Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
A History of SolitudeSolitude has always had an ambivalent status: the capacity to enjoy being alone can make sociability bearable, but those predisposed to solitude are often viewed with suspicion or pity. Drawing on a wide array of literary and historical sources, David Vincent explores how people...
- €31,20 EUR
- €31,20 EUR
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Le manuel du
 Whole-Hearted HealingCe manuel de formation en atelier contient le contenu d taill n cessaire aux profanes et aux professionnels pour ma triser pleinement la technique de r gression Whole-Hearted Healing pour gu rir les traumatismes. La compr hension et l'application de cette technique la gu...
- €40,16 EUR
- €40,16 EUR
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Relazioni: sei sicuro di volerne una? (Italian)Ti sei mai fermato a chiederti se veramente vuoi una relazione? E, se la vuoi, che cosa vorresti davvero creare?Relazioni: sei sicuro di volerne una?Questo non un tipico libro sulle relazioni. Qui non c' un "indorare la pillola", solo suggerimenti pratici e strumenti scritti...
- €38,31 EUR
- €38,31 EUR
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Lit from Within: Yoga, Teachings, and Practices to Illuminate Our Inner LivesBuild an integrated, deeply personal practice to cultivate transformation, self-trust, and awakening with insights and techniques from beloved teacher Sarah Powers. More than just physical poses on a mat, yoga can be a profound path of self-realization. Lit from Within encourages readers to pursue...
- €35,66 EUR
- €35,66 EUR
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Adult Life: Aging, Responsibility, and the Pursuit of HappinessWhat does it mean to be an adult? In this original and compelling work, John Russon answers that question by leading us through a series of rich reflections on the psychological and social dimensions of adulthood and by exploring some of the deepest ethical...
- €69,96 EUR
- €69,96 EUR
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Terapia conductual dialéctica: Una guía de DBT para controlar las emociones, la ansiedad, los cambios de humor y el trastorno límite de la personalidSi siempre ha querido comprender y gestionar sus emociones intensas y realmente quiere llegar a ser su mejor versi n, siga leyendo... Est enfermo y cansado de permitir que sus emociones regulen su vida? Ha probado un sinf n de soluciones, pero nada parece...
- €40,22 EUR
- €40,22 EUR
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Discomfortable: What Is Shame and How Can We Break Its Hold?The go-to guide to understand and unpack shame: what it is, why we feel it, and how to undo the lies it tells us about ourselves. Are you ready to get Discomfortable? This is a book about shame: what it is, why we have...
- €29,65 EUR
- €29,65 EUR
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The Quick & Easy Way to Effective SpeakingEach Step we take and Every action we do in Our Daily lives is a form of communication. What Distinguises us from the Rest of the species is that we can put a linguistic factor to our communciation. But when we are unable to...
- €30,37 EUR
- €30,37 EUR
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Manipulation and Dark Psychology: Learn to Read People Quickly, Discover Deceptions, Defend Yourself from Toxic People, Recognizing the Techniques ofIs someone close to you a manipulator, and you've been thinking of escaping their dreadful claws?And are you tired of being preyed on by emotional predators and manipulators and wish to learn the art of dark psychology and protect yourself fully?If so, then you...
- €30,16 EUR
- €30,16 EUR
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The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenological PsychopathologyThe field of phenomenological psychopathology (PP) is concerned with exploring and describing the individual experience of those suffering from mental disorders. Whilst there is often an understandable emphasis within psychiatry on diagnosis and treatment, the subjective experience of the individual is frequently overlooked. Yet...
- €138,02 EUR
- €138,02 EUR
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Lectures on Jung's TypologyTwo world-renowned psychologists, Marie-Louise von Franz and James Hillman, give detailed accounts of C.G. Jung's personality types. In her essay, "The Inferior Function," Marie-Louise von Franz shows the inferior shadow side of each of the eight kinds of typical functioning, while James Hillman differentiates...
- €40,23 EUR
- €40,23 EUR
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Psychopathology and PoliticsPsychopathology and Politics by Harold D. Lasswell is a study of personality types as they relate to politicians, business leaders, and church officials. First published in 1930, the work applies the concepts of clinical psychology to the future prediction and prevention of societal and...
- €21,43 EUR
- €21,43 EUR
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The Devil You Know: Stories of Human Cruelty and CompassionIn this "unmissable book" (The Guardian), an internationally renowned forensic psychiatrist and psychotherapist demonstrates the remarkable human capacity for radical empathy, change, and redemption. What drives someone to commit an act of terrible violence? Drawing from her thirty years of experience in providing therapy...
- €43,81 EUR
- €43,81 EUR
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Social PsychologySocial Psychology is an award-winning text that invites students to discover social psychology's relevance to their lives. Authors Thomas Heinzen and Wind Goodfriend capture student interest by weaving stories drawn from their own personal experiences with compelling examples from everyday life, all carefully placed...
- €254,80 EUR
- €254,80 EUR
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Memoria Fotográfica: Técnicas de Memoria Básicas y Avanzadas para Mejorar la Memoria - Reglas Mnemotécnicas y Estrategias para Mejorar la MUsted toma un cesto y camina por las puertas deslizantes de vidrio en la tienda de abarrotes. Ya adentro, se da cuenta que no puede recordar por qu fue a la tienda. Sabe que necesita los productos b sicos, como pan y huevos, pero...
- €25,99 EUR
- €25,99 EUR
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Understanding Eyewitness Memory: Theory and ApplicationsAn essential overview of how perception and memory affect eyewitness testimony In 1981, sixteen-year-old Michael Williams was convicted on charges of aggravated rape based on the victim's eyewitness testimony. No other evidence was found linking him to the attack. After nearly twenty-four years, Williams...
- €63,71 EUR
- €63,71 EUR
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Researching Daily Life: A Guide to Experience Sampling and Daily Diary MethodsA step-by-step guide to researching what people do in their everyday lives. This practical, beginner-friendly book teaches readers how to do daily life research, which is the study of what people do in their ordinary environments in their everyday lives. The basic approach is...
- €106,15 EUR
- €106,15 EUR
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A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of DignityChallenging widespread assumptions that persons who are preferentially attracted to minors--often referred to as "pedophiles"--are necessarily also predators and sex offenders, this book takes readers into the lives of non-offending minor-attracted persons (MAPs). There is little research into non-offending MAPs, a group whose experiences...
- €66,94 EUR
- €66,94 EUR
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Spite: The Upside of Your Dark SideSpite angers and enrages us, but it also keeps us honest. In this provocative account, a psychologist examines how petty vengeance explains human thriving. Spite seems utterly useless. You don't gain anything by hurting yourself just so you can hurt someone else. So why...
- €43,81 EUR
- €43,81 EUR
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Tea with FreudTea with Freud is an invitation to go behind the closed door of the psychotherapist's office to get an insider's look at common emotional problems and their treatment. Listen to the verbatim dialogue of actual people in therapy, and learn about an effective approach...
- €28,62 EUR
- €28,62 EUR
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