Public Domain
L'oeuvre du chevalier Andrea de Nerciat (1/2)L'oeuvre du chevalier Andrea de Nerciat (1/2)Le chevalier Andrea de Nerciat est un personnage presqu'encore inconnu. Ceux qui ont voulu s'occuper de sa vie ont t arrts jusqu'ici par l'absence des documents et n'ont fait en somme que reproduire l'article de Beuchot paru dans...
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Double-CrossDouble-CrossThe Officer of the Deck was pleased as he returned to the main lock. There was no reason why everything shouldn't have been functioning perfectly, of course, but he was pleased to have it confirmed, all the same. The Executive Officer was moodily smoking...
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Le crime des richesLe crime des richesLes Lpillier, roman. Paris, Giraud, 1885, in-18. Trs Russe, roman. Paris, Giraud, 1886, in-18. Dans l'Oratoire (portraits de gens de lettres). Paris, Dalou, 1888, in-18. Sonyeuse. Paris, E. Fasquelle, 1891, in-18. Sensations et Souvenirs. Paris, E. Fasquelle, 1895, in-18. Un Dmoniaque....
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Cousin MaryCousin MaryTHE Prescotts of Horton had been a powerful family in their day. Their house still was more in accordance with their past greatness than with the mediocrity of their fortune at the period of their history which has first to be indicated to...
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Blaubart und Miß IlsebillBlaubart und Miss Ilsebill Hubert Feuchtedengel, Neuromanist und die zweiundvierzigtausend Mark seiner Erbschaft verfressend, aussaufend, drauf vier Jahre verheiratet, bis ihn seine Frau verstt, weil er nur wchentlich einmal anschwimmt zum Verschnarchen, Verschnaufen und zu einem Reinigungsbad, dann Mediziner auf Pump und Stipendien sechzehn...
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Iamblichus' Life of Pythagoras, or Pythagoric LifeIamblichus' Life of Pythagoras, or Pythagoric Life - Accompanied by Fragments of the Ethical Writings of certain Pythagoreans in the Doric dialect; and a collection of Pythagoric Sentences from Stobaeus and others, which are omitted by Gale in his Opuscula Mythologica, and have not...
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The Book of the PearlThe Book of the Pearl - The history, art, science, and industry of the queen of gemsThe preparation of this book has been a joint labor during the spare moments of the two authors, whose time has been occupied with subjects to which pearls...
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The New Democracy: A handbook for Democratic speakers and workersThe New Democracy: A handbook for Democratic speakers and workersUpon the close of the 1896 national campaign, it was decided at an informal conference of several of the leaders of the Democratic party, to establish a bureau of speakers for the continuous propaganda of...
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The Brother of a HeroThe Brother of a HeroThere was a hoarse blast from the whistle and the steamer sidled in toward the wharf. Rodney Merrill, his brand new suitcase tightly clutched in his left hand and his ticket firmly held in his right, followed the dozen or...
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Oeuvres de Marcel Schwob. Volume 2 of 2, La lampe de Psyché Il libro della mia memoriaOeuvres de Marcel Schwob. Volume 2 of 2, La lampe de Psyché; Il libro della mia memoriaPROLOGVE. Le pote Herondas, qui vivait dans l'le de Cos sous le bon roi Ptolme, envoya vers moi une fluette ombre infernale qui avait aim ici-bas. Et ma...
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The Wishing CapThe Wishing CapTranscriber's Notes: Blank pages have been eliminated. Variations in spelling and hyphenation have been left as in the original. A few typographical errors have been corrected. The cover page was created by the transcriber and can be considered public domain. There lived...
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Thoughts of Saint Thérèse of the Child JesusThoughts of Saint Thérèse of the Child JesusTHE science of love! Sweet is the echo of that word to the ear of my soul. I desire no other science. Having given all my substance for it, like the spouse in the Canticles, I think...
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The Fasting CureThe Fasting CureIn the Cosmopolitan Magazine for May, 1910, and in the Contemporary Review (London) for April, 1910, I published an article dealing with my experiences in fasting. I have written a great many magazine articles, but never one which attracted so much attention...
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Familiar DialoguesFamiliar Dialogues - for the Instruction of them, that be desirous to learne to speake English, and perfectlye to pronounce the same Title: Familiar Dialogues Subtitle: for the Instruction of them, that be desirous to learne to speake English, and perfectlye to pronounce the...
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Az erkölcsi törvény alkalmazásaAz erkölcsi törvény alkalmazásaEgy j knyvet teszek a t. olvas el, mely csupa ismtlsbl ll. Igazn rks ismtls! De mentsen ki maga az erklcsi vilg trvnye, mely annyira egyszer, hogy lehetetlen a blcsszek s ms gondolkodk nehzkes, homlyos vagy az adott helyzetbl s idbl...
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The Life and Times of Queen Victoria vol. 2 of 4The Life and Times of Queen Victoria; vol. 2 of 4Mr. Roebuck and EmigrationSelf-Government and the ColoniesUnsympathetic Whig PolicyRadicals and the Colonial OfficeThe Peelites and Hudsons Bay CompanyFinancial ReformMr. Cobden at Variance with Mr. BrightCombined AgitatorsThe Demand for RetrenchmentTrade and the FlagTories and TaxesA...
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The Ring of AmethystThe Ring of Amethyst1.F.3. LIMITED RIGHT OF REPLACEMENT OR REFUND - If you discover a defect in this electronic work within 90 days of receiving it, you can receive a refund of the money (if any) you paid for it by sending a written...
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William Morris: A Critical StudyWilliam Morris: A Critical Study A few paragraphs in this book are reprinted, by permission of Messrs. George Routledge and Sons, Ltd., from introductions written for The Muses' Library; others, by permission of the Editor, from articles contributed to The Nation. My thanks are...
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I'd Like to Do It AgainI'd Like to Do It AgainAt the time of my mothers death some fifteen years ago, we found among her cherished possessions a soiled and tattered old manuscript written in a scrawling school-boy hand, and inscribed in her neat and graceful letteringOwens first play,...
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Invader From InfinityInvader From InfinityClemens spoke softly into the intra-ship phone, and Commander Jon McPartland returned momentarily to his thoughts. His square jaw was set as though cast in bronze, with hard muscles machined into its contour. Here was the enemythe unknown, the alien, who spoke...
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