the contrary opinion, I am ready to sink down in reverential silence, as neas withdrew from...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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La forêt, ou l'abbaye de Saint-Clair (tome 3/3)La forêt, ou l'abbaye de Saint-Clair (tome 3/3) - traduit de l'anglais sur la seconde éditionCependant Adeline et Pierre continurent leur voyage sans prouver daccident, et dbarqurent en Savoie, o Pierre la mit sur le cheval, et marcha ct delle. Quand il aperut les...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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La forêt, ou l'abbaye de Saint-Clair (tome 2/3)La forêt, ou l'abbaye de Saint-Clair (tome 2/3) - traduit de l'anglais sur la seconde éditionLorsque Adeline parut au djeuner, son air daccablement et de langueur frappa madame La Motte, qui lui demanda si elle tait incommode. Adeline seffora de sourire, dit quelle navait...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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La forêt, ou l'abbaye de Saint-Clair (tome 1/3)La forêt, ou l'abbaye de Saint-Clair (tome 1/3) - traduit de l'anglais sur la seconde éditionUne fois que lintrt sordide sempare dune me, il y glace toutes les sources des sentimens honntes et tendres. Non moins ennemi du got que de la vertu, il...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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A Woman Rice PlanterA Woman Rice Planter While the influences and mechanisms of the present world tend to make all parts of it alike in thought and in costume, the various nooks and corners of our own country are gradually losing their original highly accentuated characteristics, and...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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La fabrique de mariages, Vol. 5La fabrique de mariages, Vol. 5Nous vous le disons en pleine sincrit, mademoiselle Philomne Gran tait une douce fille, sans angles, sans dfauts. Elle valait mieux que Mlite, qui tait cependant une personne de trs-belle tenue.Mais il faut bien soutenir un tablissement. Je vous...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Robert FultonRobert FultonOn board the fine passenger boat, Robert Fulton, one of the several queen steamers of the Hudson River Day Line, on a May morning when the beauty of the incomparable river spread in calm perfection before contented eyes, a great-granddaughter of Robert Fulton...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Der kleine DämonDer kleine Dämon Der Festgottesdienst am Nachmittage war aus und die Kirchenbesucher gingen auseinander. Innerhalb der steinernen, weigetnchten Umfriedung standen noch einige Leute unter den alten Linden und Ahornbumen und plauderten. Sie hatten Sonntagskleider an und blickten froh aus den Augen. Es hatte den...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Kingsford, QuarterKingsford, QuarterEvan climbed the second flight of stairs, pulling his bag heavily behind him. For the last quarter of an hour he had been wishing that he had packed fewer books in it. At the station he had stopped to telegraph to his family...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Papuan PicturesPapuan PicturesWith greetings to the boys and girls whose meetings I had the happiness to attend in the Old Home Land and in Australia, and the hope that the memories of those meetings are as bright and lasting to them as they are to...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Memoirs of 80 YearsMemoirs of Eighty YearsSeveral literary men of eminence have from time to time suggested to me that I ought to write my memoirs, but I have long held the opinion that such works have scarcely a legitimate interest for ones contemporaries. Now, however, that...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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A Dead ReckoningA Dead Reckoning"You misunderstand me, Aunt Jane. I have been so happy since that evening last year when Gerald whispered something to me in the summer-house, that all my life before I knew him seems as unreal as a dream." A third lady, who...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 4, April 1850Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 4, April 1850April, says the author of the Fairie Queene, is Springthe juvenile of the months, and the most femininenever knowing her own mind for a day together. Fickle as a fond maiden with her first lover; toying it...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Kelion Franklin Peddicord of Quirk's Scouts, Morgan's Kentucky Cavalry, C. S. AKelion Franklin Peddicord of Quirk's Scouts, Morgan's Kentucky Cavalry, C. S. A.Our great-grandfather was Adam Peddicord. He married Elizabeth Barnes, a daughter of James Barnes, the elder. Their son, Jasper Peddicord, our paternal grandfather, was born in 1762 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, from...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 3, March 1850Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 3, March 1850yet he pictures it, as it advances, scattering blessings around, calling on the buds to throw aside their wintry vestments, and come forth to gladden the earth with their smiles. Such is, in reality, the progress of...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, February 1850Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, February 1850Among the ancient manuscripts in the British Museum there is one of Saxon origin, written by Ethelgar, a writer of some note in the tenth century. Commenting on the months, he speaks of February, which he calls...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 8, April, 1835The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 8, April, 1835CRITICAL NOTICES THE CRAYON MISCELLANY: by the author of the Sketch Book. No. 1 North American Review London Quarterly Review for February THE LIFE OF SAMUEL DREW: by his son THE LIFE OF THE EMPORER...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 1, January 1850Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 1, January 1850A young professional man, entirely dependent on his own efforts, is always in danger of falling into the error of considering an advantageous marriage as a most desirable thing. When we say advantageous, we mean in a...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Uit de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van het Menschelijk Denken, Deel 2 van 2Uit de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van het Menschelijk Denken, Deel 2 van 2Immanuel Kant werd den 22 April 1724 te Koningsbergen als zoon van eenvoudige burgers geboren. Zijn vader, een zadelmaker, was een ernstig, eerzaam, vlijtig handwerksman. Zijn moeder had een innig, vroom gemoed, een helder,...
- HK$49.87
HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Bumper the White Rabbit and His FriendsBumper the White Rabbit and His FriendsAll little boys and girls who love animals should become acquainted with Bumper the white rabbit, with Bobby Gray Squirrel, with Buster the Bear, and with White Tail the deer, for they are all a jolly lot, brave...
- HK$49.87
HK$717.14- HK$49.87
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