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Hellmannin herra Esimerkin vuoksi Maailman murjomaHellmannin herra; Esimerkin vuoksi; Maailman murjomaKoko talo oli ylsalaisin, sill herra oli kyln lhdss. Hn oli taas kauhean pahalla tuulella, huusi sinne, huusi tnne, kiukkuili ja pauhasi rouvalle, rengille ja piioille, ja nm sit mukaa hdissn riensivt minne milloinkin kskettiin, yh sattuen toistensa tielle....
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HelsinkiinHelsinkiinKuopion rannassa soivat lhtevien laivain kellot jo toiseen kertaan. Elias Lnnrot oli isoin ja komein laiva, joka vei matkustajia eteln pin, Helsinkiin ja muuanne, ja sen kello aloitti ensiksi. Sen soidessa yhtyivt soimaan pienempin laivain kellot, ja ne helistivt yht'aikaa, kilvan keskenn. Oli sunnuntai-aamu,...
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The Poor GentlemanThe Poor GentlemanThe story of "THE POOR GENTLEMAN," now given in our language for the first time, is one of the series in which M. Conscience has delineated various grades of female character in positions of trial. In "The Village Innkeeper" he has shown...
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The Son of Clemenceau, A Novel of Modern Love and LifeThe Son of Clemenceau, A Novel of Modern Love and LifeThe sunset-gun had been fired from the ramparts of the fortifications of Munich and the shadows were thickly descending on the famous old city of Southern Germany. The evening breeze in this truly March...
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Elizabeth's CampaignElizabeth's Campaign 'Remember, Slater, if I am detained, that I am expecting the two gentlemen from the War Agricultural Committee at six, and Captain Mills of the Red Cross is coming to dine and sleep. Ask Lady Chicksands to look after him in case...
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Muuan markkinamiesMuuan markkinamiesKuopiossa kohisivat markkinat tysimmilln. Joukko hlisi, kellot ja kulkuset kilisivt, hevoset hirnuivat ja humalaiset hurrasivat. Oli vhisen jlkeen puolen pivn, ja kaikkien ilo oli ylimmilln. Joka rinkelireen ymprill myllersi kuin muurahaispesss, jokainen maailman paras panoraama oli vke pakaten tynn. Min kuljeskelin tuossa, kdet...
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Nancy MacIntyre: A Tale of the PrairiesNancy MacIntyre: A Tale of the Prairies"I was takin' leave of Nancy Standin out there in the night" "Then I dragged him on the prairie Through a Turk's Head cactus bed" "I am standing by her dug-out, Open stands the sagging door" "Bringing back...
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AftermathAftermath - Part second of "A Kentucky Cardinal"I was happily at work this morning among my butterbeansa vegetable of solid merit and of a far greater suitableness to my palate than such bovine watery growths as the squash and the beet. Georgiana came to...
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The Rocks of ValpréThe Rocks of Valpré"Love is indestructible: Its holy flame for ever burneth, From Heaven it came, to Heaven returneth; Too oft on Earth a troubled guest, At times deceived, at times opprest, It here is tried and purified, Then hath in Heaven its perfect...
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The Dark HouseThe Dark HouseThe cigar was a large one and Robert Stonehouse was small. At the precise moment, in fact, when he leant out of the upstairs bedroom window, instinctively seeking fresh air, he became eight years old. He did not know this, though he...
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The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 01The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 01Of the many causes that conspired to bring about the lamentable failure of self-government in ancient America the most general and comprehensive was, of course, the impracticable nature of the system itself. In the light of modern...
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Kindred of the DustKindred of the DustIn the living-room of The Dreamerie, his home on Tyee Head, Hector McKaye, owner of the Tyee Lumber Company and familiarly known as "The Laird," was wont to sit in his hours of leisure, smoking and building castles in Spainfor his...
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Amos Kilbright; His Adscititious ExperiencesAmos Kilbright; His Adscititious Experiences - With Other Stories[This story is told by Mr. Richard Colesworthy, an attorney-at-law, in a large town in one of our Eastern States. The fact that Mr. Colesworthy is a practical man, and but little given, outside of his...
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HalcyoneHalcyone"And now they are past the last blue headland and in the open sea; and there is nothing round them but the waves and the sky and the wind. But the waves are gentle and the sky is clear, and the breeze is tender...
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Ticket No. "9672"Ticket No. "9672""Yes; Lengling, the foreman at the saw-mill, met him this afternoon, and informed me of the fact as he passed. We have very little left in the way of ham and smoked salmon, and I don't want to run any risk of...
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Maria ChapdelaineMaria ChapdelaineUn instant plus tt elle avait paru dsole, cette glise, juche au bord du chemin sur la berge haute, au-dessus de la rivire Pribonka, dont la nappe glace et couverte de neige tait toute pareille une plaine. La neige gisait paisse sur le...
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In the Clutch of the War-GodIn the Clutch of the War-God FOREWORD: In this strange story of another day, the author has "dipped into the future" and viewed with his mind's eye the ultimate effect of America's self-satisfied complacency, and her persistent refusal to heed the lessons of Oriental...
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Les Pardaillan — Tome 04 : Fausta VaincueLes Pardaillan — Tome 04 : Fausta VaincuePour une autre catgorie, moins nombreuse et initie certains projets de Mgr de Guise, il s'agissait d'imposer Henri III une terreur salutaire et d'obtenir de lui, moyennant la soumission de Paris et son repentir de la journe...
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Les Pardaillan — Tome 05 : Pardaillan et FaustaLes Pardaillan — Tome 05 : Pardaillan et FaustaA l'aube du 21 fvrier 1590, le glas funbre tinta sur la Rome des papesla Rome de Sixte-Quint. En mme temps, la rumeur sourde qui dferlait dans les rues encore obscures indiqua que des foules marchaient...
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SupersededSuperseded 1906 Miss Sinclair has expressed a desire to have this book republished in America, because she considers it the best of her work previous to "The Divine Fire." It originally appeared with another work in a volume entitled "Two Sides of a Question,"...
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