Business & Economics
Explore the best business and economics books, including top entrepreneur reads, finance essentials, and foundational texts. Browse our online bookstore for bestsellers and highly recommended books in business and economics.
The Routledge Handbook of Accounting EthicsThe perspective of this book is to present "ethics" as a conversation about how we decide what is good or bad, right or wrong. It is a collection of conversations employed by educators to assist accounting students in developing their understanding of accounting's ethical...
- €133,18 EUR
- €133,18 EUR
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Civic Engagement, Community-Based Initiatives and Governance Capacity: An International PerspectiveThis book intends to theoretically conceptualize and empirically investigate upcoming and established practices of community-based initiatives in various countries in which both citizens and governments join efforts and capacities to solve wicked issues. It aims to include and compare cases from various countries, departing...
- €123,82 EUR
- €123,82 EUR
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Leadership Challenges in Managing Organisational ChangeThis book provides insight into the human psychology of greed, leadership effectiveness, behaviour modification, and the influence of change communication. A proper and systematic approach to succeed in any organisation-wide change effort. This book presents a creative and easy to follow 10-step model in...
- €22,23 EUR
- €22,23 EUR
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Leading with Your Upper Brain: How to Create the Behaviors That Unlock Performance ExcellenceIt's never been this urgent to build employee relationships that spark higher brain thinking and the skills to connect with people to encourage their highest performance. In other words, it's vital to engage team members' upper brains, which control critical reasoning, judgment, and creativity....
- €59,53 EUR
- €59,53 EUR
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Cómo Dejar de ser Obsesivo Compulsivo, Controlador o Perfeccionista: Métodos Efectivos para Dejar Hábitos poco Saludables que Podrían estar AfectandoPierdes muchos minutos del día o incluso horas debido a hábitos compulsivos? Te has preguntado si estas obsesiones son normales Te gustaría conocer más el trasfondo de estos hábitos? Entonces sigue leyendo... "Nada perdura, nada es preciso y seguro (...), la perfección es la...
- €24,62 EUR
- €24,62 EUR
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Winning at RetirementA roadmap to happiness in retirement.Winning at Retirement is a comprehensive and uniquely modern guide to looking after your heath, managing your money, and seeking a greater purpose. The Second Edition discusses the COVID crisis, and touches on new concepts like cryptocurrencies and meme...
- €21,03 EUR
- €21,03 EUR
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The Rise of the Rest: How Entrepreneurs in Surprising Places Are Building the New American DreamSteve Case, cofounder of America Online and Revolution and New York Times bestselling author of The Third Wave, shows how entrepreneurs across the country are building groundbreaking companies, renewing communities, and creating new jobs--in the process reimagining the American landscape and bringing people together...
- €51,44 EUR
- €51,44 EUR
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Google Adwords 2022: A Beginner's Guide to BOOST YOUR BUSINESS Use Google Analytics, SEO Optimization, YouTube and Ads.This guide will focus on the following: 1. Choosing Keywords2. How To Build A Google Friendly Website3. Local SEO Begins at Home4. Website Content that is Keyword Specific5. Creating Compelling Ads6. Optimizing for Conversions7. Tips on Improving your Content Marketing Strategy8. Search Campaigns Ad...
- €54,67 EUR
- €54,67 EUR
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The Ministry of Truth: Bigtech's Influence on Facts, Feelings and FictionsThe Ministry of Truth scrutinizes the information market in the era of the attention economy calling on citizens, public educators and politicians to action in averting the role of BigTech in critical infrastructure. Through phenomena such as influencers, 'fake news', and covid conspiracies, the...
- €42,08 EUR
- €42,08 EUR
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¿Compra el Dip?: Invertir en Finanzas Descentralizadas y Operar con Criptodivisas, 2022-2023 - ¿Alcista o bajista? (Estrategias InteligA nadie se le escapa que el mercado de las criptomonedas ha recibido duros golpes. Como cualquier mercado financiero, el comercio de criptomonedas está dirigido por la emoción. O mejor dicho, los inversores en criptodivisas se dejan llevar por la emoción y la reciente...
