Old Is Gold
André le SavoyardAndré le SavoyardLa neige tombait par gros flocons; elle couvrait les routes, elle rendait encore plus difficiles les sentiers pratiqus dans les montagnes et les chemins, souvent bords de prcipices, qui entourent la petite ville de lHpital situe prs du Mont-Blanc. Notre chaumire slevait...
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Die grossen MächteDie großen MächteRankes Aufsatz Die groen Mchte, der zu den Kleinodien unsrer Nationalliteratur gehrt, erschien im Jahre 1833 und erffnete den zweiten Band der von ihm herausgegebenen Historisch-politischen Zeitschrift. Er trat mit dieser Zeitschrift aus der Stille der Forschung, in der er bisher gelebt...
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High Life in New YorkHigh Life in New York - A series of letters to Mr. Zephariah Slick, Justice of the Peace, and Deacon of the church over to Weathersfield in the state of ConnecticutA letter was dispatched to Weathersfield requesting Mr. Slick to forward a preface for...
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Whilomville StoriesWhilomville Stories ALTHOUGH Whilomville was in no sense a summer resort, the advent of the warm season meant much to it, for then came visitors from the citypeople of considerable confidencealighting upon their country cousins. Moreover, many citizens who could afford to do so...
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The Best Short Stories of 1918, and the Yearbook of the American Short StoryThe Best Short Stories of 1918, and the Yearbook of the American Short StoryIn reviewing once more the short stories published in American periodicals during the year, it has been interesting, if partly disappointing, to observe the effect that the war has had upon...
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Ardours and Endurances Also, A Faun's Holiday & Poems and PhantasiesArdours and Endurances; Also, A Faun's Holiday & Poems and Phantasies"An Introduction To the Scientific Study Of English Poetry,"[1] by Mark Liddell. [Pg 1] [Pg 2] [Pg 3] [Pg 4] [Pg 5] [Pg 6] [Pg 7] [Pg 8] [Pg 10] [Pg 11] [Pg 12]...
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Pirates: A comedy in one actPirates: A comedy in one actThe play takes place in Mrs. Warren's little living room during the early Victorian period. At the left is a door leading to another part of the house. A door at the back opens into the entrance hall. As...
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The Journal of a Disappointed ManThe Journal of a Disappointed Man"I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men...
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In Purpurner FinsternißIn Purpurner Finsterniß - Roman-Improvisation aus dem dreißigsten JahrhundertWie tief und schmerzlich seine Wunde am Fu, hatte er ihr verheimlicht. Immer noch sickerte Blut durch den leichten Verband. Als er die Tropfen mit dem Finger wegstrich, griff Jala nach seiner Hand, so da an...
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Beaumaroy Home from the WarsBeaumaroy Home from the Wars"Two days before thethe ceremony! Mercifully it had all been kept very quiet, because it was only three months since poor Gilly was killed. I forget whether you ever met Gilly? My half-brother, you know?" "Yes, I think I do....
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Die Colonie: Brasilianisches Lebensbild. Dritter BandDie Colonie: Brasilianisches Lebensbild. Dritter BandIn der Wohnung der Frau Grfin sollte heute Abend groe Gesellschaft sein, und die Zimmer waren deshalb alle festlich mit Blumen geschmckt, die Cigarrentische ngstlich bei Seite geschafft und einige Dutzend Stearinlichte in den verschiedenen Rumen angezndet, ja, selbst...
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A Holiday in Bed, and Other SketchesA Holiday in Bed, and Other SketchesJames Matthew Barrie was born at Kirriemuir, Forfarshire, on May 9, 1860. Kirriemuir, as soberly stated by the Encyclopdia Britannica, is "a borough of barony and a market town of Forfarshire, Scotland, beautifully situated on an eminence above...
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The Smuggler: A Tale. Volumes I-IIIThe Smuggler: A Tale. Volumes I-IIIIt would be almost superfluous to assure you of my esteem and regard; but feelings of personal friendship are rarely assigned as the sole motives of a dedication. The qualities, however, which command public respect, and the services which...
- €5,98 EUR
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Moores Fables for the Female SexMoores Fables for the Female SexThis is a work of much merit, ornamented with a number of well-executed and appropriate copper-plates. All the personages, whether divinities or heroes, that swell the pages of ancient poetry and mythology, are here described in a very ample...
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A Breeze from the Woods, 2nd EdA Breeze from the Woods, 2nd Ed.The greater number of the papers comprised in this volume were originally contributed to the Overland Monthly, and nearly in the order in which they now appear. Two essays, written at later dates, were printed in the Californian....
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The Clammer and the SubmarineThe Clammer and the SubmarineDown under my great pine is a pleasant placeeven in April, if it is but warm enough, and if the sun is shining, and if there is no great wind, and if what wind there is comes from the southwest....
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Ahead of the Show Or, The Adventures of Al Allston, Advance AgentAhead of the Show; Or, The Adventures of Al Allston, Advance AgentThe manager and proprietor of Wattles' New York Comedy Company was very, very "mad." His naturally florid face was redder than usual, and his fists were clinched in a manner that augured no...
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Mrs. Balfame: A NovelMrs. Balfame: A NovelAs she stared down at the rapt faces of the fifty-odd members of the Friday Club, upturned to the distinguished speaker from New York, whom she, as President, had introduced in those few words she so well knew how to choose,...
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The Vanity GirlThe Vanity GirlFor several reasons I am anxious to inscribe this book to you. Unless somehow or other I safeguard you publicly, you are liable to be accused by gossip of having written it, an accusation that both you and I might be justified...
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Kansakoulu-opettajan nuoruudenvaiheetKansakoulu-opettajan nuoruudenvaiheetLukia jonka mielt tmn kertomuksen vilkkaat piirrokset, ylevt aatteet ja raikas maailmanksitys viehttvt, ei varmaankaan katso liikanaisiksi joitakuita tietoja Itaalian kansakoulusta ja sen suhteesta aikansa muihin sivistyslaitoksiin. Tapausten ja luonteiden kuvaus on kirjassamme kyll selv, voisi sanoa yleis-inhimillinen, niin ett melkein joka sivulla...
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