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Brother Francis Or, Less than the LeastBrother Francis; Or, Less than the LeastThe following pages have been written by my request with a view to making the Soldiers of The Salvation Army somewhat familiar with the life-story of one of the most remarkable men this world has ever seen. While...
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Clever Hans (The Horse of Mr. Von Osten)Clever Hans (The Horse of Mr. Von Osten) - A contribution to experimental animal and human psychology[By C. Stumpf] A horse that solves correctly problems in multiplication and division by means of tapping. Persons of unimpeachable honor, who in the master's absence have received...
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ConfessionesConfessionesQuum Patrum studium omni fere tempore in Ecclesia Anglicana floruerit, mirum sane accidit, non nisi unum S. Augustini opusculum[1], quod sciam, idque historici tantum argumenti, typis apud nos unquam mandatum fuisse. Auspicatius ergo a nullo alio exordium sumpturam fore Bibliothecam hanc Patrum duximus, quam...
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The New Conspiracy Against the Jesuits Detected and Briefly ExposedThe New Conspiracy Against the Jesuits Detected and Briefly Exposed - with a short account of their institute; and observations on the danger of systems of education independent of religionThe causes which occasioned the ruin of this mighty body, as well as the circumstances...
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The Wisdom of ConfuciusThe Wisdom of Confucius - with Critical and Biographical SketchesThe wisdom of Confucius as a social reformer, as a teacher and guide of the Chinese people, is shown in many ways. He not only gave them a code of personal deportment, providing them with...
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Rättigheter och Skyldigheter gentemot StatskyrkanRättigheter och Skyldigheter gentemot Statskyrkan - En hjälpreda för svenska medborgare Det r i tv hnseenden statskyrkans ansprk gentemot den enskilde gras gllande med tvng; fr det frsta tvingas han personligen att deltaga i kyrkliga handlingar och ceremonier, kyrklig religionsundervisning m.m., fr det andra...
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The Church of England cleared from the charge of SchismThe Church of England cleared from the charge of Schism - Upon Testimonies of Councils and Fathers of the first six centuriesThe writer of the following pages is more and more convinced that the whole question between the Roman Church and ourselves, as well...
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Dialogues on the Supersensual LifeDialogues on the Supersensual LifeThe Works of Jacob Behmen, the "Teutonic Theosopher," translated into English, were first printed in England in the seventeenth century, between 1644 and 1662. In the following century a complete edition in four large volumes was produced by some of...
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The Curtezan unmasked; or, The Whoredomes of Jezebel Painted to the LifeThe Curtezan unmasked; or, The Whoredomes of Jezebel Painted to the Life - With Antidotes against them, or Heavenly Julips to cool Men in the Fever of Lust.The lips of a strange woman drop as an honey-comb, and her mouth is smoother then oyl:...
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Creative Intelligence: Essays in the Pragmatic AttitudeCreative Intelligence: Essays in the Pragmatic AttitudeThe Essays which follow represent an attempt at intellectual coperation. No effort has been made, however, to attain unanimity of belief nor to proffer a platform of "planks" on which there is agreement. The consensus represented lies primarily...
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Manners and Rules of Good Society Or, Solecisms to be AvoidedManners and Rules of Good Society; Or, Solecisms to be Avoided "Manners and Rules of Good Society" contains all the information comprised in the original work, "Manners and Tone of Good Society," but with considerable additions. In a volume of this nature it is...
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The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Volume 1, August 1865The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Volume 1, August 1865The see of Dromore, though founded by St. Colman, seems for several centuries to have comprised little more than the abbey of that great saint and its immediate territory. In the synod of Rathbreasil (a. d. 1118),...
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Fraternal CharityFraternal Charity PRINTERS TO THE HOLY APOSTOLIC SEE 1908 GULIELMUS, Episcopus Arindelensis, Vicarius Generalis. THE name of Father Valuy, S.J., is already favourably known to English readers by several translations of his works, which have a large circulation. The following little treatise is taken...
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Reasonableness of Catholic Ceremonies and PracticesReasonableness of Catholic Ceremonies and Practices PRINTERS TO THE HOLY APOSTOLIC SEE PUBLISHERS OF BENZINGER'S MAGAZINE Imprimi Permittitur FR. CHRYSOSTOMUS THEOBALD, O.F.M., Minister Provincialis. Cincinnati, Ohio, die 30, Martii, 1908. THE CEREMONIES OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH I.Ceremonies Necessary to Divine Worship II.Vestments Used by...
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The Sources of Religious InsightThe Sources of Religious Insight The Problem of the Old Testament, by James Orr, D.D. (Bross Prize, 1905) net $1.50 The Bible: Its Origin and Nature, by Marcus Dods, D.D. . . net $1.00 The Bible of Nature, by J. Arthur Thomson, M.A ....
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General Catholic DevotionsGeneral Catholic Devotions TO THEE, O Lord, I raise my heart in gratitude for all Thy mercies. For truly meet and just, right and salutary is it for us to give Thee always and everywhere praise and thanks, O holy Lord, almighty Father and...
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The Essential Faith of the Universal Church Deduced from the Sacred RecordsThe Essential Faith of the Universal Church; Deduced from the Sacred RecordsIn March 1830 the Committee of the British and Foreign Unitarian Association offered 'a premium for three tracts, to be approved by them, the object of which should be the introduction and promotion...
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Mary, the Help of ChristiansMary, the Help of Christians - Novenas in Preparation for the Principal Feasts of the Blessed Virgin NO CATHOLIC denies that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only mediator through whose merits we became reconciled to God. Nevertheless, it is a doctrine of our...
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Thoughts and Counsels of the Saints for Every Day of the YearThoughts and Counsels of the Saints for Every Day of the Year THERE are two guarantees of a wise rule of conduct: the thought before action, and self-command afterward.ST. IGNATIUS. When we receive with an entire and perfect resignation the afflictions which God sends...
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