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La vita di Cola di RienzoLa vita di Cola di Rienzo Se tu veda per la prima volta il ritratto di Erasmo dipinto da Hans Holbein, pur dopo aver letto lElogio della Follia i Colloquii e le chiliadi degli Adagi, credi di avere per certo dinanzi a te in...
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"What So Proudly We Hail...""What So Proudly We Hail..."Ephraim Hale yawned a great yawn and awakened. He'd expected to have a headache. Surprisingly, considering the amount of hot buttered rum he'd consumed the night before, he had none. But where in the name of the Continental Congress had...
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The Brave Walk AloneThe Brave Walk AloneDirk Jemson pressed his forehead against the cool metal of the astro-chart and hoped that he was not going to be sick. At any moment, the space cruiser would be entering the gravity field of Caliban, and if he were ordered...
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It's Raining Frogs!It's Raining Frogs!"We shall pick up an existence by its frogs.... Wise men have tried other ways. They have tried to understand our state of being, by grasping at its stars, or its arts, or its economics. But, if there is an underlying oneness...
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The Old OnesThe Old OnesDr. Warner didn't usually burst into Dr. Farrar's office. Usually he paced slowly up the hospital corridor, pulling down his glistening white lastijac uniform, meditating on all the mistakes he might have made during the past week, reluctantly turning the knob on...
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Meet Me in TomorrowMeet Me in TomorrowThe gravel road wound its way through quiet country fields cloaked in the fresh green of early summer. Andy Pearce watched it with expectant eyes and the odd feeling that it was winding up within him like twine, making an ever-growing...
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Wind in Her HairWind in Her Hair"Oh, Johnny, don't say it; please." Her eyes spoke with her voice, emotions bubbled in them. Her face had something of a woman's seriousness in it, the product more of native understanding than experience, and much of a girl's naivete. "Don't...
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La petite sœur de TrottLa petite sœur de TrottUn soir, on ne peut pas dire exactement quand, mais il y a dj bien longtemps, un soir, lheure o il fait trs bon, trs doux, trs chaud, au coin du feu prs de la lampe allume, lheure o lon...
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One for the Robot—Two for the SameOne for the Robot—Two for the SameI took an instinctive disliking to him from the very first. I don't know exactly what caused it. His appearance? He wore a well tailored gray plaid suit draped on what I would have sworn to be nothing...
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Disappeared From Her Home: A NovelDisappeared From Her Home: A Novel 200 REWARD. Disappeared from her home, Amy, only daughter of Stephen Warden, Esq., of the High Elms, Harleyford. Age, 17; height, 5ft. Dark hair and eyes, oval face, small nose, mouth, and chin; remarkably small hands and feet;...
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The Golden Harpoon Or, Lost Among the Floes: A Story of the Whaling GroundsThe Golden Harpoon; Or, Lost Among the Floes: A Story of the Whaling GroundsOn the morning of the 25th day of April, 18, the whale-ship Montpelier, of New London, anchored in one of the many bays that open along the coast of Kamschatka, where...
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The Joss: A ReversionThe Joss: A Reversion I had had an aggravating day. In everything luck had been against me. I had got down late, and been fined for that. Then when I went into the shop I found I had forgotten my cuffs, and Mr. Broadley,...
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Vrouwenleven in de DessaVrouwenleven in de DessaHet was middernacht, de strandkampong lag in diepe rust; in de kleine inlandsche woningen geen geluid of beweging, alles sliep. Hier en daar schitterde een lichtpuntje door de bilikwanden der huisjes, waarmee de palita, het primitieve olielampje, de duisternis in zijn...
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AspasiaAspasiaWanneer deze roman, naar eene vele malen aangehaalde les van onzen tijd, een volkhet oud-helleenschebij zijn arbeid opzoekt en de cosmopolitische arbeid van het Helleensche volk zich uitstrekt tot den werkkring van kunstenaars, dichters en denkers, zal het dan niet schijnen, dat aan deze...
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CombatmanCombatmanAs Computerman, I was the first to come out of deep freeze after we kicked clear of the Time-Warp. So I left the needles in my wriststhe tubes let me reach Brain Oneand started punching data from the instruments while my fingers were still...
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Hold Onto Your Body!Hold Onto Your Body!He stared at me uncomprehendingly for a full three seconds. Then a glimmer of understanding leaped into his beady little eyes and he got up from the chair before my desk and started happily toward the outer door of the office....
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World Without GlamorWorld Without GlamorMarsden had filled a basin with well water and began to lather his hands and face with soap when Marie entered their cabin. He looked up and clucked his tongue in disapproval. "Lord," he said. "Look at yourself." Marie scowled at him...
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In Exitu Israel: An Historical Novel, Volume 1 (of 2)In Exitu Israel: An Historical Novel, Volume 1 (of 2)There is a side to the History of the French Revolution which is too generally overlookedits ecclesiastical side. Under the ancien rgime, the disadvantages of an Establishment produced a strong party of liberal Catholics prepared...
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Heir ApparentHeir ApparentWe watched in silence as grim-faced, uniformed guards carried the small bronze casket down from the space ship. There were thousands of us standing there in the pouring rain, soaked to the skin. Yet somehow we didn't notice the rain or the discomfort....
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Punaiset sudet: Historiallinen seikkailukertomusPunaiset sudet: Historiallinen seikkailukertomus 1. Vaikea kiusaus. 2. Hirvenpyynti. 3. Hyljtyn kosijan kosto. 4. Valtaneuvos ja kersantti. 5. Uuden Ruotsin uutisasutuksella. 6. Ukontuli. 7. Pekka Drufva saa uuden nimen. 8. Pekka Drufva lhtee etsimn kadonnutta uutisasukasta. 9. Elvn haudatut. 10. Kostaja saapuu. 11. Rumpali...
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