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Salon pojat: Mäenlaskumatkoista koulutielleSalon pojat: Mäenlaskumatkoista koulutielleHilppa komenteli veljin. Nm olivat nuoremmat, joten hn katsoi sanansa yltvn heidn ylitseen. Eips yltnytkn. Pojat laskettelivat pienill suksillaan minne halusivat. Ja enimmkseen juuri niihin suuntiin, minne Hilppa ei halunnut. Pyntys suosi peltomen kaakkoista kuvetta, joka ei laskeutunut nurmikolle eik jrvelle,...
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Knole and the SackvillesKnole and the SackvillesThere are two sides from which you may first profitably look at the house. One is from the park, the north side. From here the pile shows best the vastness of its size; it looks like a mediaeval village. It is...
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The Great White NorthThe Great White North - The story of polar exploration from the earliest times to the discovery of the poleThe material for this book has been gathered from the rich storehouse of Arctic Literature. The chief labour of its composition lay in elimination rather...
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Keetje TrottinKeetje TrottinMa mre mavait prise avec elle pour rapporter un col de dentelle chez une dame. Le petit garon de la dame voulait membrasser. Je refusais obstinment: javais entendu dire par des grandes quon ne pouvait pas embrasser les garons. Je poussais cela jusqu...
- €6,15 EUR
- €6,15 EUR
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A Catalogue of Books Published by Chapman & Hall, Limited, August, 1888A Catalogue of Books Published by Chapman & Hall, Limited, August, 1888THE CHRONICLES OF BOW STREET POLICE OFFICE. With an Account of the Magistrates, Runners, and Police; and a Selection of the most interesting Cases. By Percy Fitzgerald. With numerous Illustrations. 2 vols. Demy...
- €6,15 EUR
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Legendary Islands of the Atlantic: A Study of Medieval GeographyLegendary Islands of the Atlantic: A Study of Medieval GeographyWe cannot tell at what early era the men of the eastern Mediterranean first ventured through the Strait of Gibraltar out on the open ocean, nor even when they first allowed their fancies free rein...
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Kainuun mailta: Kansantietoutta Kajaanin kulmiltaKainuun mailta: Kansantietoutta Kajaanin kulmiltaKajaanin ja Oulujrven takaiset Kainuun korpiseudut, jotka maanseln vedenjakaja erottaa Valkeaan mereen kallistuvasta Vienan-Karjalasta, ovat meidn suurimpia sydnmaitamme. Tll viel rettmt metst ja selkoset ulottuvat silmn siintmttmiin ja yhtyvt kaukaiseen taivaanrantaan, ja vain pienoisina pivin ovat ihmiseljin raatamisen tulokset tss...
- €6,15 EUR
- €6,15 EUR
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Maid—To OrderMaid—To OrderThe willowy blonde behind the desk blinked blue eyes and frowned. "But Mr. Cornith," she insisted, "you fit Miss Lucy Hollowell's specifications perfectly. She even specified that the man must be very exacting, meticulous and choosy. Certainly you are being all of that...
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The BuildersThe Builders"Looks as completely dead as all the rest," he said to his companion. "New City has a big enough population anyhow, as far as I'm concerned. Not that it's important, I suppose. There's always plenty of space in which to expand, but you...
- €6,15 EUR
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With John Paul JonesWith John Paul JonesIt was about noon on a day late in September in the year 1777. A group of young men and boys were lounging upon some benches in the shade of two big buttonwoods directly across from the quaint old State House...
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Daughters of MenDaughters of MenOf your kindly interpretation of the laughter here and there in this volume, purporting to be a picture of modern Greek life, I have no doubt. You at least know that I lack neither friendship nor sympathy with your race. We like...
- €6,15 EUR
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The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, 1867The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, 1867In concluding the first volume of this Journal, the editor wishes to say a few things regarding its contents, even at the risk of repeating, in some cases, what has already been said. He hopes...
- €6,15 EUR
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KeetjeKeetjeEt je me levais de mon vieux canap, et prenais au portemanteau tout un attirail de prostitue, quune fille morte de tuberculose avait laiss chez nous. Je mettais les bottines talons dmesurs, la robe trois volants et trane, un trait de noir sous les...
- €6,15 EUR
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Ystävän kirjaYstävän kirjaI. Ensimmiset valloitukset. 1. Kummitukset. 2. Valkopukuinen nainen. 3. Min annan tmn ruusun sinulle. 4. Edvardin lapset. 5. Rypleterttu. 6. Kultasilm Marcelle. 7. Huomautus, kirjoitettu pivnkoitteessa. Joulukuun 31 p:n 188-. Miten hartaasti sit mielessni toistelenkaan ja miten vakavalta ja tyteliselt se tuntuukaan! Se...
- €6,15 EUR
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Metsästysretki: Draamallinen tuokiokuvaMetsästysretki: Draamallinen tuokiokuvaNykyaikaisen aistikkaasti sisustettu makuuhuone. Taustalla alkoovi, jossa kaksi levet ja matalaa vuodetta. Niiden edess avaralaskoksiset uutimet, jotka voi vet vuoteiden eteen. Siell tll taiteellisen muotoisia shklamppuja. Keskell huonetta tilapisesti siihen nostettu ruokapyt ja sen ymprill kaksi tuolia. Vasemmalla katsojista mukava sohva, sein-...
- €6,15 EUR
- €6,15 EUR
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Die Umsegelung Afrikas durch phönizische Schiffer ums Jahr 600 v. Chr. GebDie Umsegelung Afrikas durch phönizische Schiffer ums Jahr 600 v. Chr. Geb. Es giebt wenige Fragen in der Geschichte der Geographie, welche Gegenstand so lebhaft und so andauernd gefhrter Debatten gewesen sind, wie die nach der Wahrheit des herodoteischen Berichtes ber die Umsegelung Afrikas,...
- €6,15 EUR
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Histoire du Canal de SuezHistoire du Canal de SuezJe me suis rendu avec empressement laimable invitation de mes collgues de la Socit des gens de lettres. Dailleurs, cest toujours avec un grand plaisir que je reviens dans ce quartier des coles. Je ne puis oublier que cest lcole...
- €6,15 EUR
- €6,15 EUR
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Preliminary Report on Gowganda Mining Division District of Nipissing OntarioPreliminary Report on Gowganda Mining Division District of Nipissing OntarioThe portion of the Montreal River region with which the present report deals lies in the extreme western part of the District of Nipissing, in the neighbourhood of N. Lat. 4745, and about 85 miles...
- €6,15 EUR
- €6,15 EUR
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Report to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State For the Home Department, from the Poor Law Commissioners, on an Inquiry Into the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain With AppendicesReport to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State For the Home Department, from the Poor Law Commissioners, on an Inquiry Into the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain; With AppendicesOn the 14th May, 1838, the Poor Law Commissioners presented to Lord...
- €6,15 EUR
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Im Gold- und SilberlandIm Gold- und SilberlandIn dem vorhergehenden Bande[1] habe ich den Leser ber die Prrieen, das Felsengebirge und durch die Alkaliwste in die Hauptstadt des damals neu errichteten Territoriums Nevada, nach der Stadt Carson gefhrt. Es war eine hlzerne Stadt; ihre Einwohnerzahl betrug zweitausend. Die...
- €6,15 EUR
- €6,15 EUR
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