Technology & Engineering
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Emerson Radio Model 39 Warranty CardEmerson Radio Model 39 Warranty CardIn the event that any part of this equipment proves defective and is returned, transportation charges prepaid, to the Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp. within ninety (90) days from the date of sale by the dealer to his customer,...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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Advanced Toy Making for SchoolsAdvanced Toy Making for Schoolsoys are today regarded as educational factors in the life of boys and girls. New toys come into demand at frequent intervals in the growth and mental development of the child. On account of the unfailing interest on the part...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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Household Administration, Its Place in the Higher Education of WomenHousehold Administration, Its Place in the Higher Education of WomenThe object of this book is threefold. (1) It endeavours to define the importance and scope of household administration in the twentieth century, which, when analysed into its component parts, is found intimately to concern...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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Inventions in the CenturyInventions in the CenturyThe history of inventions is the history of new and useful contrivances made by man for practical purposes. The history of scientific discoveries is the record of new things found in Nature, its laws, forces, or materials, and brought to light,...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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Triumphs of Invention and Discovery in Art and ScienceTriumphs of Invention and Discovery in Art and ScienceIt is not difficult to account for the pre-eminence, generally assigned to the victories of war over the victories of peace in popular history. The noise and ostentation which attend the former, the air of romance...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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The New England Cook Book, or Young Housekeeper's GuideThe New England Cook Book, or Young Housekeeper's Guide - Being a Collection of the Most Valuable Receipts; Embracing all the Various Branches of Cookery, and Written in a Minute and Methodical MannerThe writer deems that no apology need be offered for adding another...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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Knitting, Crochet, and Netting, with Twelve IllustrationsKnitting, Crochet, and Netting, with Twelve IllustrationsThe Authoress, having had much experience in teaching, and always writing her own directions, has been induced to publish this little Volume for the use of her pupils; and as all the receipts have been tried, she can...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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PhotogravurePhotogravureAbout the year 1820 Nicphore Niepce made the discovery that bitumen, under certain conditions, was sensitive to light. He dissolved it in oil of lavender, and spread a thin layer of the solution thus obtained upon stone. This he exposed under a drawing (making...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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De drooglegging der Zuiderzee. Het plan J. Ulehake contra het plan C. LelyDe drooglegging der Zuiderzee. Het plan J. Ulehake contra het plan C. LelyTen einde duidelijk het verschil te doen uitkomen tusschen het sinds jaren bestaande plan Lely en het jongste plan tot drooglegging der Zuiderzee, het plan Ulehake, worden beide plans vergelijkender wijze hier...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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Ontwerp van wet tot afsluiting en droogmaking van de Zuiderzee met toelichtende memorieOntwerp van wet tot afsluiting en droogmaking van de Zuiderzee met toelichtende memorieOverduidelijke druk- en spelfouten in het origineel zijn gecorrigeerd; deze zijn voorzien van een dunne rode stippellijn, waarbij de Brontekst via een zwevende pop-up beschikbaar is. Een overzicht van de aangebrachte correcties...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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North Devon Pottery and Its Export to America in the Seventeenth CenturyNorth Devon Pottery and Its Export to America in the 17th CenturyFigure 1.North Devon sgraffito cup, deep dish, and jug restored from fragments excavated from fill under brick drain at May-Hartwell site, Jamestown, Virginia. The drain was laid between 1689 and 1695. Colonial National...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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Courtship and Marriage, and the Gentle Art of Home-MakingCourtship and Marriage, and the Gentle Art of Home-Making"'Homespun' is excellent, a masterpiece. It is told with great skill, and quiet but genuine power. The story will long be a favourite in Scotland, and is sure to be widely read in England."British Weekly. f...
- HK$50.33
HK$161.10- HK$50.33
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A History of the Growth of the Steam-EngineA History of the Growth of the Steam-EngineThis little work embodies the more generally interesting portions of lectures first written for delivery at the Stevens Institute of Technology, in the winter of 1871-72, to a mixed audience, composed, however, principally of engineers by profession,...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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Making Your Camera PayMaking Your Camera Pay The demand of publishers for good pictures is increasing. Editors are eager to use the best photographs that may be obtained. They draw no distinction between the work of the amateur and that of the professional photographer. If a photograph...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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Four and Twenty BedsFour and Twenty Beds ANYONE CAN MANAGE a motel successfully--anyone who can subsist on meals snatched a mouthful at a time, and requires no sleep; anyone who is a mechanic, gardener, publicity agent, handyman, psychologist, carpenter, and midwife combined; anyone who can cheerfully greet...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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Hand-Book of Practical Cookery, for Ladies and Professional CooksHand-Book of Practical Cookery, for Ladies and Professional Cooks - Containing the Whole Science and Art of Preparing Human FoodFood is the most important of our wants; we cannot exist without it. The man who does not use his brain to select and prepare...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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A Treatise on the Brewing of BeerA Treatise on the Brewing of Beer The first edition of this treatise met with encouragement enough to flatter me that I had left no room to improve it: but, encouraged by the satisfaction my friends was pleased to express of its utility to...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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The New Guide to Knitting and CrochetThe New Guide to Knitting & CrochetI venture to publish The New Guide to Knitting and Crochet, believing it will prove both instructive and amusing to those Ladies, whose taste leads them to such pursuits. The Authoress being practically acquainted with these Arts, she...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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A Course of Lectures on the Principles of Domestic Economy and CookeryA Course of Lectures on the Principles of Domestic Economy and CookeryThis course of lectures is designed to meet the wants of two classes of persons: FirstThose who are experienced housekeepers, familiar with the principles and practice of cookery, but who desire information concerning...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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The Preparation of Plantation RubberThe Preparation of Plantation RubberMr. Sidney Morgans work on Plantation Rubber in the East is so well known that he hardly needs introduction. An earlier book, published in 1914, by the Rubber Growers Association, entitled The Preparation of Plantation Rubber, was well received and...
- HK$50.33
HK$100.70- HK$50.33
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