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Through the WheatThrough the WheatDusk, like soft blue smoke, fell with the dying spring air and settled upon the northern French village. In the uncertain light one and two story buildings set along the crooked street showed crisply, bearing a resemblance to false teeth in an...
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The Daughter of Virginia DareThe Daughter of Virginia Dare The sunbeams were playing hide and seek with the ripples around the prows of three small vessels lying at anchor in the harbor of Portsmouth. Their decks were crowded with the colonists going to seek a home on the...
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Jean-Christophe IIIJean-Christophe III - NuorukainenChristophe oli heittytynyt itsepintaiseen tyhn. Mykll raivolla hn nytti rankaisevan itsen siit, ett oli tahtonut olla onnellinen. Surun valituksiin ja sliviin sanoihin ei hn vastannut koskaan, niin jykistynyt hn oli ylpeyteens. Virkkamatta mitn hn jatkoi sitkesti jokapivisi tehtvin ja antoi pianotuntinsa...
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The Gray AngelsThe Gray AngelsThe younger generation of Birges Corners insisted that nothing exciting had happened since Abigail Clergys love affair in 1867, and the older generation retorted that Thurley Precore, who must have been born in Arcadia, was bound to create excitement. The older generation...
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And Gone TomorrowAnd Gone TomorrowHere is the best story submitted in answer to the theme question: "What Will Life in America Be Like 100 Years From Now?" ... Written by an undergraduate at the University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, it pictures the America of 2054 as...
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Robinson-koulu: Seikkailuromaani TyyneltämereltäRobinson-koulu: Seikkailuromaani TyyneltämereltäI. Halukkailla on tilaisuus ostaa saari Tyynest valtamerest. II. William W. Kolderup San Franciscosta kamppailee stocktonilaisen J.R. Taskinarin kanssa. III. Phina Hollaneyn ja Godfrey Morganin keskustelu pianon sestyksell. IV. Artelett, jota nimitetn Tartelettiksi, esitelln asianmukaisesti lukijalle. V. Lhtvalmistuksia ja lopullinen matkallelht. VI....
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Les MachinesLes MachinesThere are human beings who function "like machines" and there are machines which seem to be "almost human". Sothe problem in this case was not murder, or who committed it but who was the "machine" and who was the "human being". On January...
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Kunnon Kasper ja kaunis AnniKunnon Kasper ja kaunis AnniClemens Brentanon pieni novelli Kunnon Kasper ja kaunis Anni on kaikessa vaatimattomuudessaan saksalaisen novellikirjallisuuden huomattavimpia tuotteita, ensiksikin se kuuluu uudenaikaisen saksalaisen novellin esikoisiin, ja toiseksi se samalla on saksalaisen kansankuvauksen eli "kylkertomuksen" tienraivaajia, vielp lajissaan kaikkein parhaita. Uudenaikainen novelli ja...
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Beryl of the Biplane: Being the Romance of an Air-Woman of To-DayBeryl of the Biplane: Being the Romance of an Air-Woman of To-DayYesZepp-hunting. I was up three hours, but, alas! had no luck. Two came in over Essex but were scared by the anti-aircraft boys, and turned tail. Better luck to-night, I hope, and Ronald...
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First Stage: MoonFirst Stage: MoonThey were the first men on Earth to reach the Moon and return. They were heroes of the world; they would be welcomed and acclaimed and feted for the greatest achievement in history. Nations would seek them out.... "Well ... I suppose...
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Escape VelocityEscape VelocityIt was a duel to the death and Kraag had all the advantages, including offense and defense. Jonner had neither, but he employed an old equation peculiarly adaptable to the situation. And the proper equation properly worked.... Murdering Stein was easy. Kraag waited...
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Little BoyLittle BoyHe dropped over the stone wall and flattened to the ground. He looked warily about him like a young wolf, head down, eyes up. His name was Stevenbut he'd forgotten that. His face was a sunburned, bitter, filthy eleven-year-old facetight lips, lean cheeks,...
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Money is the Root of All GoodMoney is the Root of All GoodThe reason is obvious if but considered. The galactic government and the equally large galactic businesses are so immense that they must be distributed throughout the whole galaxy, with only the very cream of the hierarchy located on...
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Jean-Christophe IIJean-Christophe II - AamuMuutamia vuosia on kulunut. Christophe tytt pian yksitoista vuotta. Hn kehitt itsen edelleen musiikki-alalla. Hn perehtyy harmoniaoppiin Florian Holzerin johdolla, joka on Pyhn Martin urkuri, isoisn ystv, sangen oppinut mies; tm opettaa hnelle, ett akordit, yhteissointujen sarjat, joita hn enimmn rakastaa,...
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Spatial DeliverySpatial DeliveryThere, high in the emptiness of space, Space Station One swung in its orbit. Once every two hours, the artificial satellite looped completely around the planet, watching what went on below. Outside its bright steel hull was the silence of the interplanetary vacuum;...
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PeacePeaceThe war is over. Iverson is safely exiled on asteroid 14, and the other leaders of the aggressor forcesCartwright, Briande, Remberg, Kiang and Risofskyare all in confinement on their respective space islands. Peace has been restored to the system: on Rios and on Nwad....
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Miracle by PriceMiracle by PriceEnclosed is the itemized inventory of the furnishings of the late Dr. Edward Price's estate. As you requested, I personally examined the laboratory. Candidly, Bill, you needed a psychiatrist for the job, not a graduate physicist. Dr. Price was undoubtedly an inventive...
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Oswego-joella: "Tienviitan" seikkailuja, intiaanikertomusOswego-joella: "Tienviitan" seikkailuja, intiaanikertomusAmerikan suurissa metsiss on lukuisasti myrskyn tuhoamia paikkoja, joissa on kasoittain kaatuneita puunrunkoja. Asukkaat sanovat niit tuulenteiksi, ja kun pivnpaiste synkiss metsiss ainoastaan sellaisille paikoille psee tunkeutumaan, ovat ne iknkuin kosteikkoja. Erss tuollaisessa kosteikossa oli kerran muuan seurue, kaksi miest ja...
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QuickieQuickieSimon Grover always felt like a goldfish in a coptercab. The plexiglass bubble afforded full 360 degree vision, but people could also see you from the crowded traffic lanes above a big city. In another few moments he would be safe. He squirmed around...
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Unwelcomed VisitorUnwelcomed VisitorAll the way over, all through the loneliness of the long trip, he had consoled himself with the thought of the reception he would get. How they would crowd around him, how they would gape and cheer! All the most prominent and most...
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