Business & Economics
Explore the best business and economics books, including top entrepreneur reads, finance essentials, and foundational texts. Browse our online bookstore for bestsellers and highly recommended books in business and economics.
Exit! 12 Steps to Sell Your Business For the Price You DeserveEXIT 12 Steps to Sell Your Business for the Price You Deserve demystifies the selling process ensuring that business owners will be able to sell their business for the maximum market price, whether they want to sell today or ten years from today. The...
- $42.33 AUD
- $42.33 AUD
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Executive Futures: A Quest for Quantum CurriculumIn this pivotal new book, Dr Morne Mostert synthesises ground-breaking insights from systemic leadership learning, quantum theory, and complex systems science to redefine executive education and strategic foresight. "Executive Futures: A Quest for Quantum Curriculum" is more than a book; it's an essential guide...
- $117.78 AUD
- $117.78 AUD
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Estrategias de Datos para Gobierno de Datos: Creando Una Cimentaci?n Pragm?tica, ?gil Y Comunicable Para El Ejercicio De Gesti?n De DatosLa estrategia es la clave para ganar cualquier juego, y la Estrategia de Datos es la clave para ganar el juego de la Gesti?n de Datos. La Estrategia de Datos es un concepto en plural, ya que comprende un conjunto de diferentes estrategias interrelacionadas...
- $113.13 AUD
- $113.13 AUD
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Estar A Cargo No Es Lo Mismo Que Ser Líder De EquipoDefinitivamente formar equipos laborales no es tarea fácil en ninguna empresa, y no importael tipo de producto a vender o servicio que se preste, usted tendrá que trabajar con sereshumanos. Sin duda alguna será de mucha relevancia saber elegir la clase de personas quenecesita...
- $30.20 AUD
- $30.20 AUD
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ErgodicitySOME REVIEWS OF THIS BOOK, FROM GOODREADS: "This is one of the most important books I've read, period. It's short, articulate, and expansive on a singular subject matter - ergodicity, which is really the key ingredient to success in life, marriage, business, family, happiness,...
- $45.28 AUD
- $45.28 AUD
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Entropy Economics: The Living Basis of Value and ProductionEconomists dream of equilibrium. It's time to wake up. In mainstream economics, markets are ideal if competition is perfect. When supply balances demand, economic maturity is orderly and disturbed only by shocks. These ideas are rooted in doctrines going back thousands of years yet,...
- $118.93 AUD
- $118.93 AUD
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Entrepreneurship as done by Engineer Peyman Kianian: The Founder of Nafis Holding (Iranian Great Entrepreneurs)Any country that has attained a suitable station in today's world and positioned itself finely is because of years of ceaseless effort and attitude of the great women and men, who through unrivaled courage and perpetual perseverance, have left an aesthetically splendid legacy for...
- $45.28 AUD
- $45.28 AUD
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Entrepreneurship as done by Ali Khosravani: The Founder of Auto Khosravani and Auto shenas (Iranian Great Entrepreneurs)Any country that has attained a suitable station in today's world and positioned itself finely is because of years of ceaseless effort and attitude of the great women and men, who through unrivaled courage and perpetual perseverance, have left an aesthetically splendid legacy for...
- $45.28 AUD
- $45.28 AUD
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El Manual de Bitcoin: Conceptos Clave en Econom?a, Tecnolog?a y Psicolog?aEl Manual de Bitcoin es una recopilaci?n de los esquemas, modelos mentales y heur?sticos m?s ?tiles para dar sentido aldinero en la Era Digital. Escrito para un p?blico no t?cnico y repleto de ilustraciones que invitan a la reflexi?n, es un valioso recurso para...
- $36.65 AUD
- $36.65 AUD
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Elements of Leadership: Lessons from Avatar the Last AirbenderLeadership literature is dominated by Western paradigms, but what about the lessons of leadership from a cross-cultural perspective? In this highly readable volume, Sy Islam and Gordon B. Schmidt utilise examples from Avatar: The Last Airbender to bring this unique lens of perspective to...
- $74.00 AUD
- $74.00 AUD
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El diagrama de Ishikawa: Solucionar los problemas desde su raízDescubra las causas raíces de sus problemas y aplique soluciones eficaces Este libro es una guía práctica y accesible para entender y aplicar el diagrama de Ishikawa, que le aportará la información esencial y le permitirá ganar tiempo. En tan solo 50 minutos usted...
- $36.78 AUD
- $36.78 AUD
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Edward A. Tenenbaum and the DeutschmarkEdward A. Tenenbaum was an exceptionally talented American in troubled times. This biography is written for readers interested in Secret Service and World War II as well as post-war Marshall-Plan and development-aid history. With his currency reform in West Germany 1948, Tenenbaum laid the...
- $192.48 AUD
- $192.48 AUD
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Economía circular: Un enfoque práctico para transformar los modelos empresarialesEl consumo de materias primas a escala mundial ha sobrepasado la capacidad de regeneración del planeta. La economía circular, además de ofrecer un modelo sostenible, brinda la posibilidad de desarrollar nuevas actividades productivas y de servicios. Este libro nos introduce en esta apasionante evolución...
- $63.40 AUD
- $63.40 AUD
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Do More More Naturally: Empowering Effortless Success and the Freedom to be YourselfWhat If You Had The Power To Unleash Your Natural Instincts and Discover Effortless Success? Imagine getting up every morning psyched for work and ending your day with plenty of energy for your personal life. What if you could do more than merely exist...
- $58.85 AUD
- $58.85 AUD
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Doctored: Fraud, Arrogance, and Tragedy in the Quest to Cure Alzheimer'sFor readers of Empire of Pain and Dopesick, an arresting deep dive into how Alzheimer's disease treatment has been set back by corrupt researchers, negligent regulators, and the profit motives of Big Pharma. Nearly seven million Americans live with Alzheimer's disease, a tragedy that...
- $65.65 AUD
- $65.65 AUD
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Design Your Career: Lead Self, Lead Others, Lead ChangeToday, we are confronted with a lot of compelling career options, but with little guidance. The new age engagement models, such as working-from-home, freelancing, gig-workforce, moonlighting, co-working spaces, solopreneur and entrepreneur-in-residence, have ushered significant flux in both the formal and informal work settings. There...
- $61.13 AUD
- $61.13 AUD
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Debt and Taxes: Defusing America's Debt BombAmerica's $34 trillion national debt is more than just a number-it's a ticking time bomb. With the debt ratio now exceeding the nation's gross domestic product by 26 percent, Howard Mick offers a crucial exploration of how we got here and what it means...
- $22.53 AUD
- $22.53 AUD
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Data Management Courseware Based on Cdmp Fundamentals'Besides the courseware publication (ISBN: 9789401811491), you are advised to obtain the DAMA DMBOK publication (ISBN: 9781634622349). Optionally, you can use the publication Data management: a gentle introduction (ISBN: 9789401805506) as inspiration for examples and quotes about the field of data management. This material...
- $412.43 AUD
- $412.43 AUD
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Crypto Moments: How Tech Visionaries Disrupted Global FinanceStrap in for a raucous ride through the ever-evolving history of Bitcoin. Replete with details guaranteed to shock and inspire, Crypto historian Ben Brauser and Cheyne Mackie's account of the genesis and history of cryptocurrency is a captivating journey through the basics of the...
- $90.48 AUD
- $90.48 AUD
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Critical Chain: A Business NovelThis fast-paced business novel does for project management what The Goal and It's Not Luck have done for production and marketing. Goldratt's novels have traditionally slain sacred cows and delivered new ways of looking at processes which seem like common sense once you read...
- $152.85 AUD
- $152.85 AUD
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