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Het Eiland Marken en Zijne BewonersHet Eiland Marken en Zijne BewonersHet moge waar zijn, dat het Eiland Marken, bij velen in ons Vaderland bekend zij, zoo wel door de natuurlijke gesteldheid van dit stukje gronds, als door de eigenaardige, of liever, verouderde gewoonten van zijne bewoners;niet minder waar is...
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History of Civilization in England, Vol. 2 of 3History of Civilization in England, Vol. 2 of 3The consideration of these great changes in the English mind, has led me into a digression, which, so far from being foreign to the design of this Introduction, is absolutely necessary for a right understanding of...
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Whip and SpurWhip and SpurYet, how to subsist a horse after buying one, and how to buy? The memory of a well-bred and keen-eyed gray, dating back to the earliest days of my boyhood, and forming the chief feature of my recollection of play-time for years;...
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History of Civilization in England, Vol. 3 of 3History of Civilization in England, Vol. 3 of 3In the preceding view of the rise and decay of Spain, I have sought to exhibit the successive steps by which what was formerly one of the greatest nations of the earth, was broken, and cast...
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History of Civilization in England, Vol. 1 of 3History of Civilization in England, Vol. 1 of 3Belsham (W.) History of Great Britain, from 1688 to 1802. London,[xiii] 1805. 12 vols. [Of this work I have used only the last seven volumes, which refer to a period for which Belsham was a contemporary...
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Northern SpainNorthern SpainIT is ill gleaning for a necessitous author when Ford and Borrow have been before him in the field, and I may not attempt to justify the appearance of these pages by the pretence that I have any fresh story to tell. Yet,...
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Études sur l'Islam et les tribus Maures: Les BraknaÉtudes sur l'Islam et les tribus Maures: Les BraknaJ'ai donn dans mon ouvrage L'mirat des Trarza les traditions historiques et lgendaires relatives au sjour dans la basse Mauritanie du premier peuple que nous y voyons install, l'aurore de son histoire, vers le dixime sicle:...
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Captured at Tripoli: A Tale of AdventureCaptured at Tripoli: A Tale of Adventure "WELL, we've seen something of the fun," exclaimed Hugh Frazer, as the last of the 89th Regiment of Infantry filed through the jealously-guarded gateway of the Naval Yard at Naples. "Come on, let's get back to the...
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The Dare Boys in VirginiaThe Dare Boys in VirginiaThe author of the Dare Boys is specially equipped through long study and research to write upon the life and adventures of the revolutionary period. Every item of historical reference is absolutely correct. The trials and inherent bravery of the...
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A Journal from Japan: A Daily Record of Life as Seen by a ScientistA Journal from Japan: A Daily Record of Life as Seen by a ScientistA purely scientific interest in coal mines and the fossils they often contain led me to desire to go to Japan, for purely scientific purposes. My naturally roving instincts warmly supported...
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Wanderings through unknown AustriaWanderings through unknown AustriaWe were talking the other day of the many and interesting books of travel that have been written lately, books so full of valuable information and precise descriptions that you almost feel that Inner Africa and the North Pole are as...
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Red and White: A Tale of the Wars of the RosesRed and White: A Tale of the Wars of the RosesTitle: Red and White A Tale of the Wars of the Roses Author: Emily Sarah Holt Release Date: December 18, 2013 [EBook #44463] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 It is a proverbial truth...
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Lee and Longstreet at High Tide: Gettysburg in the Light of the Official RecordsLee and Longstreet at High Tide: Gettysburg in the Light of the Official RecordsI am glad to write an introduction to a memoir of Lieutenant-General Longstreet. If it be thought strange that I should write a preface to a memoir of a conspicuous adversary,...
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Basutoland: Its Legends and CustomsBasutoland: Its Legends and CustomsSome time ago, during a conversation about Basutoland, you suggested that I should write an account of the country and its inhabitants, and were kind enough to give me many valuable hints as to how I should collect and arrange...
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NoémiNoémiNow only did Jean look up, and what he saw made him drop his half-finished shaft and forget it. What Jean saw was this: a girl at some distance above him on the face of the rock, swaying a long-handled hammer, with which she...
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Chroniques de J. Froissart, tome 1/13, 1re partieChroniques de J. Froissart, tome 1/13, 1re partieFroissart est un monde. Au triple point de vue historique, littraire, philologique, on pourrait mme ajouter romanesque et potique, le chroniqueur de Valenciennes reprsente peu prs seul pour le commun des lecteurs un sicle presque entier, et...
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A Company of TanksA Company of Tanks"The words of an eye-witness, flowing naturally from first impressions, are frequently more expressive, and convey ideas more just than studied descriptions; though the language may often be such as it would scarcely be allowable in other persons to write." The...
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Ruins of Ancient Cities (Vol. 2 of 2)Ruins of Ancient Cities (Vol. 2 of 2) - With General and Particular Accounts of Their Rise, Fall, and Present ConditionPausanias1 appears to have had great interest in the history of the Messenians; for his history of their wars is more minute and animated...
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The Queen of the Savannah: A Story of the Mexican WarThe Queen of the Savannah: A Story of the Mexican WarIf the reader will have the kindness to take a glance at a numerous cavalcade, which is debouching from a canyon and scaling at a gallop the scarped side of a rather lofty hill,...
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