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The Boston Dip: A Comedy, in One ActThe Boston Dip: A Comedy, in One ActIda. But seriously, Eva, I begin to think that you are carrying this matter a little too far. Mr. Dasher might reasonably expect, from the partiality you unhesitatingly show for his society, and the smiles you bestow...
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Short and Sweet: A Comic Drama, in One ActShort and Sweet: A Comic Drama, in One ActSCENE.Short and Sweets Lodgings, near the Crystal Palacea handsomely furnished Apartment, door, C.backed by landing and staircase, doors, L.1.E. and 2E.fireplace, L. in flatlooking glass over mantelpiecevases and ornaments on mantelpiecefender, fireirons, &c.door, R.2E.a large round...
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The Autobiography of GoetheThe Autobiography of Goethe - Truth and Poetry: From My Own Life Goethe umgeben von Illustrationen seiner Dramen (Frankfurter Goethehaus, Freies Deutsches Hochstift) Frontispiece: Johan Wolfgang von Goethe par Eugne Delacroix (Source: Faust, tragdie de M. de Goethe, traduite en franais par M. Albert...
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Leurs ExcellencesLeurs ExcellencesVous voulez une longue lettre qui vous dira ce que je pense de Sauer-Apfel, ou plutt de ses habitants. Je suis arrive bien fatigue, n'ayant pu, comme le prince Adalbert, dormir tout le long[p. 2] de la route; l'approche du chteau est fort...
- €5,92 EUR
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La guirlande de Julie: augmentée de documents nouveauxLa guirlande de Julie: augmentée de documents nouveauxNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. C'est non-seulement au matre,...
- €5,92 EUR
- €5,92 EUR
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Jane Austen and Her TimesJane Austen and Her Times Of Jane Austens life there is little to tell, and that little has been told more than once by writers whose relationship to her made them competent to do so. It is impossible to make even microscopic additions to...
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Vandyke Brown: A Farce in One ActVandyke Brown: A Farce in One ActSCENE.Mr. Bobbinss Lodgings. Chamber, C. D., backed by a windowdoors, R. and L.table, R., chairs, books, newspapertable, arm chair R. of table, chair L.table against flat, R., with bust of Shakespearetable against flat, L., with vase of flowers....
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Le diable amoureuxLe diable amoureuxLes erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. Une liste d'autres corrections faites se trouve la fin du livre. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. L'AUTEUR du Diable amoureux appartient cette classe d'crivains qu'aprs l'Allemagne et...
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The History and Remarkable Life of the Truly Honourable Colonel Jacque, Commonly Called Colonel JackThe History and Remarkable Life of the Truly Honourable Colonel Jacque, Commonly Called Colonel JackSmollett bears witness to the popularity of Defoes Colonel Jacque. In the sixty-second chapter of Roderick Random, the hero of that novel is profoundly impressed by the genius of the...
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Eine dänische Geschichte: RomanEine dänische Geschichte: RomanAuf der sd-stlichen Kste der Insel Laaland erhebt sich das alte Stdtchen Nysted, welches sich zu den frhesten Dnemarks zhlt, da es schon im Jahr 1409 durch Erich von Pommern Stadtrechte erhielt. Wie aus einem dicken Laubkranze schaut es von seinem...
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PoemsPoemsPage xvii., line 6, for been read being; page xxii., first line, for Reynerdson read Reynardson; page xxiv., for tte--tte read tte--tte; page xxviii., 2nd line, for compliments. read compliments,; page xxx., line 11, for Dick Suivelles read Dick Swiveller; page xxxi., in the...
- €5,92 EUR
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Insolación y Morriña (Dos historias amorosas)Insolación y Morriña (Dos historias amorosas)LA primer seal por donde Ass Taboada se hizo cargo de que haba salido de los limbos del sueo, fu un dolor como si la barrenasen las sienes de parte parte con un barreno finsimo; luego le pareci que...
- €5,92 EUR
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La Cendre: RomanLa Cendre: RomanLes erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. Une liste d'autres corrections faites se trouve la fin du livre. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Mais il marchait ainsi par habitude, comme chaque matin, depuis deux...
- €5,92 EUR
- €5,92 EUR
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Tides: A Book of PoemsTides: A Book of Poems Title: Tides Subtitle: A Book of Poems Author: John Drinkwater Release Date: July 16, 2016 [EBook #52584] Language: English Credits: Produced by Bryan Ness, Carolyn Jablonski and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from...
- €5,92 EUR
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Drake or, the Transfer of the Trident: A National DramaDrake; or, the Transfer of the Trident: A National DramaThe first great object which I have had in view, in the construction of this Drama, was to bear my humble acknowledgment to an Allwise Providence, who alone could have developed the unprecedented might of...
- €5,92 EUR
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Arminell: A Social Romance, Vol. 3Arminell: A Social Romance, Vol. 3Giles Saltren caught an express and whirled down into the west. He had not taken a ticket for Orleigh Road Station, as he did not choose to get out there, but at the nearest town, and there he hired...
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Arminell: A Social Romance, Vol. 2Arminell: A Social Romance, Vol. 2Giles Inglett Saltren had promised his mother to say nothing to any one of what had been told him, but the temptation had come strongly upon him to tell Arminell that he was not the nobody she and others...
- €5,92 EUR
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The Hand of the Mighty, and Other StoriesThe Hand of the Mighty, and Other Stories Acknowledgments are due to Short Stories, Munsey's Magazine, The Century Magazine, The Bellman and The American Magazine for permission to reprint certain stories included in this volume. Vaughan Rester was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey,...
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Arminell: A Social Romance, Vol. 1Arminell: A Social Romance, Vol. 1Sunday-school on the ground floor of the keepers cottage that stood against the church-yard, in a piece nibbled out of holy ground. Some old folks said this cottage had been the church-house where in ancient days the people who...
- €5,92 EUR
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PoemsPoemsTo my many friends who have been so lenient in their criticisms of my former work, and to the several editors and literary men who have given me so much encouragement, I wish to return my sincere thanks. All the request I have to...
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- €5,92 EUR
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