Body, Mind & Spirit
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The World According to Cycles: How Recurring Forces Can Predict the Future and Change Your LifeLike most of humankind's great theories, the cyclical view of the universe is at once elegant in its sim-plicity and utterly persuasive. Scholars, pundits, and experts in all walks of life--from Carl Jung to Arthur Schlesinger and from Paul Volcker to Lee Iacocca--proclaim the...
- €44,61 EUR
- €44,61 EUR
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Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your Mind"If you are looking for answers to the profound enigma of the meaning and nature of meaningful coincidences in your own life, answers that bring psychological insight and spiritual understanding, then you have come to the right place. Professor Surprise has given us the...
- €33,95 EUR
- €33,95 EUR
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Hell's Gate: Terror at Bobby Mackey's Music WorldAt 44 Licking Pike in Wilder, Kentucky, just across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio...lies, what has been called "the most haunted place in America." Bobby Mackey's Music World, a country/western bar and nightclub, is well known for its mechanical bull. It is better known...
- €39,14 EUR
- €39,14 EUR
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Haunted Green BayGreen Bay has always been a city with a fierce sense of tradition complemented by a friendly atmosphere. Those qualities seem to attract not only living visitors but also spirits of the dead.Tour the city's haunted past with Tim Freiss as he follows the...
- €35,74 EUR
- €35,74 EUR
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The Law of Attention: Nada Yoga and the Way of Inner VigilanceHow to achieve a direct inner experience of your higher nature and the after-death state from which you originate and will return - Provides techniques for listening to the primordial sound within - Offers yoga and meditation techniques that are still little known in...
- €35,66 EUR
- €35,66 EUR
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The Temple of Solomon: From Ancient Israel to Secret SocietiesA fully illustrated history of the Temple of Solomon - Examines the Temple of Solomon in the Hebrew Scriptures, the New Testament, and Apocryphal writings - Explores its role in the founding of Freemasonry, the legends of the Knights Templar, the doctrines of the...
- €53,54 EUR
- €53,54 EUR
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Microchakras: Innertuning for Psychological Well-Being [With CD (Audio)]The first guide to working with microchakras, the channels within each of the 7 major chakras - Identifies 147 microchakras that affect our spiritual evolution and daily well-being - Introduces the new field of Microchakra Psychology and its practical component of InnerTuning, the use...
- €53,63 EUR
- €53,63 EUR
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The Secret History of Western Sexual Mysticism: Sacred Practices and Spiritual MarriageThe first book to reveal the history of Western sexual mysticism - Reveals the secret sexual practices that have been used since ancient Greece to achieve mystical union with God - Details the sects and individuals who transmitted the radical sexual practices that orthodox...
- €26,73 EUR
- €26,73 EUR
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Fusion of the Eight Psychic Channels: Opening and Sealing the Energy BodyAdvanced Inner Alchemy exercises that promote the free flow of energy throughout the body in preparation for the Practice of the Immortal Tao - Explains how to open the Great Bridge Channel and the Great Regulator Channel - Includes exercises to strengthen and wrap...
- €30,30 EUR
- €30,30 EUR
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Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization: The Unfolding of History Through the Mystery of NumberAn exploration of the origins and influences of number from prehistory to modern time - Reveals the deeper meaning of the symbols and esoteric knowledge of secret societies - Explains the numerical sophistication of ancient monuments - Shows how the Templar design for Washington,...
- €30,30 EUR
- €30,30 EUR
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Founding Fathers, Secret Societies: Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and the Decoding of the Great SealAn exploration of the influence of secret societies on the formative documents and symbols of the United States - Reveals the Founding Fathers' spiritual vision for America as encoded in the Great Seal - Traces the influence of the Iroquois League of Nations upon...
- €30,30 EUR
- €30,30 EUR
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Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming: Awakening the Visionary LifeA dynamic exposition of the powerful, ancient Sephardic tradition of dreaming passed down from the renowned 13th-century kabbalist Isaac the Blind - Includes exercises and practices to access the dream state at will in order to engage with life in a state of enhanced...
- €26,73 EUR
- €26,73 EUR
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Song Of The SpineThe human spine with its primary and secondary curves looks like a standing wave. Is it possible, asks the author, that energy echoes like a standing wave between these curves in order to maintain the structural and neural integrity of the spine and nervous...
- €28,71 EUR
- €28,71 EUR
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Pain-Free Joints: 46 Simple Qigong Movements for Arthritis Healing and PreventionIf pain-free joints are the goal, qigong movements can help According to the Centers for Disease Control, over fifty million Americans struggle with doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Obesity and inactivity are proven aggravating factors, limiting mobility and making everyday activities difficult and painful. For many, arthritis...
- €22,91 EUR
- €22,91 EUR
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Crystal Healing: The Science and Psychology Behind What Works, What Doesn't, and WhyA Fact-Based Introduction to Crystal Healing Whether you're new to the practice of crystal healing or have a level of experience with it, chances are you have questions: What works? What doesn't? How and when should I spend my money? And so on. Forget...
- €29,05 EUR
- €29,05 EUR
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Healing with Qualities: The Essence of Time TherapyDealing with wounds from the past, recalling your childhood memories and unearthing hidden secrets - is that what therapy is about? Not with 'Time Therapy'. Manuel Schoch's empowering approach to therapy focuses on what we truly are: human beings full of potential and promise...
- €32,09 EUR
- €32,09 EUR
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Getting UnstuckHave you ever had an itch and not scratched it? In the Buddhist tradition, this points to a vast paradox: that by refraining from our urge to scratch, great peace and happiness is available. On Getting Unstuck, Pema Ch dr n introduces a rare...
- €44,61 EUR
- €44,61 EUR
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The Great Pyramid Hoax: The Conspiracy to Conceal the True History of Ancient EgyptReveals how the only hard evidence that dates the Great Pyramid--the quarry marks discovered by Colonel Vyse in 1837--was forged - Includes evidence from the time of the discovery of the marks: Vyse's private field notes, surveys, facsimile drawings, and eye-witness testimony - Explains...
- €28,60 EUR
- €28,60 EUR
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Mysteries of the Tayos Caves: The Lost Civilizations Where the Andes Meet the AmazonA detailed examination of the controversial expeditions to the Tayos Cave complex in Ecuador and the treasures glimpsed in its depths - Reconstructs the expeditions from the 1960s and '70s, including the Mormon Church's search for lost tablets, Stanley Hall's quest with Neil Armstrong,...
- €35,76 EUR
- €35,76 EUR
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Wisdomkeepers of Stonehenge: The Living Libraries and Healers of Megalithic CultureReveals how Stonehenge was an extraordinary astronomical calendar used in the cultivation of ingredients for long-forgotten botanical cures - Explores how Stonehenge and other stone circles were ancient healing sanctuaries and celestial calculators for the preparation of natural medicines - Explains how the megalithic...
- €35,76 EUR
- €35,76 EUR
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