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George Washington or, Life in America One Hundred Years AgoGeorge Washington; or, Life in America One Hundred Years Ago.As Columbus and La Salle were the most prominent of the Pioneers of America, so was Washington the most illustrious of its Patriots. In the career of Columbus we have a vivid sketch of life...
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Terse Information about Queensland, the Queen State of the Australian CommonwealthQueensland, the Rich but Sparsely Peopled Country, a Paradise for Willing WorkersAny steady energetic individual from the above classes should have no difficulty in earning a good livelihood and in making a comfortable home in Queensland 37s. to 39s. per week with board and...
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Guida pei monti della Brianza e per le terre circonvicineGuida pei monti della Brianza e per le terre circonvicine Quando io stava raccogliendo i materiali delle Vicende della Brianza, che ora comparvero interamente in luce, nulla risparmiai perch potessi avere quella maggiore esattezza, che fosse possibile in un lavoro per anco intentato, dove...
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The early life of Abraham Lincoln:The early life of Abraham Lincoln: - containing many unpublished documents and unpublished reminiscences of Lincoln's early friendsIt has been only within the last ten years that the descent of Abraham Lincoln from the Lincolns of Hingham, Massachusetts, has been established with any degree...
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The Comedy & Tragedy of the Second EmpireThe Comedy & Tragedy of the Second Empire - Paris Society in the Sixties; Including Letters of Napoleon III., M. Pietri, and Comte de la Chapelle, and Portraits of the PeriodIt is due to the readers of The Empress Eugnie: 1870-1910, that they should...
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Annali d'Italia, vol. 7Annali d'Italia, vol. 7 - dal principio dell'era volgare sino all'anno 1750 L'anno fu questo del giubileo romano, aperto con gran solennit da papa Clemente X, non avendo mancato il santo padre di contribuir molte limosine in alimento de' poveri pellegrini, di lavar loro...
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Kynällä ja kiväärillä: "Sissin" itsenäisyys- ja vapaustaistelumme ajaltaKynällä ja kiväärillä: "Sissin" itsenäisyys- ja vapaustaistelumme ajaltaIhminen kaipaa aina uutta. Se ominaisuus on se tuli, jonka Prometeus muinoin tempasi taivaasta, saattaen teollaan ihmiskunnan edistyksen tielle. Niin pian kuin joku asia, toiminta mik hyvns alkaa menn aina samaa uneliasta vanhaa latuansa, silmt ummessa, puoli...
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He Knew LincolnHe Knew Lincoln Did I know Lincoln? Well, I should say. See that chair there? Take it, set down. Thats right. Comfortable, aint it? Well, sir, Abraham Lincoln has set in that chair hours, him and Little Doug, and Logan and Judge Davis, all...
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The Making of the Great West, 1512-1883The Making of the Great West, 1512-1883 "Time's noblest offspring is the last." This history is intended to meet, so far as it may, the want for brief, compact, and handy manuals of the beginnings of our country. Although primarily designed for young people,...
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Sarah Winnemucca's Practical Solution of the Indian ProblemSarah Winnemucca's Practical Solution of the Indian Problem - A Letter to Dr. Lyman Abbot of the "Christian Union"Because you so cordially announced Sarah Winnemuccas New Departure, a year or more ago, as the Christian Unions solution of the Indian problem, I send you...
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Plutarch's Romane QuestionsPlutarch's Romane Questions - With dissertations on Italian cults, myths, taboos, man-worship, aryan marriage, sympathetic magic and the eating of beansPlutarch's Romane Questions. Translated A.D. 1603 by Philemon Holland, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Now again edited by Frank Byron Jebons, M.A., Classical...
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John Bull's Womankind (Les Filles de John Bull)John Bull's Womankind (Les Filles de John Bull)At the Concours Hippique, we noticed a striking fact this year, that nearly all THE people were dressed la Redfern. And also in the Bois, one is not considered at all pschutt in the morning unless habittee...
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The Hopi IndiansThe Hopi IndiansWhoever visits the Hopi falls perforce under the magic influence of their life and personality. If anyone entertains the belief that a good Indian is a dead Indian, let him travel to the heart of the Southwest and dispel his illusions in...
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A History of Economic DoctrinesA History of Economic Doctrines - from the time of the physiocrats to the present dayIn the economic curricula of French universities much greater stress is laid upon the history of economic theory than is the case anywhere else. Attached to the Faculty of...
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The Diggings, the Bush, and MelbourneThe Diggings, the Bush, and Melbourne - or, Reminiscences of Three Years' Wanderings in VictoriaThe following short narrative was written specially for a small circle of intimate acquaintances, who varied the dulness of village life by meeting once a week to read manuscript essays...
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The Golden South: Memories of Australian Home Life from 1843 to 1888The Golden South: Memories of Australian Home Life from 1843 to 1888As I stood on the deck of one of the largest of the Peninsular and Oriental Companys steamers, that now almost annihilate distance between England and her colonial possessions, taking a last look...
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The Napoleon GalleryThe Napoleon Gallery - or, Illustrations of the life and times of the emperor of FranceOR, Illustrations of the Life and Times OF THE Emperor of France ENGRAVED BY REVEIL, AND OTHER EMINENT ARTISTS, FROM ALL THE MOST CELEBRATED PICTURES IN FRANCE PUBLISHED BY...
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The Picture Gallery ExploredThe Picture Gallery Explored - Or, an account of various ancient customs and manners: interspersed with anecdotes and biographical sketches of eminent personsAlthough nothing is original in the following little work, except the dialogue, which was necessary as a connecting link; yet the compiler...
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The War That Will End WarThe War That Will End WarThe cause of a war and the object of a war are not necessarily the same. The cause of this war was the invasion of Luxemburg and Belgium. We declared war because we were bound by treaty to declare...
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