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El poder de las Metas: como transformar tu vida y concretar tus objetivosLanzamiento El poder de las Metas Te ha pasado que tienes muchos objetivos y deseos que quieres cumplir y que por cuestiones de la vida, ya sea la rutina laboral, los problemas que ocurren en la vida, el miedo al que dirán si lo...
- €24,58 EUR
- €24,58 EUR
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Begin AgainLock in knowledge, increase awareness, and kickstart new, more productive behaviors....What do Buddha, Aristotle, and Stephen Hawking all have in common? They all struggled with basic fundamental issues of human nature, such as managing thoughts, regulating emotions, strengthening relationships, and maximizing well-beingThe daily challenges...
- €46,07 EUR
- €46,07 EUR
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Jewels of the Wise: Self-Mastery Through the TarotJewels of the Wise: Self-Mastery Through the Tarot reveals to you the wisdom contained in the Tarot Keys and the Tree of Life. Together they represent the Path of Initiation and depict the workings of mind and soul on the Way of Enlightenment. Each...
- €41,46 EUR
- €41,46 EUR
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Riding The BonesThis book is book one in a series of books that are linked to a custom tarot/oracle deck of the same name. This series is a mixture of Heathenry, Druid, and Irish witchcraft practices from the authors. It explores the concepts of the transition...
- €76,79 EUR
- €76,79 EUR
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-Yes-: a Parable of PossibilitiesAs simple as it is timeless, here is a Parable of Possibility that says to any and all who will listen to its sage guidance: YES. Re-discover how to say and feel YES, to Life and a fuller, brighter way of living it with...
- €21,65 EUR
- €21,65 EUR
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Homage to Dimitri, Rutledge & ZackariaIn a lifetime of more than eighty-two years, it has been a great privilege to meet many souls from different areas of the world, whom the Mother said would lead us into the New World. From the moment I met her in 1961, the...
- €24,19 EUR
- €24,19 EUR
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The 8 Rules on being the best RDAThis is a simple guide on my experience as a Register Dental Assistant. I wrote this short guide to help new RDA's and to remind them they are an important part of Dentistry.Author: CLPublisher: BlurbPublished: 10/31/2022Pages: 42Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.11lbsSize: 8.00h x 5.00w x...
- €23,04 EUR
- €23,04 EUR
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Amulette und Rituale für den Erfolg 2023Die Welt macht derzeit schwierige Zeiten durch, daher schadet es nie, etwas zusätzliche Hilfe zu haben, um Liebe, Gesundheit und Fülle anzuziehen. Die Schutzamulette, die heute noch vorhanden sind, und die Rituale, die wir in diesem Buch anbieten, können Ihnen helfen, Ihr Leben zu...
- €49,12 EUR
- €49,12 EUR
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The Art of Holistic LivingThe never-ending pull of your attention between career and family can be an exhausting and overwhelming cycle. In a world of endless competition, it is easy to lose your way and the focus needed to achieve your goals. The art of holistic living is...
- €41,31 EUR
- €41,31 EUR
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My Potential is Endless: Self Improvement Journal, Self Development Journal, Personal Growth JournalJournaling is a creative way to document your life. Writing exercises will help you reflect and expand on your self-improvement and self-development. Guide you in getting to know and understand yourself. This book has a total of 102 pages which contain 100 question pages.Author:...
- €35,31 EUR
- €35,31 EUR
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The Wayfarer: 10th Anniversary EditionThe Wayfarer Magazine Celebrates 10 YearsDedicated in Loving Memory of Fellow Wayfarer David K. LeffWith Features by L.M. Browning, Heidi Barr, Theodore Richards, Frank Inzan Owen, Amy Nawrocki, Eric D. Lehman, Gail Collins-Ranadive, Aimée Medina Carr, Heather Durham, Jeff Darren Muse, Chrystal Odin ....
