Public Domain
The Lectures on FaithThe Lectures on Faith1. Faith being the first principle in revealed religion, and the foundation of all righteousness, necessarily claims the first place in a course of lectures which are designed to unfold to the understanding the doctrine of Jesus Christ. 10. If men...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Shaggy Man of OzThe Shaggy Man of OzEveryone who has read the Oz books knows and loves Shaggy. He first met Dorothy in "The Road To Oz," and from that time on had a number of adventures in which he discovered such famous Oz personages as the...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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I MoncalvoI Moncalvo In questo libro povero d'arte ma ricco di sincerit ho cercato di ritrar qualche strano fenomeno della nostra vita contemporanea. E poich il libro a Lei non dispiacque oso pregarla di accettarne la dedica, ben lieto che mi si offra l'opportunit di...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Kora in Hell: ImprovisationsKora in Hell: ImprovisationsWhen my mother was in Rome on that rare journey forever to be remembered, she lived in a small pension near the Pincio gardens. The place had been chosen by my brother as one notably easy of access, being in a...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Merirosvon TestamenttiMerirosvon TestamenttiMuistan, yht hyvin kuin jos asia olisi vasta eilen tapahtunut, kun hn vaappuen tuli ravintolan eteen ja hnen takanaan kulki mies tynten ksikrryj, joissa oli merimiehen arkku. Hn oli pitk, jykevrakenteinen mies, jolla olivat pivn paahtamat ruskeat kasvot. Hnen ktens olivat ksniset ja...
- HK$50.10
HK$742.95- HK$50.10
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A Textbook of PapermakingA Text-book of Paper-makingThe practical portion of the present work has in part already appeared as an article, by one of the authors, in Spons Encyclopdia of the Industrial Arts. Since its publication, however, many and important improvements have been introduced in this, as...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Turgenev in English: A Checklist of Works by and about HimTurgenev in English: A Checklist of Works by and about HimThis checklist was originally intended as a tribute to the memory of Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (18181883) on the seventy-fifth anniversary of his death. The first section takes account of all works by Turgenev published...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Harper's Young People, April 4, 1882Harper's Young People, April 4, 1882 - An Illustrated Weekly"Why, we could start a circus jest as easy as a wink, Toby, 'cause you know all about one; an' all you'd have to do would be to tell us fellers what to do, an'...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Buried Treasure Or, Old Jordan's "Haunt"The Buried Treasure; Or, Old Jordan's "Haunt"The speaker was Godfrey Evansa tall, raw-boned man, dressed in a tattered, brown jean suit. He was barefooted, his toil-hardened hands and weather-beaten face were sadly soiled and begrimed, and his hair and whiskers looked as though they...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Attic Guest: A NovelThe Attic Guest: A Novel This story, which the authoress herself entitled "The Attic Guest," would probably have never been given to the world but for an incidental visit which I paid to a certain manse. It was then and there that the following...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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A catalogue of technical and scientific books published by Constable & Company LtdA catalogue of technical and scientific books published by Constable & Company LtdThe cost of postage is to be added to all net prices of books in this list. Where the cost of postage is not stated, 6d. on books published at 10/- or...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Vagabonding down the AndesVagabonding down the Andes - Being the Narrative of a Journey, Chiefly Afoot, from Panama to Buenos AiresIn the Monte Grande, the Great Wilderness of Bolivia, the commander of the first garrison insisted on sending a boy soldier, with an ancient and rusted Winchester,...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Liian paljon kultaaLiian paljon kultaaMin pesen kteni heti alussa hnen suhteensa. Min en voi omasta puolestani taata hnen juttujaan eli vastata niist. Huomatkaa, ett min kirjotan tmn esipuheen oman rehellisyyteni turvaksi. Minulla on nimittin varma, vaikkakin vaatimaton asema, ja minulla on myskin vaimo; ja sen yhteiskunnan...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Our Lady of the PillarOur Lady of the PillarBeing in Lisbon in October last, I sauntered one evening into the Livraria Bertrand, a recognised meeting-place of men of letters in the Chiado, still the principal street of the Capital, and now known officially as the Rua Garrett, though,...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Pelikello: SalapoliisikertomusPelikello: Salapoliisikertomus"Kaikki", vastasi poliisipllikk, "kaikki osaston kytettvt voimat, mutta erityisesti Harald Brede, joka juoksee ymprins ja hiostuu ponnistuksista aina koleina syyspivin. Mutta hn ei ole lytnyt hiukkaakaan. Hn on senthden kerrassaan toivoton. Milloin alatte toimia tmn asian kanssa?" "Kyll, heti sen Kristianiaan saapumisen jlkeen....
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Une saison en enferUne saison en enferJ'ai appel les bourreaux pour, en prissant, mordre la crosse de leurs fusils. J'ai appel les flaux, pour m'touffer avec le sable, le sang. Le malheur a t mon dieu. Je me suis allong dans la boue. Je me suis sch...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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A History of Babylon, from the Foundation of the Monarchy to the Persian ConquestA History of Babylon, from the Foundation of the Monarchy to the Persian ConquestThe first part of Leonard W. King's History of Babylon is available as A History of Sumer and Akkad, an Account of the Early Races of Babylonia from Prehistoric Times to...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Rukousnauha: RomaaniRukousnauha: RomaaniI luku. Herttuatar astuu nyttmlle. II luku. Jalosukuinen Jane neiti esitetn. III luku. "Ylltys". IV luku. Jane tarjoutuu sijaiseksi. V luku. Uskoutumista. VI luku. Verho kohoaa. VII luku. Garth lyt rukousnauhansa. VIII luku. Lis helmi. IX luku. Lady Inglebyn luona. X luku. Ihmeellisi...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Tales and StoriesTales and Stories - Now First CollectedIt is customary to regard Mary Shelleys claims to literary distinction as so entirely rooted and grounded in her husbands as to constitute a merely parasitic growth upon his fame. It may be unreservedly admitted that her association...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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