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Hajamietteitä kapinaviikoilta 2/3Hajamietteitä kapinaviikoilta 2/3 - Kolmas ja neljäs viikkoMaanantaina 11 p:n helmikuuta. Sovinnollisella mielell. Kaunokirjailijat haaveilevat. Vaikutelma Siltasaarelta. Rauha solmittu. "Haapalainen on porvari". Mit se kaikki kuuluu meihin? Uusia "neuvostoja". "Kuulumatonta raakuutta" kenen? Tyypillinen yllytyskirjoitus. Kansanvaltuuskunta Washingtonin kabinetti. Ruvetaan jo symn rukiin siement. Kaarti ottaa...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Barbarity of Circumcision as a Remedy for Congenital AbnormalityThe Barbarity of Circumcision as a Remedy for Congenital AbnormalityTo state that the object of this little work is to 'put down Circumcision' under the circumstances indicated, would, besides savouring of unpardonable arrogance, irresistibly suggest analogy to the example of a too famous alderman,...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Fedele ed altri raccontiFedele ed altri racconti Animato dal cortese signor Chiesa a raccogliere in un volume sette mie novelle, pensai di frapporvi alcune poesie a modo d'intermezzi, com' uso trattenere gli spettatori, fra un atto di commedia e l'altro, con qualche breve pezzo di musica. La...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Memoirs of Charles H. CrampThe Memoirs of Charles H. CrampIt is not often that the memoirs of a man cover the history of threescore years of active manhood. Still more rare is it that the period covered happens to be the most fruitful of progress known in the...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Musta tähti: RomaaniMusta tähti: RomaaniPrologi. I. Vangitseminen. II. Ylhinen matkustaja. III. "Vain tst kirjasta lydt pelastuksen." IV. Mit norjalaiselle tapahtui. V. Robinson vankilan katolla. VI. Ristikon-takaiset kasvot. VII. Tiedemies. VIII. Tuntematon huvilinna. IX. Aamiainen vankilankatolla. X. Kolmas. XI. Palava laiva. XII. Puhuvat muurit. XIII. Kdet. XIV....
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Herrn Dames Aufzeichnungen: oder, Begebenheiten aus einem merkwürdigen StadtteilHerrn Dames Aufzeichnungen: oder, Begebenheiten aus einem merkwürdigen StadtteilSie wissen ja Sie wissen genug darber, wer Wir sind womit wir uns unterhalten, und mit welchem Inhalt wir die uns zugemessenen Erdentage zu erfllen suchen. Sie wissen auch, wie wir das Dasein je nachdem als...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Die GlücklichenDie GlücklichenDie Glcklichen so hatte Frulein Rosa Hesse das junge Ehepaar getauft, welches, in Begleitung eines kleinen Tchterchens und einer ltlichen Dienerin, vor einigen Tagen seinen Einzug in das Pensionat Klinger gehalten hatte. Frulein Rosa Hesse war der Schngeist des Pensionats, sie hatte vor...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Old and the New MagicThe Old and the New Magic The very word magic has an alluring sound, and its practice as an art will probably never lose its attractiveness for peoples minds. But we must remember that there is a difference between the old magic and the...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Erdsegen: Vertrauliche Sonntagsbriefe eines BauernknechtesErdsegen: Vertrauliche Sonntagsbriefe eines Bauernknechtes.Der vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1906 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und altertmliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; fremdsprachliche Zitate wurden nicht korrigiert. Gleiches gilt fr regional gefrbte Ausdrcke...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Rambles in Yucatan; or, Notes of Travel Through the PeninsulaRambles in Yucatan; or, Notes of Travel Through the Peninsula - Including a Visit to the Remarkable Ruins of Chi-Chen, Kabah, Zayi, and Uxmal. 2nd edTo those who intend to bestow upon the following pages the honor of a perusal, it may seem almost...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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De complete werken van Joost van Vondel. De Amsteldamsche HecubaDe complete werken van Joost van Vondel. De Amsteldamsche HecubaWij offeren hier uwe E. de Amsteldamsche Hecuba. Dezen bijnaam draagt ze, omdat Amstelredam hare geboorteplaats is. Verscheide vaders hebben vaderlijk recht aan dit kind[4]. Zeit men, dat het schandelijk luidt, dat er meer als...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Autobiography of a ChildAutobiography of a ChildThe picture is clear before me of the day I first walked. My mother, a handsome, cold-eyed woman, who did not love me, had driven out from town to nurse's cottage. I shut my eyes, and I am back in the...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Pursuit of Happiness: A Book of Studies and StrowingsThe Pursuit of Happiness: A Book of Studies and StrowingsWe hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.The Declaration...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Napoleon: A Sketch of His Life, Character, Struggles, and AchievementsNapoleon: A Sketch of His Life, Character, Struggles, and AchievementsIn this volume the author has made the effort to portray Napoleon as he appears to an average man. Archives have not been rummaged, new sources of information have not been discovered; the author merely...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Obesity, or Excessive Corpulence: The Various Causes and the Rational Means of CureObesity, or Excessive Corpulence: The Various Causes and the Rational Means of CureThe physician has a twofold duty to perform. He is called upon not merely to alleviate pain, and to undertake the cure of disease, but he is, moreover, required to lay down...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Festival of Spring, from the Díván of JeláleddínThe Festival of Spring, from the Díván of Jeláleddín - Rendered in English Gazels after Rückert's Versions, with an Introduction and a Criticism of the Rubáiyát of Omar KhayyámJelleddn Rm (A.D. 1207-1273) is now universally recognised by 'those who know,' as the greatest of...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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American pioneers and patriotsMiles Standish, the Puritan CaptainThe adventures of our Pilgrim Fathers must ever be a theme of absorbing interest to all their descendants. Their persecutions in England, their flight to Holland, their passage across the stormy ocean, this new world, as they found it, swept...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Corner HouseThe Corner House Transcriber's Notes: 1. Page scan source: Google Books (the New York Public Library) A brilliant light streamed from the open doorway of No. 1, Lytton Avenue, making a lane of flame across the pavement, touching pinched gaunt faces that formed...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Der Bucheinband: Seine Technik und seine GeschichteDer Bucheinband: Seine Technik und seine GeschichteDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1890 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Rechtschreibvarianten wurden nicht vereinheitlicht; ungewhliche und altertmliche Wortformen wurden nicht verndert, sofern die Verstndlichkeit des Textes dadurch nicht...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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