Public Domain
An Ocean TragedyAn Ocean TragedyIn words of beauty and of kindness you lately wished me health and content. Health, alas! you cannot give me; but content you have filled me with. My books have done more than ever I had dared dream, by winning for me...
- HK$50.37
HK$746.99- HK$50.37
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A Troublesome Flock: A Mother Goose Play for ChildrenA Troublesome Flock: A Mother Goose Play for ChildrenTwenty-five charactersten boys and fifteen girlsare called for but the entertainment can be given by a smaller number by eliminating some parts. The play is so arranged that this can be easily done. No special setting...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 5 (of 8)The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 5 (of 8)The Title-page announces that this is only a portion of a poem; and the Reader must be here apprised that[21] it belongs to the second part of a long and laborious Work, which is...
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HK$746.99- HK$50.37
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How the Nations Waged WarHow the Nations Waged War - A companion volume to "How the War Began"Since the first volume of this series appeared, additional particulars respecting the diplomatic negotiations preceding the outbreak of war have been made known; and to these, with some further details which...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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A Dark Chapter from New Zealand HistoryA Dark Chapter from New Zealand HistoryThese pages have been chiefly written for such as desire to forward to distant friends a brief connected account of one of those terrible massacres, accompanied by wholesale destruction of property, which bid fair to depopulate and lay...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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The AlpsThe AlpsFor the early chapters of this book I have consulted, amongst other authorities, the books mentioned in the bibliography on pp. 251-254. It would, however, be ungracious if I failed to acknowledge my indebtedness to that most readable of historians, Mr. Gribble, and...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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The Laughing WillowThe Laughing Willow - Verses and Pictures Von Hindenburg has wired to say Our noble troops have won the day Captured a Russian Samovar And several tons of caviar Vodka a fabulous amount And Droskys more than we can count The greatest battle of...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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The Scarlet Bat: A Detective StoryThe Scarlet Bat: A Detective StoryThe man who had spoken first went down like a log. He was a red-headed creature, with a rasping voice and an aggressive manner, evidently one of those who bullied his way through the world, for want of a...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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The Bride of Mission San José: A Tale of Early CaliforniaThe Bride of Mission San José: A Tale of Early California I. A Serenade in the Moonlight II. The Lion and the Lamb Lie Down Together III. A Dip into the Past IV. A Stranger Visits Seor Mendoza V. Another Stranger Makes a Visit...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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An Appeal to the People in Behalf of Their Rights as Authorized Interpreters of the BibleAn Appeal to the People in Behalf of Their Rights as Authorized Interpreters of the BibleThere is an obvious crisis approaching, in the religious world, on questions of the highest moment. In past time such periods of change have been preceded by a slow...
- HK$50.37
HK$3,254.18- HK$50.37
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Pyrometry: A Practical Treatise on the Measurement of High TemperaturesPyrometry: A Practical Treatise on the Measurement of High TemperaturesThe term pyrometerformerly applied to instruments designed to measure the expansion of solidsis now used to describe any device for determining temperatures beyond the upper limit of a mercury thermometer. This limit, in the common...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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Mastro da BalloMastro da Ballo Nel testo si fa riferimento a figure che dovevano illustrare i vari passi di danza: le illustrazioni non sono per presenti nel manoscritto di cui si presenta qui la trascrizione, sostituite da semplici riquadri vuoti, che si scelto di omettere. Tutte...
- HK$50.37
HK$746.99- HK$50.37
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ParizinaParizinami dedias i tiun verketon, kiel malgrandan pruvon de amikeco: i ne prezentas ian valoron, krom la deziron vulgarigi, kvankam malprecize kaj neperfekte, la historian pecon, tiel bele kaj majstre versigitan de la genio de la senmorta angla poeto Lord Byron! Dum la regado...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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Bläck och saltvattenBläck och saltvattenJag nskar honom lycka i hans djrva fretag att under krigstider utge annat n krigsromaner eller mer eller mindre politiska ting. Men hans mnniskovnliga avsikt med utgivandet torde vara att med dessa berttelser verrsta krigsbullret. Vid Nybrovikens kaj lg gubben Vemans hskuta...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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Goodbird the Indian: His StoryGoodbird the Indian: His StoryIn 1907, I was sent out by the American Museum of Natural History, to begin anthropological studies among the remnants of these peoples, on Fort Berthold Reservation; and I have been among them each summer, ever since. In 1908, and...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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From Dublin to Chicago: Some Notes on a Tour in AmericaFrom Dublin to Chicago: Some Notes on a Tour in America"From Dublin to Chicago." You can take the phrase as the epitome of a tragedy, the long, slow, century and a half old tragedy of the flight of the Irish people from their own...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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The General Historie of Virginia, New England & the Summer Isles (Vol. I)The General Historie of Virginia, New England & the Summer Isles (Vol. I) - Together with the True Travels, Adventures and Observations, and a Sea GrammarJohn Smith "was borne in Willoughby in Lincolneshire, and a Scholler in the two Free-schooles of Alford and Louth."...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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A Book of American ExplorersA Book of American Explorers IT has always seemed to me that the narratives of the early discoverers and explorers of the American coast were as interesting as Robinson Crusoe, and were, indeed, very much like it. This has led me to make a...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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The World's Greatest Military Spies and Secret Service AgentsThe World's Greatest Military Spies and Secret Service AgentsThe romance of war in its most thrilling form is exemplified in this narrative of the adventures of The Worlds Greatest Military Spies and Secret Service Agents. Much has been published upon the subject of espionage,...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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Pigments, Paint and Painting: A practical book for practical menPigments, Paint and Painting: A practical book for practical men In days gone by, the painter who served the usual term of apprenticeship was deemed to have done all that was required to qualify him for his trade. He may have learned little or...
- HK$50.37
HK$452.73- HK$50.37
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