Public Domain
Marcel Proust, an English TributeMarcel Proust, an English TributeTHE death of Marcel Proust in Paris on November 18, 1922, and the manner in which the news of his death was, by no means numerously, reported in London, brought into question the extent of his rumoured rather than defined...
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The Langham series: an illustrated collection of art monographs, ed. by Selwyn Brinton [v.3]The Illustrators of MontmartreThere is no modern illustrator whose work has more completely won the admiration of his fellows of the brush, whatever their predilection in art, than Steinlen. Be the studio in Paris, in London, in Munich, be it even in Timbuctoo, from...
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Toisten ihmisten lapsetToisten ihmisten lapsetErn tunnetun, paljon moititun kirjan kirjottaja istui ern pivn vaimoineen aamiaispydss, ja keskustelu kntyi, kuten monta kertaa ennenkin, kahteen poikaviikariin, jotka olivat tuottaneet niin paljon huvia joutavanpivisten kertomusten ihailijoille ja koko joukon mieliharmia enollensa. Kiitos tuon naisellisen jalomielisyyden, joka vaipan tavoin peitt...
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On the Curability of Certain Forms of Insanity, Epilepsy, Catalepsy, and Hysteria in FemalesOn the Curability of Certain Forms of Insanity, Epilepsy, Catalepsy, and Hysteria in FemalesIn offering this little book to my professional brethren, I do not for one moment wish it to be understood that I claim any originality in the surgical treatment herein described....
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Madeleine: One of Love's JansenistsMadeleine: One of Love's JansenistsFictionto adapt a famous definition of lawis the meeting-point of Life and Art. Life is like a blind and limitless expanse of sky, for ever dividing into tiny drops of circumstances that rain down, thick and fast, on the just...
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PatrolPatrolThey made their camp high on the breast of the gently swelling hill. As the small planet turned toward the sunset, MacMartree stood a moment on the hillside, watching. Far out on the grass-covered plain their ship stood gleaming, a slender candle, touched by...
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"Hey Ma, Where's Willie?""Hey Ma, Where's Willie?"Just where Willie went, I ain't sure. I wonder sometimes, especially around harvest because that is about the time we found Willie was missing. I should pine after him a little. He was my son, but somehow I never took a...
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Beadle's Pocket Novels Vol. VI, No. 74Little Rifle; or, The Young Fur HuntersAlong the shores of one of the branches of the Upper Columbia, a lad was making his way with a care and stealth that showed he was on the alert for danger, let it come in whatsoever form...
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LillaLillaLilla (htradl, egy kiss elspad, egy kiss megborzong): Egy vet. Egy vet. (Elborlva nz maga el, sszeszedi magt.) s mondja, fiam, az ilyen nagy -7- betegsg termszetesen elbb testi sszeroskadssal jr; n olvastam valahol a szt hm marazmus ugy-e, fjdalmakkal? s gyors megrtulssal? Lilla...
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Highways and Byways in LincolnshireHighways and Byways in LincolnshireAll writers make use of the labours of their predecessors. This is inevitable, and a custom as old as time. As Mr. Rudyard Kipling sings: In writing this book I have made use of all the sources that I could...
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St. Nicholas Book of Plays & Operettas (Second Series)St. Nicholas Book of Plays & Operettas (Second Series)[In the bed at center the Maiden lies asleep in her little frilled night cap and gown. Her stocking is hung on the bedpost. At the left on a small table a tiny candle burns. On...
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History of the Fylde of LancashireHistory of the Fylde of LancashireA few, and only a few, words are needed to introduce the History of the Fylde to the public. In its preparation my aim has been to make the work as comprehensive in description and detail as the prescribed...
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Guide to the Bayeux tapestryGuide to the Bayeux tapestryThis Guide may be obtained directly from the Victoria & Albert Museum, price 1s. 0d. net (by post 1s. 2d. net). It may also be obtained either through any bookseller or directly from H.M. Stationery Office at the following addresses:...
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Crater Lake National Park, Oregon (1958)Crater Lake National Park, Oregon (1958)The National Park System, of which this park is a unit, is dedicated to conserving the scenic, scientific, and historic heritage of the United States for the benefit and enjoyment of its people. Here in this park you encounter...
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Medicine and the ChurchMedicine and the Church - Being a series of studies on the relationship between the practice of medicine and the church's ministry to the sickIn the course of gathering opinions from various authoritative sources on the subject dealt with in this book, I received...
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Gladstonian GhostsGladstonian GhostsIf (with your permission) I dedicate this essay in political criticism to you, it is because I know that, though you parade it less, your interest in the science of politics is fully as keen as my own. In point of fact there...
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Shaming the Speed LimitShaming the Speed LimitWhen Miss Elizabeth Wiggin settled herself comfortably in the shade of the spreading oak in Libbys pasture, she looked forward eagerly to a pleasant and quiet hour with her book, Wooed, Won, and Wedded. As may be surmised from the title...
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Columbia university studies in Romance philology and literatureTirant lo Blanch; a study of its authorship, principal sources and historical settingIn Chapter VI of the immortal work, Don Quijote de la Mancha, is given a glowing account of the burning of the books to which were ascribed the mental derangement of the...
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"Swat the Fly!": A One-Act Fantasy"Swat the Fly!": A One-Act Fantasy Copyrighted April 17, 1914, as a dramatic composition by Eleanor Gates. Copyrighted April, 1915, by The Arrow Publishing Company. All rights reserved, including that of translation into foreign languages, including the Scandinavian. This play may be publicly read...
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Antonio Bröijer: Historiallis-romantillinen kertomus vuodelta 1599Antonio Bröijer: Historiallis-romantillinen kertomus vuodelta 1599Kuudennentoista vuosisadan jlkimmiseen puoliskoon Euroopassa on katolinen reaktsiooni painanut omituisen leiman. Bartolomaeus'en yn, Maria Stuartin, Elisabetin ja voittamattoman Armadan aikakautta kuvaavat eri puolueitten ja ruhtinassukujen veriset ja leppymttmt taistelut. Eroavaiset periaatteet olivat taistelun vaikuttimena, ja uskonnolliset kysymykset muodostivat ne...
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