Old Is Gold
Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.)Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.) - Edited with notes and Introductory Account of her life and writings Dr. Johnson was hailed the colossus of Literature by a generation who measured him against men of no common...
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The Negro ProblemThe Negro ProblemThe necessity for the race's learning the difference between being worked and working. He would not confine the Negro to industrial life, but believes that the very best service which any one can render to what is called the "higher education" is...
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The Belles of Canterbury: A Chaucer Tale Out of SchoolThe Belles of Canterbury: A Chaucer Tale Out of School Hippolyta should wear the dress of an Amazon, armor if possible, or a short skirt, sandals laced high with crossed strings, waist to match the skirt, a crown, and a shield on the left...
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Friedrich v. Schiller's BiographieFriedrich v. Schiller's Biographie * * * * * Friedrich Schiller, mit seinen vollstndigen Vornamen Johann Christoph Friedrich, spter in den Adelstand erhoben, erblickte zu Marbach den 11. November 1759 das Licht der Welt, unter Verhltnissen, die der Entwicklung vorhandener Fhigkeiten und Geistesanlagen nicht...
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A Village Ophelia, and Other StoriesA Village Ophelia, and Other StoriesThe North road is very near the Sound and away from the villages; lonely farm-houses are scattered at long intervals; in some places their number increases enough to form a little desolate settlement, but there is never a shop,...
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A Gentleman Vagabond and Some OthersA Gentleman Vagabond and Some OthersI found the major standing in front of Delmonico's, interviewing a large, bare-headed personage in brown cloth spotted with brass buttons. The major was in search of his very particular friend, Mr. John Hardy of Madison Square, and the...
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Sentimental TommySentimental Tommy - The Story of His Boyhood The celebrated Tommy first comes into view on a dirty London stair, and he was in sexless garments, which were all he had, and he was five, and so though we are looking at him, we...
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Nuori mylläri: 4-näytöksinen huvinäytelmäNuori mylläri: 4-näytöksinen huvinäytelmäPentti Akkimus, nuori myllri. Hilkka, Pentin morsian. Luukas Filemon Koikale, Hilkan is, kylkoulumestari, rtli y. m. Mooses Jeremias Myrkky, vanhahko leskimies. Pekka Malakias Junnus, keski-ikinen sepp. Lihava Sohvi. Raita, Kaisu, Kerttu, Anna, Sirkka, Laila y. m. tyttj. Siltavouti. Lautamies. Jaska }...
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Selections from Wordsworth and TennysonSelections from Wordsworth and TennysonThe poems contained in this volume are those required for Junior Matriculation, Ontario 1918. Wordsworth Michael To the Daisy To the Cuckoo Nutting Influence of Natural Objects To the Rev. Dr. Wordsworth Elegiac Stanzas "It is Not to be Thought...
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Kirottua työtä: Kuvaus Savon kansan elämästäKirottua työtä: Kuvaus Savon kansan elämästäRisto Malinen oli Malilan talon omistaja. Tm sama suku oli siin asunut useita miespolvia. Maa ei ollut mikn iso, mutta oli siin aikoinaan elnyt lukuisa joukko Malisia. Nyt ei ollut en kuin tm yksi, niit kuului kuolleen, ja toiset...
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Gwaith AlunGwaith AlunGanwyd John Blackwell (Alun) mewn bwthyn ger y Wyddgrug yn 1797. Un o Langwm oedd ei famgwraig ddarbodus a meddylgar; a dilynai ei mab hi ir seiat ar Ysgol Sul, gan hynodi ei hun fel dysgwr adnodau ac adroddwr emynau. Mwnwr call, dwys,...
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Laara: Kuvaus Savon kansan elämästäLaara: Kuvaus Savon kansan elämästäMiettivisin istuivat mkin joukot pieness tuvassaan, joka oli rakennettu kanervikko-aholle. Tuvan edustaa suojusti pystypuista ja havuista khility katos; siihen oli heitelty hujanhajan kaikenlaista arvotonta tavaraa, joka halpuutensa vuoksi silyi ovettomassakin suojassa. Tuvan toisella sivulla rhjtti kolmiseininen kommakko lehm varten, ja...
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The Journal of Sir Walter ScottThe Journal of Sir Walter Scott - From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford On the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832, his entire literary remains were placed at the disposal of his son-in-law, Mr. John Gibson Lockhart. Among these remains were two volumes...
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Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 26, September, 1880Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 26, September, 1880"And if you do get lost after that, it's no great matter," said the county clerk, folding up his map, "for then all you've got to do is to find William Townsend and inquire."...
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Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 6Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 6 - With His Letters and Journals "I must again refer you to those two letters addressed to you at Passy before I read your speech in Galignani, &c., and which you do not seem to have received.[1] [Footnote...
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Vaihdokas: Kuvaus vanhan kansan elämästäVaihdokas: Kuvaus vanhan kansan elämästäMuuan It-Suomen kauniimmista kirkonkylist on kahden ruohorantaisen jrven vliin pistvll niemell. Niemen keskitse idst lnteen tahi lnnest itn, jos niin tahdotaan kulkee kohtalaisen korkea kangasharju. Nkala harjulta on laaja ja vaihteleva. Niemen ymprill pilyvt monisaariset vedet. Sen keskipalkoilla latistuu harju...
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Une femme d'argentUne femme d'argentAprs avoir occup une des premires places la tte de la banque parisienne pendant la Restauration et sous le rgne de Louis-Philippe, la maison Charlemont avait vu son importance s'amoindrir assez vite lorsque, de la direction de Hyacinthe Charlemont, elle tait passe...
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Journal des Goncourt (Deuxième volume)Journal des Goncourt (Deuxième volume) - Mémoires de la vie littéraireNous grimpons chez notre vieille cousine Cornlie, en sa pauvre petite chambre du cinquime. Elle est oblige de nous renvoyer, tant il vient la voir de dames, de collgiens, de gens, jeunes ou vieux,...
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The Present State of Wit (1711)The Present State of Wit (1711) - In a Letter to a Friend in the CountryAbel Boyer, a Huguenot who settled in London in 1689, devoted himself to language, history, and literature. As a linguist, he tutored Allen Bathurst and the Duke of Gloucester...
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Journal des Goncourt (Premier Volume)Journal des Goncourt (Premier Volume) - Mémoires de la vie littéraireCe journal est notre confession de chaque soir: la confession de deux vies inspares dans le plaisir, le labeur, la peine, de deux penses jumelles, de deux esprits recevant du contact des hommes et...
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