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Histoire de la Monarchie de Juillet (Volume 2 / 7)Histoire de la Monarchie de Juillet (Volume 2 / 7) I. Lutte de Casimir Prier contre le parti rvolutionnaire. Rpression des meutes. Celles-ci deviennent plus rares. Insurrection de Lyon, en novembre 1831. Troubles de Grenoble, en mars 1832.II. Procs politiques. Le jury. Scandale de...
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The Violoncello and Its HistoryThe Violoncello and Its HistoryThe history of the Violoncello and Violoncello playing is connected in its early stages up to a certain point with that of the Viola da Gamba and its forerunner, the Basso di Viola, of the sixteenth century. This last-named instrument...
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The Medicine-Men of the Apache. (1892 N 09 / 1887-1888 (pages 443-604))The Medicine-Men of the Apache. (1892 N 09 / 1887-1888 (pages 443-604))The Caucasian population of the United States has been in intimate contact with the aborigines for a period of not less than two hundred and fifty years. In certain sections, as in Florida...
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Stories of the ShipsStories of the ShipsOf the countless stories of naval action which I have listened to in the course of the months I have spent with the Grand Fleet, I cannot recall a single one which was told as the consequence of being asked for...
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Johtavat aatteet ihmiskunnan historiassaJohtavat aatteet ihmiskunnan historiassa LUENTOJEN SISLT: 1. Johdanto 2. Alkuperiset yhteiskunnat 3. Suuret itmaiset monarkiiat 4. Kreikkalaiset 5. Makedonialaisuus 6. Romalaisuus 7. Roman tasavallan hvi 8. Romalais-vallan merkitys 9. Uskonnon seikka Roman keisarikunnassa 10. Roman-vallan kukistuminen 11. Yleis-ihmisyys ja kansallisuudet 12. Siirto Vanhasta aiasta...
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Art in Shell of the Ancient AmericansArt in Shell of the Ancient Americans - Second annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to theAll corrections are underlined with a dotted line. The original text appears when hovering the cursor over the marked text. A list of these corrections can be...
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Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, Volume 1 (of 3)Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, Volume 1 (of 3) - Illustrating the Arms, Arts, and Literature of Italy, from 1440 To 1630.DURING nearly one hundred and ninety years, five Dukes of Urbino well and ably discharged the duties of their station, comparatively exempt...
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Monsieur de TalleyrandMonsieur de TalleyrandNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. crire la vie de M. de Talleyrand n'est gure...
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Magic and WitchcraftMagic and WitchcraftWe have long wished that some English or foreign university would offer a prize for a history of Magic and Witchcraft. The records of human opinion would contain few chapters more instructive than one which should deal competently with the Black Art....
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Soyer's Culinary Campaign: Being Historical Reminiscences of the Late WarSoyer's Culinary Campaign: Being Historical Reminiscences of the Late War. - With The Plain Art of Cookery for Military and Civil InstitutionsHurrah! hurrah! bravo! bravo! For a few minutes rounds of applause and shouts of laughter from the juveniles were heard and loudly re-echoed...
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Ricordi del 1870-71Ricordi del 1870-71 Quando mi venne proposto di raccogliere in un volume i seguenti scritti, esitai, parendomi che i soggetti fossero troppo disparati, e che il libro sarebbe riuscito una miscellanea. Ma cedetti poi al cortese desiderio dellEditore, considerando che questi medesimi scritti hanno...
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The History of Peter the Great, Emperor of RussiaThe History of Peter the Great, Emperor of RussiaThe empire of Russia is the largest in the whole globe, extending from west to east upwards of two thousand common leagues of France,[1] and about eight hundred in its greatest breadth from north to south....
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A July Holiday in Saxony, Bohemia, and SilesiaA July Holiday in Saxony, Bohemia, and SilesiaPage 87, last line, for visitors, read villagers. Page 153, 11 lines from bottom, for Hraba's, read Hraba's. Page 153, 11 lines from bottom, for Pstrossischer, read Pstrossischer. Page 172, last line of text, for Heilen, read...
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The Round Towers of Ireland or, The History of the Tuath-De-DanaansThe Round Towers of Ireland; or, The History of the Tuath-De-DanaansIn Frasers Magazine for the month just expired, there has appeared an article headed the Arcana of Freemasonry, which will save me the trouble of an introductory dissertation. The style is quaint, but that...
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Abraham LincolnAbraham LincolnThis is not a conventional biography. It is a collection of sketches in which an attempt is made to portray the character of Abraham Lincoln as the highest type of the American from several interesting points of view. He has doubtless been the...
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God and the KingGod and the King"Un prince profond dans ses vues; habile former des ligues et reunir les esprits; plus heureux exciter les guerres qu' combattre; plus craindre encore dans le secret du cabinet, qu' la tte des armes; un ennemi que la haine du nom...
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A Marriage Under the TerrorA Marriage Under the TerrorTo A Marriage Under the Terror has been awarded in England the first prize in the Melrose Novel Competition, a competition that was not restricted to first stories. The distinguished literary reputation of the three judgesMrs. Flora Annie Steel, Miss...
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The book of the ladiesThe book of the ladies - Illustrious Dames: The Reign and Amours of the Bourbon RégimeTHE title, Vie des Dames Illustres, given habitually to one volume of Brantmes Works, is not that which was chosen by its author. It was given by his first...
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Lectures on Bible RevisionLectures on Bible RevisionThe following work is especially intended for Sunday-school and Bible-class teachers, and for such others as from any cause may be unable to consult many books or to read lengthened treatises. It has seemed to me to be of great importance...
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Ιστορία της Αλώσεως του Βυζαντίου υπό των Φράγκων και της αυτόθι εξουσίας αυτώνΙστορία της Αλώσεως του Βυζαντίου υπό των Φράγκων και της αυτόθι εξουσίας αυτών Note: The tonic system has been changed from polytonic to monotonic, otherwise the spelling of the book has not been changed. Words in italics are included in _. Footnotes have been...
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