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Pottery and Porcelain, from early times down to the Philadelphia exhibition of 1876Pottery and Porcelain, from early times down to the Philadelphia exhibition of 1876WHAT we have attempted has been to gather and present, in a way to be easily understood, the most important facts respecting Pottery and Porcelain. The study of this interesting subject has...
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Across IcelandAcross IcelandThese notes, besides describing a journey made during the summer of 1900 across Central Iceland from the north-east to the south-west, give an account of further travels by land in the west, and by sea along the coast and into the fjords of...
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'Neath Verdun, August-October, 1914'Neath Verdun, August-October, 1914 The author of this work, Mr. Maurice Genevoix, is a second-year student at the Ecole Normale, Paris. Having finished the second year of his course and, incidentally, completed a study "on Maupassant," he was in a position to regard with...
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Flower o' the Heather: A Story of the Killing TimesFlower o' the Heather: A Story of the Killing TimesFIRST EDITION ...... October, 1922 Reprinted .......... October, 1922 Reprinted .......... December, 1922 Reprinted .......... January, 1923 Reprinted .......... November, 1923 Reprinted .......... January, 1925 Reprinted, 3s. 6d. . May, 1925 Reprinted .......... July, 1926...
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Fighting the Boche UndergroundFighting the Boche Underground It has been frequently suggested to me that I write of my experiences at the front. As one of the advance-guard of the American army who participated in the great struggle for freedom long before the United States espoused the...
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A Short History of the Royal Navy, 1217 to 1688A Short History of the Royal Navy, 1217 to 1688A glance at a globe turned so as to bring the British Isles directly under the eye will at once reveal the most effective of all the material causes which have made them the seat...
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History of the Jews, Vol. 6 (of 6)History of the Jews, Vol. 6 (of 6) - Containing a Memoir of the Author by Dr. Philip Bloch, a Chronological Table of Jewish History, an Index to the Whole WorkWith the Index Volume, the Jewish Publication Society of America brings to a close...
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Prison Journals During the French RevolutionPrison Journals During the French RevolutionI was put under arrest, together with my father and mother, on August 23, 1793, at our chteau of Mouchy-le-Chtel, in the Department of the Oise. I was taken to the prison at Saint-Franois Beauvais, in the old convent,...
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The Camp of Refuge: A Tale of the Conquest of the Isle of ElyThe Camp of Refuge: A Tale of the Conquest of the Isle of ElyA generation has passed away since The Camp of Refuge first issued from the press. Although published anonymously, it shows that its author had a very extensive knowledge of the history...
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The Rivers and Streams of EnglandThe Rivers and Streams of EnglandTHOUGH this is not a book on angling, a life-long attachment to the fly-rod on the part of the author, and to the delightful scenes into which such predilections notoriously lead one, makes it at once more difficult and...
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Il ConcilioIl ConcilioIl principe di Hohenlohe stato il primo a ben considerare questo argomento ed a richiamarvi l'attenzione degli altri Governi. L'Italia s' tosto allarmata; e la scossa si comunicata alla Francia, al Belgio, al Portogallo, all'Austria e persino alla Prussia. La sola Inghilterra ha...
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Mediæval town seriesThe Story of PerugiaWHEN but a little while ago we undertook to write a guide book to one of the better known towns of Central Italy, we realised perhaps imperfectly how wide and full was the field of work which lay before us. The...
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Some Notes on Shipbuilding and Shipping in Colonial VirginiaSome Notes on Shipbuilding and Shipping in Colonial Virginia Various types of watercraft used in Colonial Virginia have been mentioned in the records. The dugout canoe of the Indians was found by the settlers upon arrival, and was one of the chief means of...
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Naval Occasions, and Some Traits of the Sailor-manNaval Occasions, and Some Traits of the Sailor-manIt was 6 A.M.: the boat was returning from the early morning beef trip, and the midshipman in charge of her had seen fit to discuss with his coxswain the subject which at most hours, and particularly...
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An Epitome of the History of MedicineAn Epitome of the History of Medicine The history of medicine has been sadly neglected in our medical schools. The valuable and fruitful lessons which it tells of what not to do have been completely disregarded, and in consequence the same gross errors have...
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Het beleg en de verdediging van Haarlem, in 1572-1573 (deel 2 van 3)Het beleg en de verdediging van Haarlem, in 1572-1573 (deel 2 van 3)Maar twee dagen geleden had er in het uitzetten van posten gedurende den nacht eene verandering plaats gehad. Don Frederik had in het begin des jaars een aanvang laten maken met het...
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La DoraLa DoraIn Palestina, alle pendici dell'Antilibano (18 maggio 1850) riposai da lungo cammino presso una sorgente del Giordano, le cui limpide e copiose acque mormoravano fra l'erbe e gli oleandri di Panias. Nella Maina, sceso dal selvoso Taigeto (6 settembre 1852) in Cefalofrissi, mi...
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Het beleg en de verdediging van Haarlem, in 1572-1573 (deel 3 van 3)Het beleg en de verdediging van Haarlem, in 1572-1573 (deel 3 van 3)Twee dagen na den onvergetelijken uitval in den Hout verloren de belegerden Dirk Brazeman, den luitenant van Lancelot van Brederode, die door een musketkogel in de borst was getroffen. Intusschen klonk de...
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The Border Spy; or, The Beautiful Captive of the Rebel CampThe Border Spy; or, The Beautiful Captive of the Rebel Camp - A Story of the WarEntered according to Act of Congress, in the Year 1863, by Sinclair Tousey, Publisher's Agent, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for...
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The Great North Road, the Old Mail Road to Scotland: London to YorkThe Great North Road, the Old Mail Road to Scotland: London to York When the original edition of the Great North Road was publishedin 1901the motorcar was yet a new thing. It had, in November, 1896, been given by Act of Parliament the freedom...
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