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The Big Fight (Gallipoli to the Somme)The Big Fight (Gallipoli to the Somme)When great historians with their learned pens shall come to set forth the complete story of the most sweeping and horrible war the world has ever known, I figure they may perhaps have need of such evidence, information...
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The Women of The American Revolution, Vol. 2The Women of The American Revolution, Vol. 2 None who take an interest in the history of Washington can fail to desire some knowledge of her who shared his thoughts and plans, and was associated with him in the great events of his life....
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The Women of The American Revolution, Vol. 1The Women of The American Revolution, Vol. 1 In offering this work to the public, it is due to the reader no less than the writer, to say something of the extreme difficulty which has been found in obtaining materials sufficiently reliable for a...
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The Dawn of the 19th Century in England: A social sketch of the timesThe Dawn of the XIXth Century in England: A social sketch of the timesTHAT Sir Walter Scott, when he called his novel Waverley; or, Tis Sixty Years Since, thought that the time had come, when the generation, then living, should be presented with a...
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The Seri Indians. (1898 N 17 / 1895-1896 (pages 1-344*))The Seri Indians. (1898 N 17 / 1895-1896 (pages 1-344*))Something has been known of the Seri Indians (Seris, Ceris, Ceres, Heris, Tiburones) since the time of Coronado, yet they remain one of the least-studied tribes of North America. The first systematic investigation of the...
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The Black Hawk War Including a Review of Black Hawk's LifeThe Black Hawk War Including a Review of Black Hawk's LifeIn the autumn of 1871, I began the collection of materials for the book which is just completed; at a time when many original sources existed from which to draw. Since that time, no...
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Germany, Turkey, and ArmeniaGermany, Turkey, and Armenia - A Selection of Documentary Evidence Relating to the Armenian Atrocities from German and other SourcesThe blue book as to the treatment of the Armenians which has recently been issued (Miscellaneous, No. 31, 1916) contains a large mass of evidence...
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Ricordi intorno alle Cinque Giornate di Milano (18-22 marzo 1848)Ricordi intorno alle Cinque Giornate di Milano (18-22 marzo 1848) - Seconda edizione con aggiunte Il periodo storico che comincia colla dichiarazione di guerra del 23 marzo 1848 del Re di Sardegna all'Imperatore d'Austria e termina coll'armistizio di Milano [2] del 6 agosto detto...
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A History, of the War of 1812-15 Between the United States and Great BritainA History, of the War of 1812-15 Between the United States and Great Britain CHAPTER I. Causes of the War, 001. Franklin's Prediction, 001.British Feeling toward the United States, 002.The Unsurrendered Posts, 003.Indian Troubles, 4.Impressment of Seamen, 007.The Decrees and Orders in Council, 13.Declaration...
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True Stories of the Great War, Volume 4 (of 6)True Stories of the Great War, Volume 4 (of 6) - Tales of Adventure--Heroic Deeds--Exploits Told by the Soldiers, Officers, Nurses, Diplomats, Eye Witnesses TALES OF ADVENTUREHEROIC DEEDSEXPLOITS TOLD BY THE SOLDIERS, OFFICERS, NURSES, DIPLOMATS, EYE WITNESSES Collected in Six Volumes From Official and...
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An Illustrated Account of St. Bartholomew's Priory Church, SmithfieldAn Illustrated Account of St. Bartholomew's Priory Church, Smithfield - With a Sketch of Bartholomew Fair, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and the Prior's Country Seat, Canonbury Tower, IslingtonS M I T H F I E L D. SEAL REPRESENTING ORIGINAL PRIORY. WITH A SKETCH OF...
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Shiloh National Military Park, TennesseeShiloh National Military Park, TennesseeThis publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It is printed by the Government...
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Are We of Israel?Are We of Israel?The belief that the Latter-day Saints hold that the great majority of their number are of the house of Israel, and heirs to the promises made to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, like many other portions of their faith, has...
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Del Plata al NiagaraDel Plata al NiagaraNo siendo estas notas personales el meditado estudio que correspondera un encargo oficial, ni un homenaje digno del alto magistrado que tanto contribuy que yo las escribiese,no las dedico al que era entonces Presidente de la Repblica y es siempre una...
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Ninety-ThreeNinety-ThreeDuring the last days of May, 1793, one of the Parisian battalions introduced into Brittany by Santerre was reconnoitring the formidable La Saudraie Woods in Astill. Decimated by this cruel war, the battalion was reduced to about three hundred men. This was at the...
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Popular county historiesA History of LancashireThe enormous amount of material, printed and in manuscript, which is available for a History of Lancashire, makes the writing of a popular work on that subject by no means an easy task; indeed, when first mentioned to me, I thought...
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La vita italiana nel Trecento: Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel 1891La vita italiana nel Trecento: Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel 1891 Arduo assunto il mio! Dovrei descrivervi la sala, il pubblico, l'ora del tempo e l'infida stagione, gareggiare con l'artista, squisitamente elegante, che in pochi tocchi sa cogliervi la fisonomia del dicitore o, come...
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Hero Tales from HistoryHero Tales from HistoryAN interest in history and a love of historical reading will be most readily acquired by those children who approach this rich field of literature through the medium of stories of the great figures of the past. Such stories, if properly...
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The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution, Vol. 2 (of 2)The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution, Vol. 2 (of 2) - or, Illustrations, by Pen And Pencil, of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the War for Independence 1. The duplication of the last eight chapters of Volume I. inserted at the...
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Viaje a los Estados Unidos, Tomo IViaje a los Estados Unidos, Tomo IPOR vida del prlogo! Bien pobre y bien mezquina es despues de todo nuestra naturaleza: procedemos por pautas, por patrones, por moldes; stos se han hecho solos; pero ay de aquel que se sale de ellos y se...
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