- €21,03 EUR
- €21,03 EUR
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RedRock Leadership: Transform Your Company Culture and Unleash the Potential for Exponential Growth!Today's businesses don't need bosses-they need leaders.Company success doesn't come from telling people what to do. True sustainable success is created from within, and to get there you need to transform your company culture. Jeff Ruby has a process that works. The RedRock Leadership...
- €33,61 EUR
- €33,61 EUR
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Being the Best Version of Yourself: Live to Your Fullest Potential as a Real Estate AgentThe world has dramatically changed. Real estate agents who want to succeed and thrive need to adapt and learn to handle sales more effectively without losing their humanity.As a salesperson, you must constantly bet on yourself, improve your skills, and hone your capabilities to...
- €46,68 EUR
- €46,68 EUR
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The Local Turn in Tourism: Empowering CommunitiesIn a world that is subject to rapid change and cascading crises this book considers the vital importance of local communities to grounded, just and sustainable tourism futures. Embracing local tourism as relational, the contributors examine how tourism can be reoriented to better connect...
- €133,18 EUR
- €133,18 EUR
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Skalierung Von KI Im Marketing Und Die Neue Rolle Des CmoDie Einführung und insbesondere die Skalierung von KI erfordert sowohl im Marketing als auch im Gesamtunternehmen einen grundlegenden Veränderungsprozess. Damit dieser gelingen kann, müssen der organisatorische Rahmen und in der Folge die Ablauf- und Aufbauorganisation angepasst werden. Zudem muss der CMO einen pragmatischen Weg...
- €63,11 EUR
- €63,11 EUR
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Mensch Und Raum, Eine Glückliche Beziehung?: Wohnpsychologie ALS Planungsgrundlage Für Humanes BauenDas Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen und betrachtet sowohl Wohnen aus systemischer Sicht als auch die lebensraumbezogenen Wohnbedürfnisse.Je hektischer und instabiler der Alltag bzw. die Au enwelt, desto wichtiger wird ein Zuhause, das Regeneration erlaubt, das Sicherheit und Geborgenheit schenkt. Ein...
- €63,11 EUR
- €63,11 EUR
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Bürgerliches Recht: Allgemeiner Teil, Schuldrecht, Sachenrecht, ZivilprozessrechtDie nun vorliegende vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte zehnte Auflage des bewährten Lehrbuches deckt die wesentlichen Inhalte des zivilrechtlichen Lehrstoffes ab. Es werden in kompakter Form der Allgemeine Teil des BGB, das (Allgemeine und Besondere) Schuldrecht sowie das Sachenrecht dargestellt. Vervollständigt wird dieses Buch mit...
- €63,11 EUR
- €63,11 EUR
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Strategische Unternehmensführung: Perspektiven, Konzepte, StrategienDieses Lehrbuch vermittelt einen umfassenden Überblick über die zentralen Ansätze des strategischen Managements von Unternehmen. Kompakt, anschaulich und praxisrelevant stellen die Autoren das Wesen, die zentralen theoretischen Ansätze und die Gestaltungsaspekte der strategischen Unternehmensführung dar. Diese reichen von der Strukturierung der Unternehmensziele, der Strategie...
- €126,25 EUR
- €126,25 EUR
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Simple Advice to Get the Job You Want: With Preparation and Job Hunting Tips Including Winning in Person or Remote (Virtual) Interviews and Ideas to HIf you are looking for a new job and feel a little bit lost or unprepared, you are definitely not alone. In a highly competitive job market, the difference between getting the job and not getting the job could come down to a few...
- €29,72 EUR
- €29,72 EUR
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Application Development with SAP Business Technology PlatformDevelop cloud applications customized for your business needs! Master the basics of SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) and its development environments; then get step-by-step instructions for developing and operating your own applications. Build your backend with Java, Node.js, or ABAP, and set up...
- €126,21 EUR
- €126,21 EUR
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NFT vs Cryptocurrency: Difference Between Nft and Cryptocurrency, The 10 Most Expensive Ever SoldWhat a fascinating concept: money that doesn't require conventional banks and isn't managed by a central authority.Everyone is talking about cryptocurrencies but what does all of this mean? What is going on? Why Elon is tweeting every now and then about it? Why you...
- €56,05 EUR
- €56,05 EUR
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