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Marines in World War II, Commemorative SeriesThe Final Campaign: Marines in the Victory on OkinawaDaybreak on 29 May 1945 found the 1st Marine Division beginning its fifth consecutive week of frontal assault as part of the U.S. Tenth Armys grinding offensive against the Japanese defenses centered on Shuri Castle in...
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The History of the Crusades (vol. 2 of 3)The History of the Crusades (vol. 2 of 3)When we cast a retrospective glance over the periods we have described, we congratulate ourselves upon not having lived in those times of war and trouble; but when we look around us, and reflect upon the...
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The Last Days of PekinThe Last Days of PekinThe notes which I sent to the "Figaro" from China are to be collected in a volume which will be published in Paris before my return, so that it will be impossible for me to look it over. I am...
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Proposed Surrender of the Prayer-Book and Articles of the Church of EnglandProposed Surrender of the Prayer-Book and Articles of the Church of England - A Letter to the Lord Bishop of London on Professor Stanley's Views of Clerical and University "Subscription"If twenty years ago, soon after a few of the clergy had asserted their claim...
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The History of the Crusades (vol. 1 of 3)The History of the Crusades (vol. 1 of 3)The history of the middle ages presents no spectacle more imposing than the Crusades, in which are to be seen the nations of Asia and of Europe armed against each other, two religions contending for superiority,...
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A History of Matrimonial Institutions, Vol. 1 of 3A History of Matrimonial Institutions, Vol. 1 of 3It is an encouraging sign of advancing culture that history is gaining a deeper and broader meaning. We are really becoming interested, not merely in our political, but also in our entire biological, psychological, and social...
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Alle porte d'ItaliaAlle porte d'Italia Ti ringrazio della bella lettera, la quale, dopo tanti mesi di silenzio, m' stata cagione di vivissimo piacere. Ti porger questa mia il signor Pietro Osasco, procuratore di S. A. R. il duca di Savoia; il solo pinerolese al quale io...
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Tampereen kaupunkiTampereen kaupunki - Muisto Sen Satavuotis-Juhlastansa Lokakuun 1. päivänä 1879Nmt lehdet on kirjoitettu, jotta muutamat vanhempien aikojen muistot unohduksesta silyisivt ja jotta samassa moniaat nykyisen ajan tiedot, joita ei ole jokaisen helppo hankkia, saatettaisiin huomioon. Koska ei valmistavia kirjoituksia ole lytynyt, ja aineksia on...
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A Middy's Recollections, 1853-1860A Middy's Recollections, 1853-1860Born in April 1841, I was about six months more than twelve years old when I joined the Royal Navy. My father was the seventh Earl of Sandwich; my mother, a daughter of the Marquis of Anglesea, who commanded cavalry at...
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True Stories of the Great War, Volume 3 (of 6)True Stories of the Great War, Volume 3 (of 6) - Tales of Adventure--Heroic Deeds--Exploits Told by the Soldiers, Officers, Nurses, Diplomats, Eye Witnesses TALES OF ADVENTUREHEROIC DEEDSEXPLOITS TOLD BY THE SOLDIERS, OFFICERS, NURSES, DIPLOMATS, EYE-WITNESSES Collected in Six Volumes From Official and Authoritative...
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Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta 2Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta 2 - Katolinen aikakausiI. Warsinais-Suomen valloitus. 1. Pyhn Eerikin retki v. 1157. 2. Pyh Henrikki, Suomalaisten apostoli. II. Tuomas piispa ja Hmeen valloitus. 1. Suomen seurakunta Henrikin kuoltua. 2. Tuomas piispa. 3. Tuomas piispan taistelut Wenlisten kanssa. 4. Tappelu Nevajoella. 5....
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Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta 1Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta 1 - Pakanuuden aikakausiI. Suomalaisten aikaisimmat olopaikat. II. Karjalaiset Wienan vesill. 1. Otherin retki Wienan suulle. 2. Thorer Hundin ja Karlen retki Wienan suulle. 3. Bjarmein elatuskeinot ja tavat. 4. Mit suomalaista kansaa olivat Bjarmit? 5. Bjarmein hvi. III. Suomalaisten siirtyminen...
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Recollections of a PioneerRecollections of a PioneerThe following pages are entirely from memory. I kept no notes or other record of the events I have attempted to relate, but I am sure my memory has not often deceived me. My early responsibilities compelled me to give close...
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Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell, Vol. 1 of 2Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell, Vol. 1 of 2 - Life, Letters to 1535This book is an attempt to present the life of Thomas Cromwell as a statesman, and to estimate his work without religious bias. Though it would certainly be difficult to...
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Mitteilungen aus dem Germanischen Nationalmuseum. Jahrgang 1900Mitteilungen aus dem Germanischen Nationalmuseum. Jahrgang 1900Wer heute die obenstehenden auf Andreas Herneisen[2] sich beziehenden Verse des biederen Hans Sachs liest, wird sich, wenn er die Kunstverhltnisse Nrnbergs in der zweiten Hlfte des 16. Jahrhunderts sich vergegenwrtigt, kaum eines Lchelns erwehren knnen, auch wenn...
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Marines in World War II, Commemorative SeriesClosing In: Marines in the Seizure of Iwo JimaSunday, 4 March 1945, marked the end of the second week of the U.S. invasion of Iwo Jima. By this point the assault elements of the 3d, 4th, and 5th Marine Divisions were exhausted, their combat...
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Michelin's Illustrated Guides to the Battle-fields (1914-1918)The Yser and the Belgian Coast: An Illustrated History and GuideIn September 1914, after the Battle of the Marne and the German retreat, the centre and right of the French Armies quickly became fixed in front of the lines which the enemy had prepared...
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Historic Towns of New EnglandHistoric Towns of New EnglandFROM the earliest days of the New England Colonies down to the present time, those European analysts of our national life, whose opinions have been based on personal observation, have usually conceded that in New England towns and villages one...
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Passeggiate per l'Italia, vol. 5Passeggiate per l'Italia, vol. 5 Nacque Ferdinando Gregorovius il 19 gennaio 1821 nella piccola citt di Neidenburg, presso la frontiera polacca, in un antico castello medioevale fondato dai cavalieri teutoni. Suo padre era consigliere di giustizia a Neidenburg: appena innalzato a questo ufficio, ottenne...
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