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Little blue book no. 875Diabetes: Its Cause and Its Treatment With InsulinWhen the scientific body that awards the Nobel prize each year met to consider the award for 1923, there was no question or debate as to the discovery that merited the honor. The prize was granted to...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Anti-Slavery Tracts No. 14"How Can I Help to Abolish Slavery?" or, Counsels to the Newly ConvertedYes, my friend, I can resolve your question. Twenty years of actual experience qualify one to reply. I have stood, as you now stand, on the threshold of this grandest undertaking of...
- HK$49.13
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 6, March 1923)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 6, March 1923)There is, of course, the Campus and Osborn Hall. There is Morys. There is Yale Station. There is the Bowl. Enumeration is unnecessary. That will serve well enough at the twenty-fifth reunion. For the moment...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 5, February 1923)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 5, February 1923)We appear to have been surrounded in these weeks by a polemic atmosphere. Tremendous controversies have proved and disproved the validity of Christianity, the inability of the Faculty and Corporation to make great men from...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 4, January 1923)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 4, January 1923)It is unfortunately not true to say that the only friend to the Christian is a Christian. Everyone, with the exception of a few free spirits like Gibbon or Nietzsche, has befriended the Christian by...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXI, No. 6, December 1842Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXI, No. 6, December 1842Among the many brave men who early contributed to render the navy of the republic popular and respectable, the gallant seaman whose name is placed at the head of this article is entitled to a conspicuous place;...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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A természettudomány fejlődésének története (2. kötet)A természettudomány fejlődésének története (2. kötet)Galilei sorsban ppen tban volt a dnt fordulat, mikor Regensburgban 1630 novemberben bezrult az egyetlen embernek lete, aki teljes nagysgban llott mellette: Kepler Jnos (szl. 1571-ben, a svbfldi Weil-der Stadt-ban). Kepler plyja valsgos regny, rdekfesztbb, mint amilyet klt fantzija...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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A természettudomány fejlődésének története (1. kötet)A természettudomány fejlődésének története (1. kötet)Mintegy tkrkpe ennek a nagy, vajud kzdelemnek, ami szkebb keretben elnkbe lp, amikor megprbljuk nyomon kvetni a vilgrl val szellemi felfogst, amint az emberi kultura csekly szmu vezredeinek folyamn utat trt magnak. Itt is, ott is kezdetben ttova kdk...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Crainquebille y.m. kertomuksiaCrainquebille y.m. kertomuksiaIstuttuaan syytettyjen penkille mahtavassa ja juhlallisen hmrss salissa nki hn tuomarit, kirjurit, asianajajat virkakaavuissaan, ovenvartian vitjoineen, vahtisotilaat ja vliaitauksen takaa netnten katselijain paljaat pt. Ja oman itsens hn nki istumassa korokkeella, iknkuin astuminen korkean esivallan eteen itse syytetyllekin antaisi jonkinmoisen kaamean kunniasteikn....
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (November 1912)The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (November 1912) - Vol. LXXXV: New Series Vol. LXIII, November 1912 to April 1913This e-text is based on The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, from November, 1912. Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation have been retained, but punctuation and typographical errors have...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Nick Carter Stories No. 145, June 19, 1915: An Unsolved Mystery Or, Nick Carter's Goverment CaseNick Carter Stories No. 145, June 19, 1915: An Unsolved Mystery; Or, Nick Carter's Goverment CaseIssued Weekly. Entered as Second-class Matter at the New York Post Office, by Street & Smith, 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York. Copyright, 1915, by Street & Smith. O. G....
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 3, December 1922)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 3, December 1922)Here at Yale we are inclined to take things rather too much for granted. We talk glibly of our traditions as something everlasting, and forget that most of them originated in the vague limbo of...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 2, November 1922)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 2, November 1922)The succession of numberless years and the very flight of time have left that monument still higher than the pyramids of kings, for it was a good thing, and he knew it, and we to-day...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 1, October 1922)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 1, October 1922)Every generation is a foible. It is born of whim, and educated on fantasy. In adulthood it is naturally a freak. This younger generation in this year of our Lord 1922 is no exception. We...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Peak in Darien, With Some Other Inquiries Touching Concerns of the Soul and the BodyThe Peak in Darien, With Some Other Inquiries Touching Concerns of the Soul and the Body - An Octave of EssaysMy last little book, Lectures on the Duties of Women, was addressed principally to the young of my own sex. The present volume is...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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HazelHazelWhen I was a little girl, my favorite books dealt with children whose lives were like my own. I smudged with many readings the pages that told of Susy and Prudy and Dotty in Portland, of their visits to the country, of their every-day...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Beadle's Pocket Series No. 89The Girl Avenger; or, The Beautiful Terror of the MaumeeThe proud king of the Ohio wood walked with antlered head erect; but his cautious tread denoted that he suspected the proximity of hidden foes. His eyes swept the wood on his left and right,...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Amores: elegías amatoriasAmores: elegías amatoriasNosotros que ramos poco h en nmero de cinco libros, somos ahora solo tres: Ovidio, nuestro padre, as lo ha preferido. Si no experimentais gusto alguno al leernos, la disminucion de dos libros aliviar vuestro enfado. No hay espaol medianamente instruido, siquiera...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXI, No. 5, November 1842Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXI, No. 5, November 1842Scene II.The public square of El Pardillo. The Ave Maria still tolling. A crowd of villagers, with their hats in their hands, as if in prayer. In front a group of Gipsies. The bell rings a merrier...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Fors Clavigera (Volume 5 of 8)Fors Clavigera (Volume 5 of 8) - Letters to the workmen and labourers of Great BritainI wonder if Fors will let me say any small proportion, this year, of what I intend. I wish she would, for my readers have every right to be...
- HK$49.13
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