- €40,95 EUR
- €40,95 EUR
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Jenseitskontakt mit Klaus Kinski: Das Interview aus dem TotenreichMutter Hautberg ist ein bekanntes Medium aus Bobitz. Oft kommen Besucher und möchten mit ihren verstorbenen Verwandten sprechen. Konflikte lösen, die einmal waren und sich der intensiven Gefühle versichern. Was Hautberg aber auch macht, sind die Interviews mit bekannten Persönlichkeiten. Sie sprach schon mit...
- €36,29 EUR
- €36,29 EUR
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Ariete Oroscopo 2023Tutte le previsioni astrologiche per il vostro segno zodiacale. I tarocchi, le rune, i numeri fortunati e i rituali per l'amore, la salute e il denaro nel 2023.Author: Rubi AstrologaPublisher: Rubi AstrologaPublished: 11/01/2022Pages: 84Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.24lbsSize: 8.50h x 5.50w x 0.17dISBN: 9798215187760Language: ItalianThis...
- €57,90 EUR
- €57,90 EUR
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Metodo Mindfulness: Come Risvegliare la Tua Consapevolezza per Gestire al Meglio Ansia, Stress, Dolore e Tristezza Migliorando il Tuo BeneScopri e applica anche tu il metodo che sta cambiando la vita a migliaia di persone in giro per il mondo e che ti impegnerà SOLO 5 MINUTI AL GIORNO! Queste sono le uniche cose che dovrai fare: "Piccole pratiche quotidiane che ti occuperanno...
- €38,88 EUR
- €38,88 EUR
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Letting Go of Fear 12 Gates of Love & Power with Essential Oils & Angelic AssistanceUse this 12-Lesson Course to shift your mindset and elevate your vibrational frequency to attract better outcomes for yourself and your life.Through this unique 12-Lesson Self Discovery Course, you will have an opportunity to experiment and do your own inner spiritual work. Step-by-step you...
- €59,38 EUR
- €59,38 EUR
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Cáncer Horóscopo 2023Todas las predicciones astrales para tu signo zodiacal. Tu carta del tarot, Runa, números de la suerte y rituales para el amor, la salud y el dinero en el 2023.Author: Rubi AstrologaPublisher: Rubi AstrologaPublished: 11/09/2022Pages: 104Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.29lbsSize: 8.50h x 5.50w x 0.22dISBN:...
- €35,16 EUR
- €35,16 EUR
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Showing Your True Path: Intuitive GuideThis book doubles as a Tarot Guide and a Journal. There is a lot of information to help you build a strong foundation in your training. The book encourages you to find yourself and awaken your intuition. It addresses not allowing yourself to be...
- €53,21 EUR
- €53,21 EUR
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Reiki: Libere sus poderes curativos a través de la palma de la mano desvelando los secretos y símbolos del Reiki según sus enSi quiere conocer una de las técnicas curativas más poderosas, siga leyendo... Quiere conocer los orígenes del Reiki? Quiere saber más sobre los cinco principios del Reiki? Desea obtener una comprensión profunda de la curación con Reiki?Si aspira a convertirse en un Maestro de...
- €46,06 EUR
- €46,06 EUR
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Fear and Love Motivation: Self-Healing by Reclaiming the Power of Your Thoughts, Feelings, Words and ColoursAre you tired of living your life in fear, always worried you don't have enough time or energy to do what you have to do, let alone what you want to do?Another way exists, and it begins with something as simple as just paying...
- €26,50 EUR
- €26,50 EUR
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Scorpion Horoscope 2023Toutes les prédictions astrologiques pour votre signe du zodiaque. Votre carte de tarot, rune, numéros de chance et rituels pour l'amour, la santé et l'argent en 2023.Author: Rubi AstrologaPublisher: Rubi AstrologaPublished: 11/17/2022Pages: 110Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.30lbsSize: 8.50h x 5.50w x 0.23dISBN: 9798215070994Language: FrenchThis title...
- €47,56 EUR
- €47,56 EUR
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