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Ylösnousemus IIYlösnousemus IIKahden viikon kuluttua saattoi asia tulla esitellyksi senaatissa ja tksi ajaksi aikoi Nehljudof matkustaa Pietariin. Ellei olisi menestyst senaatissa, jttisi hn anomuksen Keisarilliselle Majesteetille, kuten asianajaja oli neuvonut. Siin tapauksessa ettei nyt valitus tulisi otetuksi huomioon, mihin asianajajan mielest oli valmistuminen, koska kassatsiooniaiheet...
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The Purple HeightsThe Purple Heights PETER CHAMPNEYS: Of Riverton, South Carolina, and Paris, France. MARIA CHAMPNEYS: His Mother. CHADWICK CHAMPNEYS: The God in the Machine. EMMA CAMPBELL: A Colored Woman. ANNE CHAMPNEYS, NE NANCY SIMMS: Cinderella. MRS. JOHN HEMINGWAY: Peter's First Teacher. JOHN HEMINGWAY: An American....
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The Man Who Laughs: A Romance of English HistoryThe Man Who Laughs: A Romance of English History Ursus and Homo were fast friends. Ursus was a man, Homo a wolf. Their dispositions tallied. It was the man who had christened the wolf: probably he had also chosen his own name. Having found...
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Strange True Stories of LouisianaStrange True Stories of LouisianaTrue stories are not often good art. The relations and experiences of real men and women rarely fall in such symmetrical order as to make an artistic whole. Until they have had such treatment as we give stone in the...
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Port O' GoldPort O' Gold - A History-Romance of the San Francisco ArgonautsThis is the story of San Francisco. When a newspaper editor summoned me from the mountains to write a serial he said: "I've sent for you because I believe you love this city more...
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The PenaltyThe PenaltyIf I should lose from my life that part of it of which you are a part, there would be but a skeleton left. Yet if you had played a larger part in my life I should have been so spoiled that there...
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Snarleyyow, or, the Dog FiendSnarleyyow, or, the Dog FiendThe dog fiend, or Snarleyyow is the earliest of the three novels, The Phantom Ship and The Privateersman being the other two, in which Marryat made use of historical events and attempted to project his characters into the past. The...
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The Tragedy of the KoroskoThe Tragedy of the KoroskoTHE public may possibly wonder why it is that they have never heard in the papers of the fate of the passengers of the Korosko. In these days of universal press agencies, responsive to the slightest stimulus, it may well...
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A Master of Fortune: Being Further Adventures of Captain KettleA Master of Fortune: Being Further Adventures of Captain Kettle"The pay is small enough," said Captain Kettle, staring at the blue paper. "It's a bit hard for a man of my age and experience to come down to a job like piloting, on eight...
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KimonoKimonoThe marriage of Captain the Honourable Geoffrey Barrington and Miss Asako Fujinami was an outstanding event in the season of 1913. It was bizarre, it was picturesque, it was charming, it was socially and politically important, it was everything that could appeal to the...
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Deadham Hard: A RomanceDeadham Hard: A RomanceA peculiar magic resides in running water, as every student of earth-lore knows. There is high magic, too, in the marriage of rivers, so that the spot where two mingle their streams is sacred, endowed with strange properties of evocation and...
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The Way of an EagleThe Way of an Eagle The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid." The long clatter...
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The Deacon of DobbinsvilleThe Deacon of Dobbinsville - A Story Based on Actual HappeningsThis narrative, written and first printed some 45 or 50 years ago, depicts the contrast in that day between the nominal religious professors on the one hand, and on the other the individuals who...
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Förbannelse över de otrogna!Förbannelse över de otrogna!Frbannelse ver de otrogna! Fr hundra r sen Sanningen om Sten Hallongrens dd In memoriam Mlaren Blauvogels brott Professor Poppenbergs pennskaft Tolfte sndagen efter trefaldighet ter ett mrkligt ddsfall Dalai Pedersen Samtal med Hompa Vid grnsen Veranda mot havet Apologi fr...
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Casey RyanCasey RyanFrom Denver to Spokane, from El Paso to Fort Benton, men talk of Casey Ryan and smile when they speak his name. Old men with the flat tone of coming senility in their voices will suck at their pipes and cackle reminiscently while...
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A quoi tient l'amour?A quoi tient l'amour? - Contes de France et d'Amérique_L'auteur du prsent volume s'est dcid, sur les demandes ritres qui lui ont t faites, rassembler les petits romans et les esquisses de moeurs qu'il avait parpills dans les journaux et les revues au cours...
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Nouveaux contes extraordinairesNouveaux contes extraordinairesJe remontais un jour le Mississipi au-dessus de sa jonction avec l'Ohio, et je trouvai la navigation interrompue par les glaces. Cette conglation inattendue me contrariait fort, mais je n'avais d'autre parti prendre que celui de prier mon batelier, un Canadien trs...
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The Three BridesThe Three BridesCome, Baby Charles, dont you take to being cynical and satirical, said the mother. It would be more to the purpose to consider of the bringing them home. Let me see, Raymond and his Cecil will be at Holfords Gate at 5.30....
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The Knave of DiamondsThe Knave of DiamondsO Charity, all patiently Abiding wrack and scaith! O Faith that meets ten thousand cheats Yet drops no jot of faith! Devil and brute Thou dost transmute To higher, lordlier show, Who art in sooth that lovely Truth The careless angels...
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The Mettle of the PastureThe Mettle of the PastureShe did not wish any supper and she sank forgetfully back into the stately oak chair. One of her hands lay palm upward on her white lap; in the other, which drooped over the arm of the chair, she clasped...
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