Old Is Gold
James Fenimore CooperJames Fenimore Cooper - American Men of LettersWhen Cooper lay on his death-bed he enjoined his family to permit no authorized account of his life to be prepared. A wish even, that was uttered at such a time, would have had the weight of...
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La mort de Brute et de Porcie Ou, La vengeance de la mort de César: TragédieLa mort de Brute et de Porcie; Ou, La vengeance de la mort de César: TragédieLa plus grande partie de nos Escrivains composent leurs Epistres des esloges de ceux qui ils ddient leurs ouvrages comme des raisons pour authoriser leur choix, & ne prennent...
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Vaimoni ja minä eli Harry Hendersonin elämäkertaVaimoni ja minä eli Harry Hendersonin elämäkerta 1. Kertoja esitteleikse 2. Lapsuuteni morsian 3. Lapsuutemme onnela 4. Utu-morsiameni 5. Min lhden yliopistoon. Jaakko-enon neuvo 6. Uni-morsiameni 7. Nyryytyksen laakso 8. Eptoivo 9. Silmys elmn 10. Karolina serkkuni 11. Lis Karolina serkusta 12. Min lasken...
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TörténetTörténet - A Lógody-utcáról, a tavaszról, a halálról és a messzeségrőlVolt Budn a vr oldalban egy meredek, nagy rendetlen telek. A Lgody-utctl fel a Lovas-utig. Az idsebb Novoszd Ferenc birtoka volt. Hanem mr csak a fent lev kis korcsmt tartotta meg a hozzval ktszobs...
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Le saucisson à pattes IILe saucisson à pattes II - Le plan de CardeucLES PETITES COMDIES DU VICE, 1 vol. illustr par Benassit (vingt-deux mille exemplaires) 5 fr. LES PETITS DRAMES DE LA VERTU, 1 vol. illustr par Kauffmann (dix-huit mille exemplaires) 5 fr. LES BTISES VRAIES, pour...
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La PrincipessaLa PrincipessaQuesto romanzo fu pubblicato, per la prima volta, nelle appendici del suo diffusissimo giornale Il Corriere di Napoli. Ella stessa ebbe la bont di scrivermi che il gran pubblico napoletano l'aveva accolto, capitolo per capitolo, con la pi viva curiosit. Altri miei amici...
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Romance: Two LecturesRomance: Two LecturesThe period of English political history which falls between Pitts acceptance of office as prime minister, in 1783, and the passing of the Reform Bill, in 1832, is a period rich in character and event. The same period of fifty years is...
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The Making of MaryThe Making of MaryA sturdy northeast wind was rattling the doors and windows of a deserted farmhouse in Western Michigan. The building was not old, measured by years, but it had never been painted or repaired, and its wooden face, prematurely lined with weather...
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Happy Pollyooly: The Rich Little Poor GirlHappy Pollyooly: The Rich Little Poor Girl The angel child looked at the letter from Buda-Pesth with lively interest, for she knew that it came from her friend and patroness Esmeralda, the dancer, who was engaged in a triumphant tour of the continent of...
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Century of LightCentury of LightYou have permission to freely make and use copies of the text and any other information ("Content") available on this Site including printing, emailing, posting, distributing, copying, downloading, uploading, transmitting, displaying the Content in whole or in part subject to the following:...
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Les opinions de M. Jérôme CoignardLes opinions de M. Jérôme Coignard - Recueillies par Jacques TournebrocheJe n'ai pas besoin de retracer ici la vie de M. l'abb Jrme Coignard, professeur d'loquence au collge de Beauvais, bibliothcaire de M. de Sez, Sagiensis episcopi bibliothecarius solertissimus, comme le porte son pitaphe,...
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Modern English Books of PowerModern English Books of PowerMy aim in this little book has been to give short sketches and estimates of the greatest modern English writers from Macaulay to Stevenson and Kipling. Omissions there are, but my effort has been to give the most characteristic writers...
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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 2, No. 5, February 3, 1898The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 2, No. 5, February 3, 1898 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and GirlsThe plates are about 15 21 inches, and were selected and prepared by Feodor Hoppe with the assistance of...
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Les contemporains, première sérieLes contemporains, première série - Études et portraits littéraires Premire srie 1886 Voici quelques-uns des articles que j'ai fait paratre dans la Revue bleue. Je ne pense pas qu'il s'en dgage encore ni une doctrine littraire, ni une philosophie, ni une vue d'ensemble sur...
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La carrosse aux deux lézards vertsLa carrosse aux deux lézards vertsMes lecteurs, j'aimerais mieux bavarder avec vous sans faire d'embarras, que de vous laisser tomber, comme la manne, du haut des cieux, un rcit qui n'aura peut-tre aucun got, mais se donnera des airs d'avoir t compos par un...
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The Continental Monthly, Vol III, Issue VI, June, 1863The Continental Monthly, Vol III, Issue VI, June, 1863 - Devoted to Literature and National PolicyHaving taken a hasty survey, in our first number, of the value and progress of the Union, let us now, turning our gaze to the opposite quarter, consider the...
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Locus SolusLocus SolusLocus Solusla proprit se nomme ainsiest une calme retraite o Canterel aime poursuivre en toute tranquillit d'esprit ses multiples et fconds travaux. En ce lieu solitaire il est suffisamment l'abri des agitations de Pariset peut cependant gagner la capitale en un quart d'heure...
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Girlhood and WomanhoodGirlhood and Womanhood - The Story of some Fortunes and MisfortunesCAIN'S BRAND! that is no fact of the far past, no legend of the Middle Ages, for are there not Cains among us; white-faced, haggard-featured Cains to the last? Men who began with a...
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La princesse de MonpensierLa princesse de MonpensierLe respect que l'on doit l'illustre nom qui est la teste de ce Livre, & la consideration que l'on doit avoir pour les minentes personnes qui sont descendues de ceux qui l'ont port, m'oblige de dire, pour ne pas manquer envers...
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The Girl with the Green EyesThe Girl with the Green Eyes - A Play in Four Acts A charming room in the Tillmans' house. The walls are white woodwork, framing in old tapestries of deep foliage design, with here and there a flaming flamingo; white furniture with old, green...
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