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How to SingHow to SingEVERY day of my life I receive letters from men and women, mostly women, whom I do not know personally, asking me to advise them how best to use their vocal talents. Some of my correspondents also request me to give them...
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How to Study FiorilloHow to Study Fiorillo - A detailed, descriptive analysis of how to practice these studies, based upon the best teachings of representative, modern violin playingFEDERIGO FIORILLO was born in 1753, at Brunswick, where his father, a Neapolitan, lived as conductor of the opera. It...
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Musical Travels Through EnglandMusical Travels Through EnglandWhile I was extracting the following sheets from my voluminous Journal, and connecting them together as accurately as I was able, in order to present the Public with a Specimen of my laborious investigation of the present state of Music in...
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English Folk-Song and DanceEnglish Folk-Song and DanceWhen I travelled I took a particular delight in hearing the songs and fables that are come down from father to son, and are most in vogue among the common people of the countries through which I passed; for it is...
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Musiker-Biographien, 13. BandSchumannDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1891 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch nicht beeintrchtigt wird. Die...
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A Few Remarks Concerning Makers of Singing Bird Boxes of the 18th and 19th CenturiesA Few Remarks Concerning Makers of Singing Bird Boxes of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth CenturiesWhen they first appeared they were so highly praised that they were immediately bought by the principal Courts of Europe, and it is only later, at the beginning of the...
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Estudo de GuitarraEstudo de GuitarraO desejo de ser util aos Patricios amantes da Musica, concorrendo com as minhas fracas luzes, alcanadas pelo estudo, e applicaa em que me tenho empregado desde a infancia; concorrendo, digo, para o approveitamento dos que se deleita com o honesto, e...
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Studies in the Wagnerian DramaStudies in the Wagnerian DramaA number of words in this book have both hyphenated and non-hyphenated variants. For the words with both variants present the one used more times has been kept. It was also detected that some names have two different spellings. That...
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The Music of SpainThe Music of Spain MUSIC AFTER THE GREAT WAR 1915 MUSIC AND BAD MANNERS 1916 INTERPRETERS AND INTERPRETATIONS 1917 THE MERRY-GO-ROUND 1918 THE MUSIC OF SPAIN 1918 When the leading essay of this book, "Music and Spain," first appeared it was, so far as...
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Storia della musicaStoria della musica Lo studio delle origini della musica offre le stesse difficolt di quello dell'origine della lingua. Innate nell'uomo erano e l'una e l'altra, giacch a quella guisa, che una forza misteriosa costringeva l'uomo a cercare d'esprimere e comunicare al suo simile quello...
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Life Stories for Young PeopleLudwig Van BeethovenThe life-story of Beethoven, contained in these pages, is a rsum of the events of his childhood and youth, those of his maturer years being merely indicated in order to give symmetry to the narrative. It covers just that period of his...
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The Life of Hector Berlioz as Written by Himself in His Letters and MemoirsThe Life of Hector Berlioz as Written by Himself in His Letters and MemoirsAutobiography is open to the charge of egoism; somewhat unjustly since, in writing of oneself, the personal note must predominate and, in the case of a geniussure of his goal and...
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Practical Organ BuildingPractical Organ BuildingThe bulky volume of Hopkins and Rimbault, worthy as it is of all commendation, and abounding with matter interesting to the musician, does not profess to enter into details essential to the workman. The same remark may be applied to sundry treatises...
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Memoirs of Doctor Burney (Vol. 3 of 3)Memoirs of Doctor Burney (Vol. 3 of 3) - Arranged from his own manuscripts, from family papers, and from personal recollections by his daughter, Madame d'ArblayOn the 16th of November, Dr. Johnson, in the carriage, and under the revering care of Mr. Windham, returned...
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Memoirs of Doctor Burney (Vol. 2 of 3)Memoirs of Doctor Burney (Vol. 2 of 3) - Arranged from his own manuscripts, from family papers, and from personal recollections by his daughter, Madame d'ArblaySuch, as far as can be gathered, or recollected, was the list of the general home circle of Dr....
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Memoirs of Doctor Burney (Vol. 1 of 3)Memoirs of Doctor Burney (Vol. 1 of 3) - Arranged from his own manuscripts, from family papers, and from personal recollections by his daughter, Madame d'ArblayCOPIED FROM A MANUSCRIPT MEMOIR IN THE DOCTORS OWN HAND-WRITING. If the life of a humble individual, on whom...
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Pelléas et Mélisande: Drame lyrique en cinq actesPelléas et Mélisande: Drame lyrique en cinq actes - Tiré du théâtre de Maurice Maeterlinck; Musique de Claude DebussyJe ne pourrai plus sortir de cette fort.Dieu sait jusqu'o cette bte m'a men. Je croyais cependant l'avoir blesse mort; et voici des traces de sang....
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Our Old Nursery RhymesOur Old Nursery RhymesClick on the [Listen] link to hear the music and on the [MusicXML] link to download the notation. As of the date of posting, these links to external files will work only in the HTML version of this e-book. Mary had...
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Souvenirs d'un musicienSouvenirs d'un musicien - précédés de notes biographiques écrites par lui même[1] Ces notes n'taient pas destines la publicit. Ad. Adam les avait crites pour lui; mais nous avons pens qu'elles pourraient avoir, aprs sa mort, un certain intrt, au moins au point de...
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Industries and Inventions of the Shakers: Shaker Music, a Brief HistoryIndustries and Inventions of the Shakers: Shaker Music, a Brief HistoryIt is rather difficult for one who has been a member of this church, to speak of the achievements of this especial group without seeming boastful, yet, we, the inheritors can justly be proud...
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