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Autumn Impressions of the GirondeAutumn Impressions of the GirondeTo each man or woman of us there is the Country of our Ideals. The ideals may be newly aroused; they may be of long standing. But some time or other, in some way or other, there is the country;...
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Embassy to the Eastern Courts of Cochin-China, Siam, and MuscatEmbassy to the Eastern Courts of Cochin-China, Siam, and Muscat - In the U. S. Sloop-of-war Peacock, David Geisinger, Commander, During the Years 1832-3-4Having some years since become acquainted with the commerce of Asia and Eastern Africa, the information produced on my mind a...
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The Sin and Danger of Self-LoveThe Sin and Danger of Self-Love - Described by a Sermon Preached At Plymouth, in New-England, 1621 AND FOR SALE BY CROCKER & BREWSTER, SAMUEL G. DRAKE, LITTLE & BROWN, JAMES MUNROE & COMPANY, BENJAMIN PERKINS, AND JAMES LORING. Robert Cushman, the author of...
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Storia delle repubbliche italiane dei secoli di mezzo, v. 10 (of 16)Storia delle repubbliche italiane dei secoli di mezzo, v. 10 (of 16) Nel 15. secolo la storia politica dell'Italia presenta un maraviglloso contrapposto colla sua storia letteraria; imperciocch, mentre ogni giorno s'andava sempre pi accostando colla ruina della libert, quella pure de' costumi, dell'energia,...
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Wanderings in IrelandWanderings in IrelandAre you minded for a jaunt through the island of Erin where tears and smiles are near related and sobs and laughter go hand in hand? We will walk, and will take it in donkey-cart and jaunting-carby train and in motor-carsand if...
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An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Volume 1 (of 2)An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Volume 1 (of 2) - Written by Himself. A New Edition with Notes and SupplementMuch has been Writ of late pro and con, about the Stage, yet the Subject admits of more, and that which...
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An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Volume 2 (of 2)An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Volume 2 (of 2) - Written by Himself. A New Edition with Notes and Supplement AN APOLOGY FOR THE LIFE OF MR. COLLEY CIBBER WRITTEN BY HIMSELF A NEW EDITION WITH NOTES AND SUPPLEMENT BY...
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Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 4/6)Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 4/6) - Tableaux et portraits du grand monde sous Louis XVI, Le Directoire, le Consulat et l'Empire, la Restauration et le règne de Louis-Philippe Ier.Aprs avoir fait paratre les deux premiers volumes de l'Histoire des Salons de Paris,...
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Die Hessen und die andern deutschen Hilfstruppen im Kriege gross-britanniens gegen Amerika, 1776-1783Die Hessen und die andern deutschen Hilfstruppen im Kriege gross-britanniens gegen Amerika, 1776-1783In vorliegendem Buche will der Verfasser das Auftreten der Deutschen Hilfstruppen in Amerika einer genauen Beleuchtung unterwerfen, insbesondere will er den Legenden entgegentreten, die sich in seinem Vaterlande im Laufe der Zeit...
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The Truth about OpiumThe Truth about Opium - Being a Refutation of the Fallacies of the Anti-Opium Society and a Defence of the Indo-China Opium TradeThe following lectures were given in pursuance of a determination I came to some six years ago in Hong Kong, viz. that...
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Historisch dagverhaal der reize van den heer De LessepsHistorisch dagverhaal der reize van den heer De Lesseps - Zedert het verlaten van den Heer Graaf de la Perouse en zyne togtgenooten in de haven van St. Pieter & Paulus op Kamchatka, enz.De tijtel van dit werk kondigt reeds aan, wat het behelst;...
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Beautiful IrelandMunsterThe best way to get to Munster nowadays is undoubtedly by the new route from Fishguard to Rosslare, in which the Great Western Railway has reopened what was for ancient times the natural and easy way from England to Ireland. The Normans, as everyone...
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Worcestershire in the Nineteenth CenturyWorcestershire in the Nineteenth Century - A Complete Digest of Facts Occuring in the County since the Commencement of the year 1800In this day the man who writes a useless book, commits a great sin against society. The aim of this volume is utility;...
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Our Little Danish CousinOur Little Danish CousinDenmark means "Land of dark woods." Although one of the smallest states of Europe, the little kingdom of Denmark holds a very large place in the world's history, having supplied rulers for many of the countries of Europe. The Dane loves...
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The Every Day Book of History and ChronologyThe Every Day Book of History and Chronology - Embracing the Anniversaries of Memorable Persons and Events in Every Period and State of the World, from the Creation to the Present TimeThe object of this work, as will be seen, is to bring together...
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Feudal England: Historical Studies on the 11th and 12th CenturiesFeudal England: Historical Studies on the Eleventh and Twelfth CenturiesThe present work is the outcome of a wish expressed to me from more than one quarter that I would reprint in a collected form, for the convenience of historical students, some more results of...
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Warren Commission (12 of 26): Hearings Vol. XII (of 15)Warren Commission (12 of 26): Hearings Vol. XII (of 15)The testimony of the following witnesses is contained in volume XII: Charles Batchelor, Jesse E. Curry, J.E. Decker, W.B. Frazier, O.A. Jones, Jack Revill, James Maurice Solomon, M.W. Stevenson, and Cecil E. Talbert, Charles Oliver...
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Warren Commission (10 of 26): Hearings Vol. X (of 15)Warren Commission (10 of 26): Hearings Vol. X (of 15)The testimony of the following witnesses is contained in volume X: Everett D. Glover, who became acquainted with Lee Harvey Oswald following his return to Texas in 1962; Carlos Bringuier, Francis L. Martello, Charles Hall...
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Warren Commission (11 of 26): Hearings Vol. XI (of 15)Warren Commission (11 of 26): Hearings Vol. XI (of 15)The testimony of the following witnesses is contained in volume XI: John Edward Pic, Lee Harvey Oswald's halfbrother; Edward John Pic, Jr., John Edward Pic's father; Kerry Wendell Thornley, a Marine Corps acquaintance of Oswald;...
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