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Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 2Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 2This dialogue is carried on between Sokrates and Alkibiades. It introduces Alkibiades as about twenty years of age, having just passed through the period of youth, and about to enter on the privileges and...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 1Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 1The present work is intended as a sequel and supplement to my History of Greece. It describes a portion of Hellenic philosophy: it dwells upon eminent individuals, enquiring, theorising, reasoning, confuting, &c., as contrasted...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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A Sermon, Delivered Before His Excellency Edward Everett, Governor, His Honor George Hull, Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts, on the Anniversary Election, January 2, 1839A Sermon, Delivered Before His Excellency Edward Everett, Governor, His Honor George Hull, Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts, on the Anniversary Election, January 2, 1839 Ordered, That Messrs. Filley, Quincy, and Kimball, be a Committee to present the thanks...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Les Usages du Siècle : lettres, conseils pratiques, le Savoir-vivreLes Usages du Siècle : lettres, conseils pratiques, le Savoir-vivreNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. La Parisienne...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Studies of Christianity Or, Timely Thoughts for Religious ThinkersStudies of Christianity; Or, Timely Thoughts for Religious ThinkersThe American Unitarian Association in 1835 reprinted from the English edition, among their Tracts, a Sermon on "The Existing State of Theology as an Intellectual Pursuit and of Religion, as a Moral Influence." Its rare merits...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The Freedom of ScienceThe Freedom of ScienceThe present work has already secured many friends in German Europe. An invitation has now been extended for its reception among the English-speaking countries, with the object that there, too, it may seek readers and friends, and communicate to them its...
- HK$49.20
HK$157.49- HK$49.20
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The Letters of William James, Vol. 1The Letters of William James, Vol. 1AncestryHenry James, SeniorYouthEducationCertain Personal Traits THE ancestors of William James, with the possible exception of one pair of great-great-grandparents, all came to America from Scotland or Ireland during the eighteenth century, and settled in the eastern part of...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Et forfærdeligt Hus-KorsEt forfærdeligt Hus-Kors - Eller en sandfærdig Beretning om en gruelig Fristelse, som tvende fromme Ægte-Folk i Kiøge for nogen rum Tid siden har været plagede medbenlyse trykfejl er rettet i denne e-bog, men den oprindelige stavning og tegnstning er i vrigt bevaret. Originalen...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The Syrian ChristThe Syrian Christ This little volume is sent forth in the confident hope that it may throw fresh light on the life and teachings of Christ, and facilitate for the general public the understanding of the Bible. As may be readily seen, from its...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The Baptist Magazine, Vol. 27, 1835The Baptist Magazine, Vol. 27, 1835 The Rev. Dr. Morrison was born at Morpeth, Jan. 5, 1782, but was early removed to Newcastle-upon-tyne. His parents, though in humble circumstances, were industrious and pious members of the Scottish church; and they educated their family in...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The Expositor's Bible: The Books of ChroniclesThe Expositor's Bible: The Books of ChroniclesChronicles is a curious literary torso. A comparison with Ezra and Nehemiah shows that the three originally formed a single whole. They are written in the same peculiar late Hebrew style; they use their sources in the same...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Evolution of Life and FormEvolution of Life and Form - Four lectures delivered at the twenty-third anniversary meeting of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, Madras, 1898My Brothers:The subject on which I am to address you this morning, and the three mornings that follow, is one of considerable complexity...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The PatriarchsThe Patriarchs - Being Meditations upon Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job; The Canticles, Heaven and Earth.Title: The Patriarchs Being Meditations upon Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job; The Canticles, Heaven and Earth. Author: J. G. Bellett Release Date: July 11, 2012...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Church ReformChurch Reform - The Only Means to That End, Stated in a Letter to Sir Robert Peel, Bart., First Lord of the Treasury "To the Right Reverend Father in God, the Lord Bishop of London. "62, Fleet Street, November 18,1833. "My Lord, "I have...
- HK$49.20
HK$157.49- HK$49.20
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The Christian Doctrine of HellThe Christian Doctrine of Hell I WOULD not willingly quit this world without having said my say upon the most terrible of all its superstitions, the doctrine of eternal tormentswhich Archdeacon Farrar describes as the "hideous incubus of atrocious conceptions"and which, in my own...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Bible Studies: Essays on Phallic Worship and Other Curious Rites and CustomsBible Studies: Essays on Phallic Worship and Other Curious Rites and Customs My old friend Mr. Wheeler asks me to launch this little craft, and I do so with great pleasure. She is not a thunderous ironclad, nor a gigantic ocean liner; but she...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The Literature of the Old TestamentThe Literature of the Old TestamentThe early Christians received the Sacred Books of the Jews as inspired Scripture containing a divine revelation and clothed with divine authority, and till well on in the first century of the Christian era the name Scriptures was applied...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The First True Gentleman: A Study of the Human Nature of Our LordThe First True Gentleman: A Study of the Human Nature of Our LordTitle: The First True Gentleman A Study of the Human Nature of Our Lord Author: Anonymous Release Date: July 07, 2012 [EBook #40153] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 The dictionaries and...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The World as Will and Idea (Vol. 2 of 3)The World as Will and Idea (Vol. 2 of 3)Containing the Criticism of the Kantian Philosophy, and the Supplements to the First and Part of the Second Book of Vol. I. It is much easier to point out the faults and errors in the...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Des jésuitesDes jésuitesLa force des choses a conduit les auteurs de ces leons traiter le mme sujet dans leur enseignement. Cette rencontre, s'tant faite d'abord l'insu l'un de l'autre, a t l'uvre de la situation mme; plus tard ils se sont accords pour se distribuer...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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