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Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Vol. 3 (of 3)Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Vol. 3 (of 3)TABLE, ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL, TO THE FIRST VOLUME OF LIVES OF EMINENT LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC MEN OF ITALY, SPAIN, AND PORTUGAL. TABLE, ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL, TO THE SECOND VOLUME OF LIVES...
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John, A Love Story vol. 2 of 2John, A Love Story; vol. 2 of 2There is nothing so hard in human experience as to fit in the exceptional moments of life into their place, and bring them into a certain harmony with that which surrounds them; and in youth it is...
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John, A Love Story vol. 1 of 2John, A Love Story; vol. 1 of 2I do not know how to begin this story otherwise than by a confession that I cannot describe its very first scene. It was a scene such as happens very often in romance, and which a great...
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Napoleons syskonNapoleons syskonSkildringar frn Napoleon-tiden kunna knappast gras utan att tangera Napoleons gestalt. S mycket mer r detta fallet, nr det gller hans syskon, vilkas betydelse fr historieforskningen betingas av hans egen. I freliggande essayer har jag drfr behandlat Napoleons syskon endast under den tid,...
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Variété IVariété IA Marcel Schwob Il reste dun homme ce que donnent songer son nom, et les uvres qui font de ce nom un signe dadmiration, de haine ou dindiffrence. Nous pensons quil a pens, et nous pouvons retrouver entre ses uvres cette pense qui...
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Mixed PicklesMixed PicklesOh! gasped Grandmother Capers, throwing her hands upward with a gesture of dismay; oh, what a terrible infliction! And she began rocking herself violently to and fro, and screwing her lips about in the manner which, with her, always denoted extreme perturbation. Then...
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Circular (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), 16Migration of Birds (1979)The changing picture of bird populations throughout the year intrigues those who are observant and who wish to know the source and destination of these birds. Birds are the most mobile creatures on Earth. Even man with his many vehicles of...
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The Martians and the CoysThe Martians and the CoysMaw Coy climbed the fence down at the end of the south pasture and started up the side of the creek, carrying her bundle over her shoulder and puffing slightly at her exertion. She forded the creek there at the...
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The AnswerThe AnswerThe room was dark. It was always dark, so dark he couldn't see the bed, the soft wide bed with the plum satin headpiece that was studded with cushioned buttons, and the triangle of chiffon that was draped elegantly from the ceiling. The...
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Pour l'Amour du Laurier: RomanPour l'Amour du Laurier: RomanLe roman que jai le trs grand honneur de vous prsenter ici aurait de quoi vous surprendre avant de vous charmer, si quelquun ne se hasardait pas vous lexpliquer tout dabord. En deux mots, voici comment: cest une intrigue entre...
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Hero From YesterdayHero From YesterdayDarell sighed wearily. "There is no answer to Lugert, I'm afraid. We're peaceful people; he's a throwback to a more violent age. There's no way to cope with him. Would you want to be the one to shoot him down?" "Of course!"...
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Marie-Claire: RomaaniMarie-Claire: RomaaniJourdain mainitsi minulle ern hnen teoksensa, Marie-Clairen, joka oli hnest tuntunut hyvin kauniilta. Hn pyysi minua lukemaan sen. Min pidn Jourdainin kirjallisesta mausta ja annan sille suuren arvon. Hnen henkens joustavuus, hnen tunneherkkyytens miellytt minua tavattomasti Ksikirjotuksen minulle lhettessn hn viel lissi: *...
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Lasten laulujaLasten lauluja Miksi en laulaisi. 1. Lasten virsi. 2. Kouluvirsi. 3. Rukous. 4. Isnmaa. 5. Virsi kotimaan puolesta. 6. Herra taivahan. 7. Maamme. 8. Aamulaulu. 9. Sinun maasi. 10. Maalleni. 11. Sotilaspoika. 12. Vaasan marssi. 13. Maani. 14. Hymni. 15. Ohoh kullaista kotia! 16....
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Hans of Iceland, Vol. 2 of 2 The Last Day of a CondemnedHans of Iceland, Vol. 2 of 2; The Last Day of a CondemnedIN the earlier editions of this work, published at first without the name of the author, the following lines formed the sole introduction to the subject: At the time when this book...
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Hans of Iceland, Vol. 1 of 2Hans of Iceland, Vol. 1 of 2THE author has been informed that a brief preface or introduction to this second edition of his book is absolutely essential. In vain he declared that the four or five paragraphs which escorted the first edition, and with...
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Le 18 BrumaireLe Dix-huit BrumaireDrame cent actes divers, lHistoire est la plus riche mine dvnements romanesques qui puisse tre. Par limprvu des situations, la vrit tragique des scnes, le dveloppement trange de certains faits, ou la psychologie des personnages, elle dpasse souvent ce que peut concevoir...
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Reisebilder und verschiedene SkizzenReisebilder und verschiedene SkizzenDer Rigi kann per Eisenbahn, zu Pferde oder zu Fu erstiegen werden, je nach Belieben des Reisenden. Ich und mein Freund warfen uns in Touristenanzge und fuhren an einem herrlichen Morgen per Dampfboot den See hinauf. In Wggis, einem Dorfe am...
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Sonne und SterneSonne und SterneDie Gesellschaft Kosmos bezweckt, die Kenntnis der Naturwissenschaften und damit die Freude an der Natur und das Verstndnis ihrer Erscheinungen in den weitesten Kreisen unseres Volkes zu verbreiten. Dieses Ziel sucht die Gesellschaft durch Verbreitung guter naturwissenschaftlicher Literatur zu erreichen im Es...
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Never Trust a Thief!Never Trust a Thief!Kiley took one last, fond look at the glittering heap of jewels in the back of the spaceship, nodded happily to himself, and began to set up a blastoff orbit. Somewhere down on the field far below, he could see dot-like...
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 11, Vol. I, March 15, 1884Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 11, Vol. I, March 15, 1884By firelight, the children had heard a travellers tale about the mirage of the desertthe distant vision of tufted palms and green herbage, the promise of water, and...
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