Public Domain
Gilbert Weather Bureau (Meteorology) for BoysGilbert Weather Bureau (Meteorology) for BoysIn the minds of most people a very silly notion prevails about the weather and the weather man. They have a general impression that the weather knows no lawsthat it is lawless and reckless, fickle and changeable; that the...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Lives of the Founders of the British Museum, Part 2 of 2Lives of the Founders of the British Museum, Part 2 of 2 - With Notices of Its Chief Augmentors and Other Benefactors, 1570-1870.If we were to take away from the Museum Collection [of Books] the Kings Library, and the collection which George the Third...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Lives of the Founders of the British Museum, Part 1 of 2Lives of the Founders of the British Museum, Part 1 of 2 - With Notices of Its Chief Augmentors and Other Benefactors, 1570-1870.LIBER MONASTERII DE HYDA; comprising a Chronicle of the Affairs of England from the Settlement of the Saxons to Cnut; and a...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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The Mystics of IslamThe Mystics of IslamThe title of this book sufficiently explains why it is included in a Series exemplifying the adventures and labours of individual seekers or groups of seekers in quest of reality. Sfism, the religious philosophy of Islam, is described in the oldest...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Œuvres complètes de Mathurin RegnierŒuvres complètes de Mathurin Regnier - accompagnées d'une notice biographique et bibliographique, de variantes, de notes, d'un glossaire et d'un indexLe plan de cette nouvelle dition ne diffre pas de celui qui a t adopt pour le Regnier de la Petite bibliothque littraire. Les...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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A Preliminary Dissertation on the Mechanisms of the HeavensA Preliminary Dissertation on the Mechanisms of the Heavens In order to convey some idea of the object of this work, it may be useful to offer a few preliminary observations on the nature of the subject which it is intended to investigate, and...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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SpitzbögenSpitzbögen Da aber auch Stdte sich dem einzelnen feindselig erweisen knnen, drften die wenigsten noch erfahren oder bemerkt haben. Nun, mein Jettadore war Florenz. In was fr Klemmen ich dort geriet, was fr Schlingen dort jedesmal fr mich bereit lagen, spottet jeglicher Erfindung. Ach...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Puella meaPuella meaThis edition of E.E. Cummings Puella Mea with reproductions of drawings and paintings by Klee is made possible through the kind permission of Curt Valentin of Buchholz Gallery. The Modigliani drawing is used by the courtesy of his publishers, in Milan, Italy. For...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Little FoxesLittle Foxes BY CHRISTOPHER CROWFIELD, AUTHOR OF HOUSE AND HOME PAPERS. BOSTON: JAMES R. OSGOOD AND COMPANY, Late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields, Osgood, & Co. 1875. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, in the Clerks...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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L'Égypte éternelleL'Égypte éternelleLe temps nest plus o, sur la foi du vieil Homre, Hrodote scriait au IIe livre de son histoire: Aller en gypte; voyage long et difficile! De nos jours, rien ne soppose ce que la traverse, jadis prilleuse et interminable, ne saccomplisse avec...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Aussenseiter der Gesellschaft. Die Verbrechen der Gegenwart. Band 3Der Mord am Polizeiagenten Blau Der Fall des ermordeten Polizeispitzels Karl Blau interessiert nicht so sehr wegen der beteiligten Personen; selbst nicht wegen der des Ermordeten. Dieser scheint nach den in der Verhandlung vorgebrachten Bekundungen ein geistig unbedeutender und sittlich minderwertiger Mensch gewesen zu...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Fame and Fortune Weekly, No. 1, October 6, 1905A Lucky Deal; or The 'Cutest Boy in Wall StreetIssued WeeklyBy Subscription $2.50 per year. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1905, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C., by Frank Tousey, Publisher, 24 Union Square, New...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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A Cyclopædia of Sacred Poetical QuotationsA Cyclopædia of Sacred Poetical Quotations - Consisting of Choice Passages from the Sacred Poetry of All Ages and Countries, Classified and Arranged, for Facility of Reference, Under Subject Headings; Illustrated by Striking Passages from Scripture, and Forming Altogether a Complete Book of Devotional...
- HK$49.71
HK$159.15- HK$49.71
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John Solomon—SupercargoJohn Solomon—Supercargo I. The Cattle-Wharf at Deptford II. John Solomon III. The Road to Melindi IV. Who Murdered Hans Schlak? V. The Adventure Begins VI. The Lady Professor VII. Hammer Starts Something VIII. In the Open IX. Hammer Begins to See X. At Melindi...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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White Mountain TrailsWhite Mountain Trails - Tales of the Trails to the Summit of Mount Washington and other Summits of the White HillsThe term "Ursus Major" appears on page 88. As Ursus is a genus of the family Ursid (Bears), it is assumed the author meant...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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That's Not LoveThat's Not LoveA gay world, that summer morning! The sprinkler on the lawn flung a rainbow mist into the air, and left tiny diamonds shining on the grass blades. Everything was astirthe leaves rustling on the trees, gay flowers swaying on their stalks. Curtains...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Jackson's Gymnastics for the Fingers and WristJackson's Gymnastics for the Fingers and Wrist - being a system of gymnastics, based on anatomical principles, for developing and strengthening the muscles of the hand for musical, mechanical and medical purposes: with thirty-seven diagramsThe subject of this little work develops, on anatomical and...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Caleb Conover, RailroaderCaleb Conover, RailroaderIn the ghastly, garish illumination, above the slow-moving procession of sombre vehicles, the arch and its inscription gave gruesome excuse for Mrs. Greers comment. She herself thought the phrase rather apt, and stored it away for repetition. Her husband, a downy little...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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The Worst Joke in the WorldThe Worst Joke in the WorldMrs. Champney was putting the very last things into her bag, and Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. Deane sat watching her. The room in which she had lived for nearly four years was already strange and unfamiliar. The silver toilet...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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9th AvenueNinth AvenueWhen the light of morning touches the buildings and pavements of a city, it always seems to borrow their hardness and to lose in some degree its quality of flowing detachment. The Sunday morning that fell upon Ninth Avenue, New York City, gave...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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