Public Domain
Tom Watson's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 2, April 1905Tom Watson's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 2, April 1905Thomas Jefferson, while overwhelmed with other business, cut such passages from the Evangelists as he believed would best present the ethical teachings of Jesus, and arranged them on the pages of a blank book in a...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Readers and Writers (1917-1921)Readers and Writers (1917-1921)Under the title of Readers and Writers and over the initials R. H. C. I contributed to the New Age, during a period of seven or eight years, a weekly literary causerie of which the present volume, covering the years 1917-1921,...
- HK$50.02
HK$264.20- HK$50.02
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Love Conquers Pride or, Where Peace DweltLove Conquers Pride; or, Where Peace DweltThere is such a profusion of good books in this list, that it is an impossibility to urge you to select any particular title or authors work. All that we can say is that any line that contains...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Lord Lister No. 0390: Eleonore ManouryLord Lister No. 0390: Eleonore ManouryHet was omstreeks negen uur in den morgen van een schoonen winterdag, in het begin van Februari, toen de reizigers, die zich op het dek bevonden van een der fraaie stoombooten eener Fransche Maatschappij, de Socit Maritime, die onder...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Le Témoin: 1914-1916Le Témoin: 1914-1916Javais commenc ce pome en 1913, et je ten ai lu les douze premiers chants en 1914, la veille de cette guerre, qui, toute une anne, fut ton tourment. Elle te fit dire, le jour o lon lapprit quun de nos jeunes...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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The Wolf-Men: A Tale of Amazing Adventure in the Under-WorldThe Wolf-Men: A Tale of Amazing Adventure in the Under-WorldProfessor James Mervyns voice quivered with eagerness as he put this question to his companion, Sir William Seymour, in a private room of a large London hotel. The baronet, a man in the prime of...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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The Samovar GirlThe Samovar GirlIt was the music of chains. A column of unfortunates from the big prison on the hill swung down the road and turned into the wide street between the log houses. They were on their way out into the taiga to cut...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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The Children's Heroes SeriesThe Story of Sir Francis DrakeIt has not been possible, for lack of space, always to tell the old stories in the original words, which are, in almost all cases, the best. If any readers of this book can get a sight of two...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Le grand secretLe grand secretQuon ne sattende pas trouver ici une histoire ou une monographie mthodique de loccultisme. Il y faudrait consacrer des volumes que remplirait forcment une grande partie du fatras que je veux avant tout pargner au lecteur. Je nai dautre dessein que de...
- HK$50.02
HK$264.20- HK$50.02
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LuolatyttöLuolatyttöJo neljnnen kerran otus oli pimen tullessa hiipinyt metsn reunaan jo neljtt kertaa niiden kolmen hirvittvn viikon aikana, jotka hn aaltojen maalle heittmn oli viettnyt tll autiolla rannalla, hn kauhuissaan tarkkaili metsn laidassa vijyv varjomaista hahmoa. Vain vaivoin hn sai hillityksi melkein ylivoimaisen halun...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Lose Blätter: Neue NovellenLose Blätter: Neue Novellen Weit drauen am uersten Ende von Williamsbourgk, einem Stadtteile Brooklyns, dort, wo die Straen- und Huserreihen bereits durch ausgedehnte Wiesenflchen und ppige Obstplantagen unterbrochen werden, so da die Bezeichnung Stadt daselbst eigentlich nicht mehr zutreffend erscheint, weil die Gegend schon...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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L'Empire Japonais et sa vie économiqueL'Empire Japonais et sa vie économiqueI. LEmpire du Japon resta inconnu lEurope jusquau XIIIe sicle, poque laquelle Rubruquis et Marco Polo en dvoilrent lexistence; mais ce nest gure quaprs larrive dans les les japonaises des jsuites portugais, cest--dire au XVIe sicle, que ce pays...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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American Horological Journal, Vol. I, No. 1, July 1869: Devoted to Pratical HorologyAmerican Horological Journal, Vol. I, No. 1, July 1869: Devoted to Pratical HorologyHowever accurate an instrument for the mensuration of time may be, it would be of little use for close observation unless we have some standard by which to test its performance. We...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Aristotle’s works:Aristotle’s works: - Containing the Master-piece, Directions for Midwives, and Counsel and Advice to Child-bearing Women with Various Useful RemediesAt the present time, when so many of the female sex, in the hour of Natures extremity, depend solely upon the skill and practical experience...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Kuningattaren lähettiKuningattaren lähettiHnen tekotukkansa jota hn kytti pakosta eik muodin vuoksi virui pydll tomuisten paperien seassa. Hnen pienell lihavalla nenlln, jonka nipukka oli punainen ja pyre kuin kirsikka, olivat sarvisankaiset silmlasit. Hnen silmns olivat kiinni ja suu auki, ja joko suusta tai nenst tai kenties...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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ErisErisFor twenty years Odells marriage had been childless. He had waited in vain for a son,for several sons,and now, after twenty sterile years of hardship, drudgery, and domestic discord, Fanny had given him a girl. How was a man going to get ahead? How...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Godsend to a LadyGodsend to a LadyCasey waved good-by to the men from Tonopah, squinted up at the sun, and got a coal-oil can of water and filled the radiator of his Ford. He rolled his bed in the tarp and tied it securely, put flour, bacon,...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Reminiscences of the Civil WarReminiscences of the Civil WarMy father, Thomas Leeds Mitchel, of Groton, Connecticut, was a cotton merchant in Apalachicola, Florida, a small but important city at the mouth of the Chattahoochie River. As there were few railroads, all the cotton raised in the interior was...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Paris de siècle en siècle: Le Cœur de Paris — Splendeurs et souvenirsParis de siècle en siècle: Le Cœur de Paris — Splendeurs et souvenirscrasement de lantique cit.Ce que reprsente ltroit espace entre Notre-Dame et le palais.Ltablissement des Francs.Le palais gallo-romain devient le palais des chefs mrovingiens.Clotilde et les fils de Clodomir.Frdgonde Paris.Les deux ponts de...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Model Aeroplanes and Their Engines: A Practical Book for BeginnersModel Aeroplanes and Their Engines: A Practical Book for BeginnersHistory tells uswhat some of us luckier ones heard the Wright Brothers themselves tellthat the Wrights active work in aronautics was a result of the interest aroused by a toy helicopter presented to them by...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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