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Last Words on Evolution: A Popular Retrospect and SummaryLast Words on Evolution: A Popular Retrospect and SummaryIn the beginning of April, 1905, I received from Berlin a very unexpected invitation to deliver a popular scientific lecture at the Academy of Music in that city. I at first declined this flattering invitation, with...
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HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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Mammals of Washington, Volume 2Mammals of Washington, Volume 2 - University of Kansas Publications Museum of Natural HistoryMammals of Washington are of especial interest to the naturalist because many of them are recent immigrants; much of Washington was buried under thick glacial ice until relatively recently and many...
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HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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On the Construction of a Silvered Glass TelescopeOn the Construction of a Silvered Glass Telescope - Fifteen and a half inches in aperture, and its use in celestial photographyThe text of this book has been preserved in its original form apart from correction of two typographic errors: embarrasment embarrassment, Cassegranian Cassegrainian....
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HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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Common Trees of PennsylvaniaCommon Trees of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania, with its unique geographical position, has 102 kinds of trees native to the State, although there are numerous introduced species growing and thriving in this latitude and climate. In addition, at least 21 large native shrubs sometimes grow to tree...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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New Edition of Hints on Silver-Glass Reflecting Telescopes Manufactured by Mr. G. Calver, F.R.A.SNew Edition of Hints on Silver-Glass Reflecting Telescopes Manufactured by Mr. G. Calver, F.R.A.S. - with Directions for Silvering, Adjusting, &c. Of the various forms of Telescopes now in use, each has its own peculiar advantages; but the Silvered-Glass Reflector is undoubtedly gaining favour...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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Het Yellowstone-ParkHet Yellowstone-ParkDe Redactie der WERELD-BIBLIOTHEEK heeft haar bizonderen dank uit te spreken niet alleen aan den schrijver voor het afstaan van zijn in De Gids en Onze Eeuw verschenen stukken, maar ook aan Dr. E. O. Hovey te New-York, die zoo vriendelijk is geweest...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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Flowers of the Southwest DesertsFlowers of the Southwest DesertsOther numbers of the Popular Series now in print are: (2) Arizonas National Monuments, 1946; (3) Poisonous Dwellers of the Desert, in its fourth printing, 1951; (5) Flowers of the Southwest Mesas, 1951; (6) Tumacacoris Yesterdays, 1951; (7) Flowers of...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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West Virginia TreesWest Virginia TreesThe native trees of West Virginia number about 125, of which 101 are described and illustrated in this publication. The omissions are principally species of unimportant willows and hawthorns which can be identified only by specialists. Some of the more common introduced...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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Die Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung und in ihrem Zusammenhange, I. BandDie Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung und in ihrem Zusammenhange, I. Band - Von den Anfängen bis zum Wiederaufleben der WissenschaftenDas vorliegende Werk wurde kurz vor dem Kriege vollendet. Die Aufnahme war so gnstig, da der erste Band schon whrend des Krieges vergriffen war. Leider...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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Ocean Gardens. The History of the Marine AquariumOcean Gardens. The History of the Marine Aquarium - and the best methods now adopted for its establishment and preservation.What the vast majority of our migratory flocks of summer and autumnal idlers generally do and think at the sea-side, cannot be better exemplified than...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative; Vol. 2 of 3Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative; Vol. 2 of 3 - Library Edition (1891), Containing Seven Essays not before Republished, and Various other Additions.There still prevails among men a vague notion that scientific knowledge differs in nature from ordinary knowledge. By the Greeks, with whom...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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Practical Talks by an AstronomerPractical Talks by an AstronomerThe present volume has not been designed as a systematic treatise on astronomy. There are many excellent books of that kind, suitable for serious students as well as the general reader; but they are necessarily somewhat dry and unattractive, because...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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Natuurkunde in de Huiskamer: ongeveer 100 proeven met huishoudelijke voorwerpenNatuurkunde in de Huiskamer: ongeveer 100 proeven met huishoudelijke voorwerpen.Andere daarentegen, welke een meer wetenschappelijk karakter dragen, zijn bestemd om den lezer in te leiden in de studie der physica, die wondervolle wetenschap, waaraan wij de ontdekking van de stoomkracht, van telephoon en phonograaf...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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The Haslemere Museum Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1906The Haslemere Museum Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1906 - A Journal of Objective Education and Field-StudyA department of our Museum to which, as regards its educational usefulness, we attach very great importance, is that which attempts the illustration of Human History. It...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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PhysiologyPhysiology1. Did you ever on a winters day, when the ground was as hard as a stone, the ponds all frozen, and everything cold and still, stop for a moment, as you were running in play along the road or skating over the ice,...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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Kardinalens frieri: En fågelhistoriaKardinalens frieri: En fågelhistoriaKardinalfgeln flg av och an i apelsintrdgrden och skte mask till sin frukost; d och d gungade han p grenarna och snde ut sitt uppmuntringsrop Good cheer! till mnniskorna. Hans sng jublade av gldje, ty det var hans festdagar, hans lektid....
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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Initiative in EvolutionInitiative in EvolutionThe Great War imposed on speculative biology a moratorium as in the long vacation of lawyers, in which are causes left over to the next term. And so the old case Lamarck versus Weismann was not heard in the Courts of Science...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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The Life of Sir Isaac NewtonThe Life of Sir Isaac NewtonAs this is the only Life of Sir Isaac Newton on any considerable scale that has yet appeared, I have experienced great difficulty in preparing it for the public. The materials collected by preceding biographers were extremely scanty; the...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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A Birder's Guide to North DakotaA Birder's Guide to North DakotaNorth Dakota is a fairly large state (17th among the states in total land area) but a sparsely populated one (45th). Most of the people live in rural areas, because there are few cities of any size; even these...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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Nature's Teachings: Human Invention Anticipated by NatureNature's Teachings: Human Invention Anticipated by NatureA GLANCE at almost any page of this work will denote its object. It is to show the close connection between Nature and human inventions, and that there is scarcely an invention of man that has not its...
- HK$48.73
HK$97.50- HK$48.73
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