Discover the best-selling art books and insightful artist biographies at our online bookstore, featuring a curated selection of must-read books about art and artwork. Explore our collection to find the best books to read, from captivating artist biographies to beautifully illustrated artwork books.
The Spanish seriesMadrid: an historical description and handbook of the Spanish capitalMadrid is but a nursling among the cities of Spain. Marius Fulvius laid siege to Toledo nearly two centuries before the birth of Christ, and it is not until a thousand years later that we...
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Etruscan Tomb Paintings, Their Subjects and SignificanceEtruscan Tomb Paintings, Their Subjects and SignificanceThe following sketch is based upon investigations made in the Etruscan Tombs at Corneto and Chiusi, and on comparison of the original wall-paintings with the facsimiles and drawings made from them and preserved in the Helbig Museum in...
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The wisdom of the East seriesThe Spirit of Japanese ArtIn the Ashikaga age (1335-1573) the best Japanese artists, like Sesshu and his disciples, for instance, true revolutionists in art, not mere rebels, whose Japanese simplicity was strengthened and clarified by Chinese suggestion, were in the truest meaning of the...
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The Mythology of Greece and Rome, With Special Reference to Its Use in ArtThe Mythology of Greece and Rome, With Special Reference to Its Use in Art Myths may be described as poetic narratives of the birth, life, and actions of the old heathen gods and heroes or demigods. Both myth and legend[1] are distinguished from the...
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Iets oor die BoesmankultuurIets oor die Boesmankultuur - 'n Lesing gehou voor die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie op Stellenbosch, Januarie 1920, en gedruk op las van die AkademieDeur hul kuns is my belangstelling in die dwergies eers gewek, en later toe ek besef dat alleen deur n dieper studie...
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Reflections on the painting and sculpture of the Greeks:Reflections on the painting and sculpture of the Greeks: - with instructions for the connoisseur, and an essay on grace in works of artIf I have been able to do justice to my Author, your Lordships accurate Jugment, and fine Taste, will naturally protect...
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The Real ThingThe Real Thing"May I see it?" asked Smith. The lifeless face of the mathematician brightened as he peered through the quartz top at a dollar bill marked W8265286A. "I can only get the worthless real stuff. Ancient governments always destroyed counterfeits. But you're in...
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Flowers from Mediæval HistoryFlowers from Mediæval HistoryModern invention has actually reflected upon ancient history: the railroad, the steam derrick and the photograph have changed our conceptions of the past. Written history is now accepted as its authors opinion, while tangible records stand forth as facts. This attitude...
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The Arts in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the RenaissanceThe Arts in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance ORE than twenty years ago we published, with the aid of our friend Ferdinand Sr, whose loss we regret, and with the co-operation of other learned men and of the most...
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ArtArtNot far from Paris, on the Seine, near Meudon, is a hamlet bearing the delightful name of Val-Fleury. Crowning the little hill above this village rises a group of buildings which in their charm and originality at once attract interest. You might almost guess...
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Moorish Remains in SpainMoorish Remains in SpainTHE inception of my work on The Alhambra, to which this book is designed to be the companion and complementary volume, was due to the disappointing discovery that no such thing as an even moderately adequate souvenir of the Red Palace...
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The Glory That Was Greece: a survey of Hellenic culture and civilisationThe Glory That Was Greece: a survey of Hellenic culture and civilisation REECE and Greek mean different things to different people. To the man in the street, if he exists, they stand for something proverbially remote and obscure, as dead as Queen Anne, as...
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Handbooks of the great craftsmenThe Pavement Masters of Siena (1369-1562)The first impression that this book may give, is that I have put the cart before the horse, and that, instead of dwelling on the Pavement Masters, I have laid too much stress on the Pavement itself, and too...
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A Child's Guide to PicturesA Child's Guide to PicturesSOME of you, I expect, collect photographs of pictures in connection with your history studies. These portraits of the principal characters and pictures, illustrating great events, places, costumes, and modes of living of the period, add greatly to the interest...
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History of Sculpture, Painting, and ArchitectureHistory of Sculpture, Painting, and ArchitectureTaste is the perception of intellectual pleasure. Beauty, the object of taste and the source of this pleasure, is appreciated by the understanding, exercised, either upon the productions of art, or upon the works of nature. The term beauty,...
- €6,19 EUR
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Modern French MastersModern French MastersThe source of art is the fountain of Love: the winged spirits, Painting, Sculpture, and Poetry, spring from it hand in hand. With affectionate leave-takings and cries of joy at their liberation, they soar into space, the angel of Music out-winging the...
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Kaunis ja sen laitKaunis ja sen laitSuomentajan alkusanat. I. Taiteen synty ja kehitysoppi. II. Yleisptevt esteettiset arvostelmat. III. Ei-esteettisi tekijit. IV. Ulkonaisen luonnon vaikutelmat. V. Uskonnollinen tunne ja luonnonksitys. VI. Muotojen kauneuslait. VII. Symmetria. VIII. Vrisymboliikka. IX. Vastavrit. X. Kaunis ja tarkoituksenmukaisuus. XI. Kaunis luonnossa ja taiteessa....
- €6,19 EUR
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Ideals in Art: Papers Theoretical, Practical, CriticalIdeals in Art: Papers Theoretical, Practical, CriticalThe collected papers which form this book have been written at different times, and in the intervals of other work. Most of them were specially addressed to, and read before the Art Workers Guild, as contributions to the...
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Ladies' manual of art; or, profit and pastimeLadies' manual of art; or, profit and pastime. - A self teacher in all branches of decorative art, embracing every variety of painting and drawing on china, glass, velvet, canvas, paper and wood the secret of all glass transparencies, sketching from nature. pastel and...
- €6,19 EUR
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Principle in Art, EtcPrinciple in Art, Etc.With one exception, namely the last Paper in the Collection, which appeared in the Fortnightly Review, all these Essays were printed in the St. Jamess Gazette during the editorship of Mr. Greenwood. The Essay on Architectural Styles contains a summary of...
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