Old Is Gold
My Father as I Recall HimMy Father as I Recall HimThe pages of this little book were in type and about to be sent for correction to my sisterwho had been for some months in very delicate healthwhen she suddenly became still more gravely ill. The hand which had...
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Histoire de la vie et de l'administration de ColbertHistoire de la vie et de l'administration de ColbertCauses de l'lvation de Colbert et de l'influence qu'il a exerce pendant son ministre.Origine plbienne de ce ministre (1619).Il est employ successivement dans une maison de commerce de Lyon, chez un trsorier des parties casuelles Paris,...
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Jours d'épreuve: Moeurs bourgeoisesJours d'épreuve: Moeurs bourgeoisesDes joies fleur de peau, des chagrins fleur d'me, le rve d'une Elvire et l'treinte des filles, un besoin de pleurer, l'envie de rire, et du vague l'me par les nuits d't; bref, une dception immense. Pourtant ai-je assez aspir, navement,...
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Na Han吶喊 You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of the work. 1.F.3....
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Due amoriDue amoriVoi mi chiedeste alcuni anni or sono il permesso di far pubblica per le stampe, in forma di romanzo, la narrazione che io vi ho fatto al focolare della vostra casa natale. Un riguardo ad una persona vivente, mi ha obbligato a rispondervi...
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Infelizes: Historias VividasInfelizes: Historias VividasNo principio da doena, quando o corpo comea de sentir o embate grosseiro do mal, que o vencer; quando o frio nos arrepia a carne, n'um estremecer sangrento, n'um espicaar de venenosas agulhas; vem-nos um profundo egoismo, um completo esquecimento dos outros....
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When Winter Comes to Main StreetWhen Winter Comes to Main StreetI have not before me the precise figures of the amazing sales of these two bookseach passed 350,000but I make my bow to their authors and to their publishers and to the American public. I bow to the authors...
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Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 05 (de 12)Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir. Nº 05 (de 12)Petronilla, Gamarra, ZamperiniEntrada para os salesOs sales, introduco, pelo exc.mo snr. visconde de OuguellaEcce iterum Silva ChrispinusSantos-SilvaDoudo IllustreA catastropheRenanCorrecesMau exemplo de poetas casadosA casa de Bragana ab ovoUm inquisidor portuguez e o...
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The Jealousy of le BarbouilléThe Jealousy of le Barbouillé - (La Jalousie du Barbouillé)Among the small farces said to have been sketched by Molire during his stay in the provinces, two only which seem genuine have come down to us, and have been published for the last thirty...
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The Flying DoctorThe Flying Doctor - (Le Médecin Volant)'Le Mdecin Volant' seems to have been acted for the first time in Paris, on the 18th of April, 1659. Parts of it were reproduced in 'L'Amour Mdecin,' and 'Le Mdecin malgr lui.' Sab. I have really much...
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The Third Miss SymonsThe Third Miss SymonsMiss Mayor's story is of a delicate quality, not common here, though occurring at intervals, and always sure of a choice, if not very large, audience among those who like in art the refined movement and the gentle line. Her subject,...
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Dulce y sabrosaDulce y sabrosaSi creyera que el publicar un escritor sus obras completas implica falta de modestia, no reimprimira las mas. Lo hago porque estn casi todas agotadas; pensando que es deber de padre no consentir que mueran sus hijos, aunque no sean tan buenos...
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The HeroThe HeroColonel Parsons sat by the window in the dining-room to catch the last glimmer of the fading day, looking through his Standard to make sure that he had overlooked no part of it. Finally, with a little sigh, he folded it up, and...
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Old Familiar FacesOld Familiar FacesFor some years before his death it was the intention of Theodore Watts-Dunton to publish in volume form under the title of Old Familiar Faces, the recollections of his friends that he had from time to time contributed to The Athenum. Had...
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Amor de SalvaçãoAmor de SalvaçãoPeo licena para inscrever o seu nome na primeira pagina d'este livro. Esta fica sendo para mim a mais prestante da obra. As outras so futilidades; por que lagrimas e alegrias de romance tudo futil. O leitor folha duzentas paginas d'este livro,...
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Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather: A ReplySalem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather: A ReplyAn article in The North American Review, for April, 1869, is mostly devoted to a notice of the work published by me, in 1867, entitled Salem Witchcraft, with an account of Salem Village, and a history of opinions...
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- €6,05 EUR
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Cuentos de mi tiempoCuentos de mi tiempoPara instruirnos es la ciencia; para mejorarnos la moral; para deleitarnos el arte, donde hallan las fuerzas fatigadas alivio y el espritu ennoblecido recompensa. Si la obra artstica ilustra el entendimiento y depura la conciencia, tanto mejor; pero su misin es...
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A History of the Nineteenth Century, Year by Year. Volume 2 (of 3)A History of the Nineteenth Century, Year by Year. Volume 2 (of 3)[Pg 605] AN ERA of peace and reconstruction had begun. After a generation of war and turmoil France was started on her new career of parliamentary government. The brief period of retaliation...
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Nélida Hervé JulienNélida; Hervé; JulienLa premire production d'une intelligence originale est presque toujours curieuse tudier: on y dcouvre en espoir toutes les autres. Mmoires de Carnot. Nous avons pens que le public serait de cet avis, et c'est pourquoi nous rimprimons les premires oeuvres de l'crivain...
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