Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Book of PhilemonBook of PhilemonThe person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the country from which the...
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A Man's Value to Society: Studies in Self Culture and CharacterA Man's Value to Society: Studies in Self Culture and Character"Until we know why the rose is sweet or the dew drop pure, or the rainbow beautiful, we cannot know why the poet is the best benefactor of society. The soldier fights for his...
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Der Dichter und das PhantasierenDer Dichter und das PhantasierenUns Laien hat es immer mchtig gereizt zu wissen, woher diese merkwrdige Persnlichkeit, der Dichter, seine Stoffe nimmt etwa im Sinne der Frage, die jener Kardinal an den Ariosto richtete, und wie er es zustande bringt, uns mit ihnen so...
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On the Popular JudgmentOn the Popular Judgment - That may be Right in Theory, but does not Hold Good in the PraxisThe person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge,...
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Heart TalksHeart Talks Most of the miscellaneous writings of which this volume is composed appeared originally in serial form. The widespread interest produced by them, the hundreds of letters of appreciation, and the numerous earnest requests for their publication in permanent form have been the...
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The AntichristThe AntichristThe person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the country from which the work...
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The American Missionary — Volume 54, No. 04, October, 1900The American Missionary — Volume 54, No. 04, October, 1900The Association closed the year without debt and has a balance in the treasury of $1,601.90 for current work, not including the balance in Reserve Legacy Account for the periods when the receipts from legacies...
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AvicenneAvicenneLES MCANIQUES OU L'LVATEUR DE HRON D'ALEXANDRIE publies pour la premire fois sur la version arabe de Qost ibn Lq et traduites en franais; extrait du Journal asiatique, Paris, Leroux, 1894.--Une seconde dition de ce texte accompagne d'une traduction allemande, par le Dr L....
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Historic Ghosts and Ghost HuntersHistoric Ghosts and Ghost HuntersThe following pages represent in the main a discussion of certain celebrated mysteries, as viewed in the light of the discoveries set forth in the writer's earlier work "The Riddle of Personality." That dealt, it may briefly be recalled, with...
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Symbolic LogicSymbolic LogicThe Learner, who wishes to try the question fairly, whether this little book does, or does not, supply the materials for a most interesting mental recreation, is earnestly advised to adopt the following Rules: (1) Begin at the beginning, and do not allow...
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Vida de Takla HaymanotVida de Takla HaymanotDos successos e vicissitudes do antigo reino da Ethiopia smente se possuem noticias circumstanciadas a partir do reinado de Amda Seyon (6807-6836 M., 1315-1344 J. C.), de cujos gloriosos feitos foi conservada a narrao na obra conhecida pelo nome de Historia...
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The Acts of Uniformity: Their Scope and EffectThe Acts of Uniformity: Their Scope and EffectThe Acts of Uniformity are incidents in a great movement. They are far from being the most important of its incidents. Their importance has perhaps been exaggerated, and their purport is commonly misunderstood. My object is to...
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Religious Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth CenturyReligious Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century - The Faith of Our FathersThe settlement of Englishmen at Jamestown in 1607 was the outgrowth of a vision of transatlantic expansion which had been growing stronger steadily during the preceding generation. It was in the...
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Nicomachean Ethics, Volume 1Ηθικά Νικομάχεια, Τόμος ΠρώτοςNote: The table of contents has been inserted for the convenience of the reader. Bold characters in the book have been included in &&. One missing word has been marked by [], while 3 corrections have been included in //. Numbers...
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Religion in JapanReligion in Japan It may well be questioned whether, in the course of a like period of time, any country has ever undergone greater transitions, or made more rapid strides along the path of civilization than has Japan during the last quarter of a...
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O InfernoO InfernoNo fui ouvil-o, emfim, porque ha um sermo que eu sei de cr, e repito quando tenho sde de f, ancias{Pg. VI} de misericordia, tibiezas de esperana: o sermo da montanha, prgado aos pobres por nosso Senhor Jesus Christo. Este sermo ainda meus...
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The Words of JesusThe Words of JesusThe following minor typographic corrections have also been made: p8: al changed to all p13: sorrrow changed to sorrow p81: trom changed to from p112: Mat. changed to Matt. for consistency p122: striken changed to stricken A word spoken in season,...
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The American Missionary — Volume 54, No. 03, July, 1900The American Missionary — Volume 54, No. 03, July, 1900The receipts are $237,141.25, exclusive of Reserve Legacy Account, an increase of $24,922,63 compared with last year. There has been an increase of $15,751.36 in donations, $5,800.96 in estates, $852,26 in income and $2,518.05 in...
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The Wonders of the Invisible WorldThe Wonders of the Invisible World - Being an Account of the Tryals of Several Witches Lately Executed in New-England, to which is added A Farther Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches The two very rare works reprinted in the present volume,...
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The Mind of JesusThe Mind of JesusThe following minor typographical errors have been corrected: Title page: duplicate word of removed p9: Verse number 2. added to Mark, viii. for consistency p23: brethern changed to brethren p106: vail changed to veil p124: duplicate word one removed p126: the...
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