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KultalaKultala - Hyödyllinen ja huvittava historia, yhteiselle kansalleHydyllisten ja siin sivussa huvittavaisten kirjain puutos on Suomalaista lukemisen ainetta halajavaisille sangen suuri, ja samassa mrss, kuin lukioitten joukko, piv pivlt enentyv. Tosin on tm jo merkillisesti enentynyt, koska aivan moni, vaikka muissa kieliss kyll harjoitettu,...
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Mon frère YvesMon frère YvesKermadec (Yves-Marie), fils d'Yves-Marie et de Jeanne Danveoch. N le 28 aot 1851, Saint-Pol-de-Lon (Finistre). Taille, 1 m 80. Cheveux chtains, sourcils chtains, yeux chtains, nez moyen, menton ordinaire, front ordinaire, visage ovale. Ces tatouages taient encore de mode, il y a...
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Our Elizabeth: A Humour NovelOur Elizabeth: A Humour Novel Elizabeth is not a type; she is an individuality. Signs and omens at her birth no doubt determined her sense of the superstitious; but I trace her evolution as a figure of fun to some sketches of mine in...
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Sunny SlopesSunny Slopes Back and forth, back and forth, over the net, spun the little white ball, driven by the quick, sure strokes of the players. There was no sound save the bounding of the ball against the racquets, and the thud of rubber soles...
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Een Kapitein van Vijftien JaarEen Kapitein van Vijftien Jaar - De WalvischjagersDit vaartuig van vierhonderd ton, uitgerust te San-Francisco voor de groote visscherij in de zuidpoolzeen, behoorde in eigendom aan James W. Weldon, een rijken Californischen reeder, die al sedert vele jaren het bevel over dezen bodem toevertrouwd...
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Old KaskaskiaOld KaskaskiaEarly in the century, on a summer evening, Jean Lozier stood on the bluff looking at Kaskaskia. He loved it with the homesick longing of one who is born for towns and condemned to the fields. Moses looking into the promised land had...
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A Crooked Path: A NovelA Crooked Path: A NovelThe London season had not yet reached its height, some years ago, before the arch admitting to Constitution Hill had been swept back to make room for the huge, ever-increasing stream of traffic, or the plebeian 'bus had been permitted...
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Prudence of the ParsonagePrudence of the Parsonage None but the residents consider Mount Mark, Iowa, much of a town, and those who are honest among them admit, although reluctantly, that Mount Mark can boast of far more patriotism than good judgment! But the very most patriotic of...
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The CanadianThe Canadian - Photoplay title of The Land of PromiseNora opened her eyes to an unaccustomed consciousness of well-being. She was dimly aware that it had its origin in something deeper than mere physical comfort; but for the moment, in that state between sleeping...
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Maroessia: De Ukraineesche Jeanne D'ArcMaroessia: De Ukraineesche Jeanne D'ArcIk houd veel van die streken, waarover men weinig spreekt, die de vreemdeling niet bezoekt, die men aan zich zelf overlaat, die haar schuilplaatsen en haar geheimen, haar groote smarten en haar eenvoudige genoegens voor zich houden. De geschiedenis van...
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La San-Felice, Tome 03La San-Felice, Tome 03Nos lecteurs doivent remarquer avec quel soin nous les conduisons travers un pays et des personnages qui leur sont inconnus, afin de garder la fois notre rcit toute la fermet de l'ensemble et toute la varit des dtails. Cette proccupation nous...
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La San-Felice, Tome 02La San-Felice, Tome 02Il tait deux heures du matin, peu prs, lorsque le roi et la reine, quittant l'ambassade d'Angleterre, rentrrent au palais. Le roi, trs-proccup, nous l'avons dit, de la scne qui venait de se passer, prit immdiatement le chemin de son appartement,...
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Isopel BernersIsopel Berners - The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825The last century was yet in its infancy when the author of The Romany Rye first saw the light in the sleepy little East Anglian township of East Dereham, in the...
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Haapakoskelaiset: Romaani Itä-SuomestaHaapakoskelaiset: Romaani Itä-SuomestaHaapakosken vanhalla kartanolla Kymin pitjss oli tiluksia kummallakin puolen tt historiallista jokea. Emtila, alkuaan vhptinen tilus, oli siit Viipurin puolella. Ostolla, vaihdolla ja perinnll oli sit laajennettu joka taholle. Sen paraana arvona eivt kuitenkaan olleet pellot eik niityt, vaan muhkeat metst, jotka...
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The Days of Bruce: A Story from Scottish History. Vol. 1The Days of Bruce: A Story from Scottish History. Vol. 1As these pages have passed through the press, mingled feelings of pain and pleasure have actuated my heart. Who shall speak the regret that she, to whom its composition was a work of love,...
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MasakímMasakímHating gabi, madilim, ang mga dahon ng halaman ay nangakayuko, ang mga ibon ay di man lamang humuhuni, sa mga hayop mula sa kanikanilang himlayan ay walang maririnig na kahit isang putl na ungol man lamang, ang mga ka-awa-awang mangagaw sa paghanap ng ipagtatawid...
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Vera NevillVera Nevill - Or, Poor Wisdom's Chance CHAPTER I.The Vicar's Family CHAPTER II. Kynaston Hall CHAPTER III. Fanning Dead Ashes CHAPTER IV. The Lay Rector CHAPTER V. "Little Pitchers" CHAPTER VI. A Soire at Walpole Lodge CHAPTER VII. Evening Reveries CHAPTER VIII. The Member...
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De Lotgevallen van Tom SawyerDe Lotgevallen van Tom SawyerDe oude dame, die deze woorden sprak, trok haar bril naar beneden om er overheen te kijken. Daarna duwde zij hem naar boven om er onderdoor te kijken. Zelden of nooit gebruikte zij hem om er door te kijken, althans...
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The Challenge of the NorthThe Challenge of the NorthOskar Hedin, head of the fur department of old John McNabb's big store, looked up from his scrutiny of the Russian sable coat spread upon a table before him, and encountered the twinkling eyes of old John himself. "It's a...
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Az arany szalamandraAz arany szalamandraAnnyi szent, hogy trtnik valami! Lpten-nyomon messze orszgokbl rkez idegenek adjk egyms kezbe a kilincset. Azutn nem egyszer lttam, midn a fkamars r egsz csom mindenfle plntval trt vissza a hegyek kzl, mond a harangnt. No ht tudjk meg, hogy Bornemissza Lnrd...
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