Explore our collection of education books and early education books at our online bookstore, including top titles for teachers and Pearson Education textbooks. Discover must-read and best-selling educational reads that provide valuable insights and resources for teaching and learning.
Frances Mary Buss and her work for educationFrances Mary Buss and her work for educationIn a life written by a friend for friends there must of necessity be more of the intimacy of private friendship than in a record written dispassionately for an unknown public. The world in general knows Frances...
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Practical School Discipline: Introductory CoursePractical School Discipline: Introductory CourseFrom the first sting of a blackboard pointer received at the hand of a primary teacher for a slight overflow of energy, to the last serious fracture of discipline which I recall in High School, I pondered over the methods...
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Character BuildingCharacter Building - Being Addresses Delivered on Sunday Evenings to the Students of Tuskegee InstituteA number of years ago, when the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute was quite small, with only a few dozen students and two or three teachers, I began the practice...
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The Trinity Archive, Vol. I, No. 1The Trinity Archive, Vol. I, No. 1Our line of Fine Dress Suits and Overcoats is the largest and finest ever seen. In our Hat and Furnishing Goods Department you can find anything you could ask for. All we ask is a call to convince...
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Trustees of the John F. Slater Fund. Occasional papers, no. 3Education of the Negroes Since 1860The Trustees of the John F. Slater Fund propose to publish from time to time papers that relate to the education of the colored race. These papers are designed to furnish information to those who are concerned in the...
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A student's history of educationA student's history of educationThere is a growing conviction among those engaged in training teachers that the History of Education must justify itself. It is believed that, if this subject is to contribute to the professional equipment of the teacher, its material must be...
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Dorothea Beale of CheltenhamDorothea Beale of CheltenhamMiss Beale left ample materials for the history of her work. Not only were all business documents, such as minutes of council meetings, nomination papers, examination questions carefully preserved, she kept also all letters which could be of any interest. She...
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Handicaps of ChildhoodHandicaps of ChildhoodIt is my hope that this book will be read as a companion-volume to "Psychology and Parenthood," it being designed to amplify and supplement that earlier work. Its general aim, accordingly, is to present additional evidence in support of the central doctrine...
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Reginald Bateman, Teacher and SoldierReginald Bateman, Teacher and Soldier - A Memorial Volume of Selections from His Lectures and Other Writings The purpose of this volume is to commemorate the life and death of Reginald John Godfrey Bateman, first Professor of English at the University of Saskatchewan. It...
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The Babees' Book: Medieval Manners for the Young: Done into Modern EnglishThe Babees' Book: Medieval Manners for the Young: Done into Modern EnglishNEARLY forty years ago, Dr. Furnivall collected for the Early English Text Society divers treatises touching the Manners and Meals of Englishmen in former days. Some of these were published in 1868, under...
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Comenius and the Beginnings of Educational ReformComenius and the Beginnings of Educational ReformThe present volume is an effort to trace the reform movement in education from Vives, Bacon, and Ratke to Comenius, who gave the movement its most significant force and direction; and from him to the later reformers,Francke, Rousseau,...
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Reading: How to Teach ItReading: How to Teach ItThe teacher of children must know how to guide her work so that the seemingly trivial beginnings shall tend toward a goal whose attainment is worth striving for. Hers is a day of small things. The child does not see...
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Montessori childrenMontessori childrenAs a student of child psychology and always most deeply interested in the welfare problems that confront us in connection with the upbringing of little children, I went to Rome in 1913 to study, first-hand, the results of the Montessori system of education....
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Le Università italiane nel Medio EvoLe Università italiane nel Medio Evo AVVERTENZA Pag. VII INTRODUZIONE Origine delle universit Importanza degli studii relativi alle universit Gli storici delle universit antiche Opinione nostra sulla vera origine delle universit Il risorgimento della civilt moderna Influenza del Cristianesimo Profonda ignoranza nei primi secoli...
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Educating by Story-TellingEducating by Story-Telling - Showing the Value of Story-Telling as an Educational Tool for the Use of All Workers with ChildrenThe story is a phase of communicationthe instinctive tendency to signal and transmit feelings and ideas and to respond to such expressionsand communication is...
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Were You Ever a Child?Were You Ever a Child?This book is intended as an explanation of the new educational ideals and methods now being fostered and developed, under great difficulties, by courageous educators, in various schools for the most part outside the public school system. These schools are...
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Hints on Child-trainingHints on Child-trainingHints on Child-Training may be helpful, where a formal treatise on the subject would prove bewildering. It is easier to see how one phase or another of childrens needs is to be met, than it is to define the relation of that...
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Sarah Winnemucca's Practical Solution of the Indian ProblemSarah Winnemucca's Practical Solution of the Indian Problem - A Letter to Dr. Lyman Abbot of the "Christian Union"Because you so cordially announced Sarah Winnemuccas New Departure, a year or more ago, as the Christian Unions solution of the Indian problem, I send you...
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Monographs on education in the United States, 7Education of WomenThe higher education of women in America is taking place before our eyes on a vast scale and in a variety of ways. Every phase of this great experiment, if experiment we choose to call it, may be studied almost simultaneously. Women...
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Women Students in the University of North Carolina: 1897-1922Women Students in the University of North Carolina: 1897-1922This year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the admission of women into the University and so it has seemed fitting that it should be the occasion of a general alumnae reunion. It is with pleasure that...
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