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The Soul of John BrownThe Soul of John BrownThe Negro slaves were released in 1863. They and their children number twelve millions out of a total of a hundred millions of all races blending in America. Where do the children of the slaves stand to-day? Although Charles Lynch...
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1812: Historische roman1812: Historische romanDe tekst in dit bestand wordt weergegeven in de originele, verouderde spelling. Er is geen poging gedaan de tekst te moderniseren. Afgebroken woorden aan het einde van de regel zijn stilzwijgend hersteld. Op een zoelen April-avond van het jaar 1812, tegen het...
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Aus des Angelus Silesius Cherubinischem WandersmannAus des Angelus Silesius Cherubinischem Wandersmann Was Gott ist, wei man nicht: Er ist nicht Licht, nicht Geist, Nicht Wahrheit, Einheit, Eins, nicht was man Gottheit heit, Nicht Weisheit, nicht Verstand, nicht Liebe, Wille, Gte, Kein Ding, kein Unding auch, kein Wesen, kein Gemte....
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Convict Life at the Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater, MinnesotaConvict Life at the Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater, MinnesotaFew people have a comprehensive idea of a penitentiary, especially the daily life of the inmates and the routine work in connection therewith. We will endeavor to give an accurate account of the prisoner's mode of...
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Letters from SpainLetters from SpainSome of the following Letters have been printed in the New Monthly Magazine. The Author would, indeed, be inclined to commit the whole collection to the candour of his readers without a prefatory address, were it not that the plan of his...
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Al rombo del cannoneAl rombo del cannone Gli scritti raccolti nel presente volume furono composti e pubblicati a parte durante la guerra. Mentre si decidevano le sorti della Patria e del mondo non era possibile distrarre la mente dalla immane tragedia, al paragone della quale ogni opera...
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Im Land des Lichts: Ein Streifzug durch Kabylie und WüsteIm Land des Lichts: Ein Streifzug durch Kabylie und WüsteAn einem grauen, tristen Februartage brachte uns das gehetzte Dampfro aus der Stadt des Kaisers nach Marseille an die Pforte, die in den geheimnisvollen Orient fhrt. Aus Klte, Schnee und Eis waren wir pltzlich in...
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Annali d'Italia, vol. 4Annali d'Italia, vol. 4 - dal principio dell'era volgare sino all'anno 1750 Cogli affari d'Italia han correlazione quei di Gerberto creato arcivescovo di Rems. Prese la santa Sede la protezione di Arnolfo deposto da quella sedia contro le leggi canoniche, e papa Giovanni XV...
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Gräfin Elisa von Ahlefeldt, die Gattin Adolphs von Lützow, die Freundin Karl Immermann'sGräfin Elisa von Ahlefeldt, die Gattin Adolphs von Lützow, die Freundin Karl Immermann's Wenn ich es unternehme, ein Lebensbild der Grfin Elisa von Ahlefeldt zu entwerfen, so geschieht dies einmal fr ihre zahlreichen Freunde, die ihr ein liebendes, verehrungsvolles Andenken widmen, und denen, wie...
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Christina of Denmark, Duchess of Milan and Lorraine, 1522-1590Christina of Denmark, Duchess of Milan and Lorraine, 1522-1590Christina of Denmark is known to the world by Holbein's famous portrait in the National Gallery. The great Court painter, who was sent to Brussels by Henry VIII. to take the likeness of the Emperor's niece,...
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Memorials of Old London. Volume 2 (of 2)Memorials of Old London. Volume 2 (of 2)The housing of the Sovereign is always a matter of interest to the nation. It were natural to expect that some definite arrangement should be made for this purpose, planned and executed on a grand and appropriate...
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Mary Tudor, Queen of FranceMary Tudor, Queen of FranceMy thanks are due in no small measure to Miss A. M. Allen and to Mr P. C. Allen for their careful and friendly help, and to the Librarian of Exeter College and the officials of the Record Office for...
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Michelin's Illustrated Guides to the Battle-fields (1914-1918)Verdun, Argonne-Metz, 1914-1918The executive Committee, under the honorary presidency of Marshal Ptain, is presided over by S. G. Mgr Ginisty, Bishop of Verdun, General Boichut, commanding the 12th Infantry Division, the Commandant of Verdun, General Valantin, formerly commanding the town and forts of Verdun...
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Glimpses of Nature, and Objects of Interest Described, During a Visit to the Isle of WightGlimpses of Nature, and Objects of Interest Described, During a Visit to the Isle of Wight - Designed to Assist and Encourage Young Persons in Forming Habits of ObservationAgnes Merton was one day sitting in rather a melancholy mood on the swing in her...
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Major Prophets of TodayMajor Prophets of To-DayEach age has its own prophets, men who bring to it distinctive messages and present them in such effective form as to sway the currents of contemporary thought. No age perhaps has had more diverse theories of life and the meaning...
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Little Visits with Great Americans, Vol. 2 (of 2)Little Visits with Great Americans, Vol. 2 (of 2) - Or Success, Ideals and How to Attain ThemTHE felicity of F. Oppers caricatures is marvelous. His drawings for the Dinkelspiel stories, by George V. Hobart, in the New York Morning Journal have drawn to...
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Little Visits with Great Americans, Vol. 1 (of 2)Little Visits with Great Americans, Vol. 1 (of 2) - Or Success, Ideals and How to Attain ThemApelles, the great artist, traveled all over Greece for years, studying the fairest points of beautiful women, getting here an eye, there a forehead, and there a...
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The Post of HonourThe Post of Honour - Stories of Daring Deeds Done by Men of the British Empire in the Great WarIt is often said that the post of danger is the post of honour. The post of danger is given to the bravest, and the...
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Charles Sumner: his complete works, volume 08 (of 20)Charles Sumner: his complete works, volume 08 (of 20)April 8, 1852, during his first session in the Senate, Mr. Sumner brought forward a resolution for a revision and consolidation of the national statutes, which was duly referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.[1] Though...
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Funny Stories Told by the SoldiersFunny Stories Told by the Soldiers - Pranks, Jokes and Laughable Affairs of Our Boys and Their Allies in the Great WarNow that the dread of awful war has passed with the coming of welcome peace, we can turn our minds with renewed cheerfulness...
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