Public Domain
Electra: Drama em cinco actosElectra: Drama em cinco actosEspera l. esta a primeira visita que fao aos senhores de Garcia Yuste no seu palacio novo... Deixa-me dar uma vista dolhos... Est num grande p... Bem hajam os que to bem empregam o seu dinheiro! Porque no smente o...
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Les Contemporains, oeuvres et portraits du XXe siècle. [8]Rêverie de Nouvel AnIl suffit d'ailleurs de connatre l'auteur de Chri et des Heures longues pour savoir combien cette date est inexacte.Voyez sa joue en pomme, ses yeux en myosotis, sa lvre en ptale de coquelicot... pourrais-je rpter, d'un ton peine moins vif, aprs...
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A Broken Bond Or, The Man Without MoralsA Broken Bond; Or, The Man Without MoralsNick Carter stands for an interesting detective story. The fact that the books in this line are so uniformly good is entirely due to the work of a specialist. The man who wrote these stories produced no...
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Harry Joscelyn vol. 1 of 3Harry Joscelyn; vol. 1 of 3MOTHER, I wish you would not make such a fuss. It is only Harry quarrelling with father; I am sure you ought to be used to that by this time. It is just as sure to happen when they...
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La mort de PhilæLa mort de PhilæUne nuit trop limpide, et de couleur inconnue nos climats, dans un lieu d'aspect chimrique o le mystre plane. La lune, d'un argent qui brille trop et qui blouit, claire un monde qui sans doute n'est plus le ntre, car il...
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A Lost Chapter in the History of the SteamboatA Lost Chapter in the History of the SteamboatIn the spring of 1828, my law office was in the Athenum building, so called, afterwards destroyed by fire. My business was scant, for I had but recently been admitted to the bar. I was ruminating,...
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Fratris Felicis Fabri Evagatorium in Terrae Sanctae, Arabiae et Egypti Peregrinationem. Volumen TertiumFratris Felicis Fabri Evagatorium in Terrae Sanctae, Arabiae et Egypti Peregrinationem. Volumen Tertium The 1849-edition this transcription is based on contains very many typographical errors. Before amending a word I checked whether it might not be a variant spelling. In addition, in some cases...
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Vaarin muistikirja Majala: Kaksi kertomustaVaarin muistikirja; Majala: Kaksi kertomustaTuonlainen vanha kirja se se osaa kertoa! Harvoista riveist voi sommitella kokonaisen elmn vaiheet. Vaarin muistikirjaa min pidnkin hyvin arvokkaana ja ylpeilen siit, ett olen sen muistiksi saanut. Lytyi net koko joukko tyttrenpoikia ja pojantyttri, jotka tahtoivat vallata sen. "Noita...
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La trépidationLa trépidationSelon la volont expresse de Robert de Montesquiou, son excuteur testamentaire a poursuivi la publication du livre. Si le lecteur y remarque et l quelques imperfections, elles sont dues ce que l'auteur n'a pu, selon son dsir et selon sa coutume, corriger et...
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The Spanish seriesValencia and Murcia, a glance at African SpainShut in between the barren range of the Sierra Molina on the north, and the arid plains of Murcia to the south, the ancient Kingdom of Valencia is one of the regions of Spain least visited by...
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Kansan keskeltä: Kolme kertomusta SavostaKansan keskeltä: Kolme kertomusta Savostahr, hr pani sika jyystissn lyhytt nurmea maantien ojan reunasta. hr, hr pani se aina vhn ajan pst ja ajatteli ett lyhytthn tm on, mutta suuhunpa tuosta saa se on vkevmp kuin tuolla metsss hr kun tst saisi mahaansa eip...
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Minions of the Crystal SphereMinions of the Crystal SphereLike a monster flashing jewel, Plastica hovered over Neptune. And burning at its heart like the malignant sparkle of a gem was the blazing hate of millions of slaves, ready to flare into raging battle at the ringing tocsin of...
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Historiallisia rakkauskirjeitäHistoriallisia rakkauskirjeitäKytettvn oleva aineisto on tavattoman laaja, sill monien kuuluisien henkiliden rakkauskirjeet on jlkimaailma julkaissut. Valikoiminen on ollut hyvin vaikea, ja siksi tmn kokoelman puutteellisuudet ovat huomattavan suuret. Yhden nidoksen rajoitettu ala on pakoittanut supistamaan sitkin, mik vlttmttmsti olisi kokonaisuudessaan ollut otettava. Eri aikakausien...
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The Problem of the Rupee, Its Origin and Its SolutionThe Problem of the Rupee, Its Origin and Its SolutionIn the following pages I have attempted an exposition of the events leading to the establishment of the exchange standard and an examination of its theoretical basis. In endeavouring to treat the historical side of...
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 1227Sewage and sewerage of farm homes [1928]The main purpose of home sewerage works is to get rid of sewage in such way as (1) to guard against the transmission of disease germs through drinking water, flies, or other means; (2) to avoid creating nuisance....
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Mr. Meek Plays PoloMr. Meek Plays PoloMr. Meek was having his troubles. First, the educated bugs worried him; then the welfare worker tried to stop the Ring Rats' feud by enlisting his aid. And now, he was a drafted space-polo playera fortune bet on his ability at...
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Propos de peintre, deuxième série: DatesPropos de peintre, deuxième série: Dates - Précédé d'une Réponse à la Préface de M. Marcel Proust au De David à DegasJ'ai ddi l'auteur de Swann la rimpression d'tudes et Portraits, devenus plus tard le De David Degasun titre meilleur par sa sonorit que...
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Rudimentary Treatise on the Construction of LocksRudimentary Treatise on the Construction of LocksThe reader is entitled to know the origin of the small work which he holds in his hands. In August 1852, being about to write a short article on Locks for a Cyclopdia of Useful Arts, of which...
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Records of the Kirk of ScotlandRecords of the Kirk of Scotland - containing the Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies from 1638 downwards, as authenticated by the clerks of assembly.The object of the present work is to present to the public, in a form that may be generally...
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The Spanish seriesRoyal Palaces of SpainSince despotism has been replaced by constitutional rule the divinity that doth hedge a King has shed something of its significance, but the staunchest republican will admit that there is at least a certain picturesqueness about royalty; and the interest attaching...
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